League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 145 Conditions for Immortality

The storm sword in Lu Chuan's hand was only half a centimeter away from Blood Crow's throat.

If he leaned forward even slightly, Blood Crow would have his throat cut and die.

"Brother... please let my dad go..." The little girl's voice behind him sounded again, and it seemed that she was walking towards Lu Chuan step by step.

"Wendier! Don't come here! Run!" Blood Crow saw his little daughter walking towards him behind him. He suddenly panicked and turned his head to look at Lu Chuan, "Don't do anything to my daughter, she's still It’s very small…let her go.”

Lu Chuan glanced at Blood Crow with a cold eyebrow and did not answer.

To be honest, regarding the man lying on the ground in front of him, Lu Chuan and him are almost at odds with each other. Blood Crow now only wants Lu Chuan's life, and Lu Chuan also wants to kill Blood Crow to ensure his own peace.

Even Lu Chuan couldn't say whether he would do anything threatening to him again if he was let go.

At this moment, Lu Chuan suddenly felt his trousers being pulled twice. When he looked down, he saw a little girl with a face as delicate as a porcelain doll. Her big eyes were full of tears, and she spoke with a childish voice. He softly begged, "Brother, please let my dad go...if he did something wrong, would Wen Tier apologize to you..."

"Wendir..." Blood Crow's voice was hoarse, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Because his young daughter was in Lu Chuan's hands, Blood Crow was unsure. He didn't know if Lu Chuan would kill his daughter too in order to eradicate the problem.

"The little girl's name is Wen Dier, right? How old is she this year?" Lu Chuan covered Wen Dier's head with one palm and rubbed it gently.

"Seven...seven years old..." Wen Tier replied timidly.

"You're so sensible." Lu Chuan smiled slightly.

"Um...brother, you will let my father go, right?" Wen Tier raised her head and looked directly at Lu Chuan, although there was still some flinching in her eyes.

Lu Chuan turned his head and glanced at Blood Crow again.

"If eldest brother lets my father go, as a thank you, Wen Tier can marry eldest brother when he grows up, and can help eldest brother wash clothes and cook every day..." Wen Tier said the order to herself. Words that make people laugh.

"Wen Tier is good, my eldest brother never said he wanted to kill your father. Look at you, you ran out without even wearing any shoes. There are so many gravels outside, what should you do if you scratch your feet? Go back and put on your shoes first. Are you okay?" Lu Chuan said with a chuckle.

"Then... big brother Lu Gou, I promised Wen Tier not to go back on it!" Wen Tier stretched out her little finger and lightly hooked Lu Chuan, and then turned back with satisfaction.

Perhaps in the heart of a simple little girl, as long as the oath is taken, it means that she has received God's blessing and is absolutely valid.

Looking at Wen Tier's petite back, Lu Chuan turned his face and glanced coldly at Blood Crow.

"Thank you..." Blood Crow's Adam's apple moved, and he squeezed out a thank you from between his teeth with some difficulty.

"I have no interest in killing children." Lu Chuan snorted coldly.

"If you want to kill me, I have one last request." Blood Crow said slowly as he glanced at his daughter's back with some nostalgia.


"I can't count how many people have died in my hands over the years. This day will come sooner or later. But dying in your hands is indeed something I didn't expect. If you can, I hope you can take my body." Take it away and throw it into any ditch or any hill."

"Because I don't want her to see my body when she comes back later." Blood Crow's eyes gradually softened.

As the saying goes, people who are about to die have good intentions.

"You do love your daughter very much."

"Tiger poison also doesn't eat its seeds. No one would do anything to their own children. Just do it." Blood Crow slowly closed his eyes.

"You should thank your daughter, she gave you your life." Lu Chuan suddenly took back the storm sword in his hand.

Blood Crow opened his eyes in disbelief, "I thought you would definitely kill me..."

"Don't think everyone thinks the same as you. Of course, in order to ensure that you will take revenge in the future, I have to leave a way out for myself." Lu Chuan took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and threw it to Blood Crow .

"This is?"

"You must have heard the information that I am a pharmacist, right? This is a bottle of poison, and I only have the antidote. If you do anything detrimental to me in the future, you will experience this The cruelest way to die in the world." Lu Chuan's eyes became sharp.

Blood Crow hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and unscrewed the lid, pouring all the liquid inside into his mouth, "Is this all right?"

"This is not a condition for your survival. This is just my defense against you. As for your condition for survival... Do you have an earth magic core in your hand? Hand it over."

Blood Crow took out the Sand Core from his arms very neatly.

Because even if he died, Lu Chuan could still find these things from him. In other words, this magic core was something he, as the loser, must hand over.

"What was your skill with the blood-stained wings just now?" Lu Chuan asked again.

"That's Blood Crow's Wings. It's a speed-based skill, and it also has the ability to stay in the air and weak defense capabilities." Blood Crow was stunned for a moment, but he still explained everything in detail, and at the same time, he also took out the weapon from his arms. He took out a skill book glowing with blood and placed it at Lu Chuan's feet.

He had done this to other people before, and it was nothing more than a trophy that the victor demanded from the loser.

"One last thing." Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows and looked at Blood Crow's expression, "Your Blood Crow mercenary group belongs to me from today on."

"Impossible!" Blood Crow blurted out subconsciously, and then his expression froze slightly.

The Blood Crow Mercenary Group is the hard work he has accumulated over the years. Although the Sand Core is precious and can be handed over, the Blood Crow Wings can also be handed over, but the Mercenary Group... Blood Crow values ​​​​more than his own life. are still important.

The mercenary group is the foundation for his foothold in this town. Without the mercenary group, given the people Blood Crow has offended over the years, I am afraid that he will die tragically at home the next day, and even his family, his daughter, They will all be humiliated and tortured to death.

Those guys who hang out in the small town won't talk to him about what it means to be human.

"Are you qualified to refute me?" Lu Chuan said calmly.

"If you want control of the mercenary group, then you'd better kill me, because without the mercenary group as a back-up, I'm not far from death. It's just a matter of time." Blood Crow sighed with a bitter smile. tone.

"It seems that you have done a lot of evil in recent years. There are many people who want to kill you?"

Blood Crow said nothing, seemingly acquiescing.

"But what does this have to do with me? I won't give in, because you don't deserve my sympathy at all." Lu Chuan showed a devilish smile, "There are only two choices before you."

"One, give me control of the mercenary group."

"Two, you can go die."

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