League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 148 Goodbye, Xiao Huangmao

"Whoa!" After a flash of white light, Lu Chuan's figure appeared in the small bead.

Lu Chuan was shaken up by the strong spiritual power that hit him.

"No matter how many times you come in, there is always a reassuring feeling here." Lu Chuan glanced at the Hero Soul system.

Generally speaking, there are not many subtle changes, and even if there are, Lu Chuan may not notice them so easily.

After all, when Janna was alone, Lu Chuan could clearly understand her numerical changes. However, after the Hero Soul System was activated for ten or twenty heroes, it was actually a bit difficult to remember the numerical changes of each hero.

However, it is worth mentioning that the favorability of Sivir, who was newly added to the list, actually reached 20.

Although this value is not high, Lu Chuan originally thought it would be a negative number.

After all, he did something like that to a woman. In the end, she seemed to want revenge, but due to some accident, she buried her face in her crotch.

For a woman, is there anything more humiliating than this?

So even if her favorability level becomes negative, Lu Chuan will not be surprised, but the sudden display of 20 points of favorability now makes Lu Chuan even more surprised.

There were no changes in other aspects, and Lu Chuan did not intend to find out in the equipment area and skill area.

At present, his strength has not been improved, and it is impossible to unlock some new equipment and new skills.

We followed the road all the way to the newly developed area, the Magic Core Area.

This is the name Lu Chuan decided on himself, because there are many stone pillars made of jade placed here, and there is a small groove on them, which is specially used to place attribute magic cores.

The magic core area was only opened after Lu Chuan obtained the first attribute magic core, the red flame core. After placing the red flame core on the stone pillar inside the small bead, Lu Chuan could carry it with him as if he were wearing it. Use the fire power within it.

This kind of power not only allows one to have fire-attribute abilities, but can also increase the power of fire-attribute skills to a higher level.

"I don't know what it needs these magic cores for." Lu Chuan muttered softly. He now regarded the small bead as a spiritual creature, even though it looked like a glowing bead.

He took out the sand core from his arms and stopped in front of a stone pillar with a rock-like painting on the wall. Lu Chuan gently placed the sand core on it.

"Buzz!!" Suddenly a gust of wind swept across, making Lu Chuan's clothes and hair dance in a messy manner. Then powerful and rich spiritual power swarmed over like a tide.

Although mental power is invisible and intangible, where Lu Chuan is standing now, his mental power is obviously many times stronger than before. It must be that the mental power is commanded by the little beads themselves and swarmed up.

As the spiritual power gradually became stronger, in addition to the fierce wind, there was also a low roar of beasts from time to time from the core of sand.

"Didn't the Blood Crow completely erase the soul consciousness of the Sand Core?" Lu Chuan thought secretly in his heart when he heard the roar of the beasts.

The magic core possesses the soul consciousness of the monster itself, and it can only be used by humans if the soul consciousness is washed away.

However, there are also cases where some inexperienced warriors did not completely cleanse their soul consciousness after obtaining the magic core.

In this situation where a small amount of soul consciousness remains, it can still be used, but the power will not be fully emitted due to limitations.

Moreover, there is a certain danger, and the situation where the soul consciousness devours the master will also happen.

After waiting in front of the stone pillar for a while, the spiritual power in the bead slowly became much weaker, and the sand core placed on the stone pillar also emitted a faint fluorescence.

Above it, there is a scattered trace of sand-like particles floating, which is the same as the red flame core with tongues of fire emanating slightly around it.

"Has it been completely washed?" Lu Chuan thought as he gently covered the sand core with his palm.

The moment his hand covered it, a powerful pressure surged into his heart. The pressure made Lu Chuan groan unconsciously. His chest felt as if he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. He was dizzy and almost stood up. Can't stand still.

Lu Chuan hurriedly let go of the Sand Core, and then he felt a little better, but a strong sense of surprise also rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Level 4... magic core?"

The simple-looking dust core in front of him turned out to be a level 4 magic core.

The fourth-level magic core is the best magic core that can only be bred by platinum-level magic beasts. Moreover, it is an attribute magic core and has the power of sand, which makes it even more rare.

It was just that Lu Chuan could feel a power from the desert that could drain all life away just by covering it with his palm.

There is a huge disparity between the two. Lu Chuan is only at the silver level, while Demon Core is at the platinum level.

If the owner of the magic core, the earth type monster, was here, even if he had only a little consciousness, he could slap Lu Chuan to death.

This magic core may not even be realized by Blood Crow itself that it belongs to the fourth level magic core.

"You really found a treasure." Lu Chuan couldn't help but clicked his tongue. When he decided to assassinate Blood Crow, he really didn't expect that he had such a top-notch magic core. If it weren't for Xiao Zhuzi's magic core that could devour If he had enough power, Lu Chuan would probably be consumed to death by him in the end.

But now that his soul consciousness has been completely purged, it now means that Lu Chuan has earth attribute abilities.

"In that case, try this move." Lu Chuan turned his hand and drew out the Storm Sword, and an earthy-yellow luster slowly climbed up the hilt.

At the same time, Lu Chuan reached out and extracted a small part of the power from the sand core.

He is still unable to control the full power of the Sand Core, but it is not a problem to borrow a small part.

"Buzz buzz buzz." A slender stream of light emerged from the core of sand and dust, and then penetrated the hilt of the Storm Sword, and the Storm Sword began to tremble violently.

This is caused by carrying too much energy.

"Breaking Sword!" The next moment, Lu Chuan slashed down the Storm Sword fiercely, and an earth dragon roared out from the hilt of the sword. Even in the space formed by the spiritual power, the earth dragon exuded a huge energy. The destructive power, at that moment, wherever the earth dragon touched, squeezed the spiritual energy to both sides.

An earth-colored road was opened.

Because it is a space formed by mental power, it cannot be destroyed. At most, it will only disperse the condensed mental power. However, Lu Chuan believes that if it reaches the outside world, the power of this move may be comparable to the double sword intention. The combined power is even greater.

And if you add the power of red flames and the power of sand and dust on top of the triple sword intent, the destructive power must be terrifying.

"The attribute magic core is really a good thing, especially the magic core of high-level monsters." Lu Chuan took back the storm sword, sighed slightly, glanced around, and after confirming that there was nothing forgotten, he withdrew and left the small room. The space inside the bead.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Ezreal sitting on a stone bench nearby, looking at him thoughtfully.

"What? Aren't you going to sleep?" Lu Chuan calmly put the beads away and secretly thought he was careless.

Because Ezreal gave him the impression that he was sleeping soundly all day long and had a very weak sense of existence, so when he took out the beads, Lu Chuan naturally ignored this.

As a result, after coming out of the bead, he found that he had woken up, which meant that he had also seen the existence of the bead.

"Well, I took a nap and I don't feel so sleepy anymore." Fortunately, Ezreal didn't seem to be too interested in his little bead. He just said hello lightly and took off his arms again. He took out a blueprint and started playing with it carefully.

Lu Chuan glanced at it with his peripheral vision and found that it was just a map of Valoran. It was not as detailed as the one he had. Although he didn't know why he wanted to look at the map, since it was someone else's hobby, Lu Chuan didn't have much to do. What to ask.

Everyone has their own privacy that is unknown to others.

Afterwards, neither Ezreal nor Lu Chuan spoke, and the two girls went out shopping again. No one came to liven up the atmosphere, which made it a bit awkward.

In the end, it was Ezreal who broke the silence first and said, "That's right."

"Huh?" Lu Chuan glanced at Ezreal.

"Thank you for taking care of you these days, but I have found a new goal, and I may have to say goodbye to you for a while." Ezreal stood up from the stone bench, put the map away, and said seriously He bowed to Lu Chuan to express his gratitude.

"Are you leaving now?" Lu Chuan was slightly stunned. This guy was really confused about what to do.

"Well, in terms of time, it's almost time, so let's say goodbye for now." He still said something that Lu Chuan couldn't understand.

When is it almost time? Lu Chuan thought this in his heart.

"Why don't we wait for the two of them to come back, and we go to the street to have a meal before leaving? After all, I haven't taken much care of you these days. The living environment and the food are not ideal, but I have treated you a little bit." Lu Chuan Kindly invited.

"No, I appreciate Mr. Lu Chuan's kindness. I should be the one to say it if you're sorry. I eat and drink here every day, and then sleep with my head in my arms. I don't contribute at all. Haha, here you go. You're causing trouble... Then I'll leave first. We'll meet again when we have the chance." Ezreal scratched his blond hair, smiled shyly, and left alone without waiting for Lu Chuan to stay. cellar.

"This guy..." Looking at his disappearing back, Lu Chuan shook his head helplessly.

Because he didn't have deep contact with him, he didn't know anything about Ezreal, and he was even more confused about his inexplicable behavior.

But if he wants to leave, he still has to send blessings.

"Bon voyage, little Huangmao." Lu Chuan finally waved his hand and shouted.

Ezreal's footsteps paused at the cellar door, and then he quickly left and disappeared, leaving only a sentence scattered in the wind, "Next time we meet again, I hope you can still treat me like this."

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