League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 210 The battle between women

"Go back to Princess, the guests you invited have already arrived at the house." About half an hour later, the maid came forward to report.

Demi slapped her hand on the armrest of the stool, "Coming?!...Ahem, are you coming?"

Too excited at first, Demi coughed lightly after she came to her senses, and nodded pretending to be indifferent, "Well, let them in."


"It's true, Lu Chuan, you didn't wait for us." Ah Li complained as he stood at the door of the princess mansion.

"I'm afraid you'll pinch me too much later, and each of you will slap me." Lu Chuan stared at the door expressionlessly.

There had been more than one fight like this. Lu Chuan vaguely remembered one time a few days ago. Ahri and Janna started fighting after an argument. Then Lu Chuan quickly went to break up the fight, but two girls missed him and one of them kicked him. One kick, the other punched him.

From then on, Lu Chuan stayed away every time he saw Ahri and Janna fighting. Anyway, the two girls had a sense of proportion and would not really do anything bad. They would just fight and have fun. Can't hurt the fur.

All in all, Lu Chuan summed up one sentence: Cherish life and stay away from Ali Jana.

At this time, the maid came out of the door and invited Lu Chuan and his party to enter the house.

The princess's residence was obviously very elegant, and all kinds of decorations were also very high-end. Demi was already waiting at the door of her palace from a distance.

Today, Demi seemed to have specially dressed up, wearing a relatively exquisite and delicate royal robe. The robe was engraved with a beautiful yet majestic fire phoenix. It was obviously just sewn with needlework, but it soared like life.

The long, silky hair that was originally draped over her shoulders was now tied up high and fixed behind her head with a jade hairpin, exposing her white and tender neck.

There seemed to be some rouge and pink on her face, and her little face was rosy, but it was still delicate and cute.

"No, this guy is cheating!" Ahri muttered, pulling on Janna's sleeve.

"It feels like there's some premeditation involved." Janna also lightly agreed.

"Hey, let's make peace for now, shall we?"


"I'll keep an eye on Lu Chuan later, and you keep an eye on the princess. Don't let them make small moves in private."

"make a deal."

The two girls, who were fighting to the death a moment ago, now directly became comrades in the trenches. Their two thin white hands gently held each other and smiled at each other.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Chuan only heard someone muttering behind him, but couldn't quite hear what they were saying. When he turned around, he saw two girls looking up at the sky with a look of 'I don't know.' appearance.

At this time, Demi had already walked out of the palace. Perhaps because she was happy in her heart, she walked faster. As a result, before she could reach Lu Chuan, she stepped on the long royal robe and walked toward Lu Chuan. Falling to the ground.

"It appeared! It fell to the ground!" Ah Li's eyes widened in surprise.

"Now is not the time to be surprised by this..." Janna pursed her lips speechlessly, then stretched out her finger and pointed forward, "Look..."

Lu Chuan subconsciously stepped forward and held Demi's shoulders. Demi raised her head and smiled cutely at Lu Chuan, "Thank you."

"Pah!" Ah Li slapped her head, "Damn it, I forgot such a move and actually used such a dirty little trick, but I couldn't stop it... This princess is really a scheming bitch!"

"What watch?"

"Scheming bitch."

"What do you mean?" Janna looked confused.

"Well... Lu Chuan explained before that it is a very scheming watch, but having said that, I have never seen a watch before. Rumor has it that it is a high-tech product that only exists in Pilvoort."

"Why do you feel like you were deceived by him..." Janna continued to purse her lips speechlessly.

"Are you okay?" Lu Chuan just asked habitually instead of the two girls chattering behind him.

"There's... something's wrong." Demi said with a choked voice.

"Uh..." Lu Chuan didn't really believe it anyway, but out of etiquette, other girls had said this, so he had to reply with something like, 'Where is the injury?'

"Where's the injury?"

"My foot! I twisted my foot!" Demi said excitedly.

"But why..."


"You would be so happy..." Lu Chuan looked at Demi, who was looking excited, with a dark expression on his face.

"Ah..." Demi looked embarrassed, quickly came to her senses, tapped her head lightly with her fist, stuck out her tongue and said, "I'm such a daredevil."

"Ah!!!!" Ahri roared in his heart, "Jana, don't stop me, I swear I will chop her to death!!"

"Go." Janna nodded calmly, and then said, "Don't hold me back."

"What an ignorant woman." Ah Li curled her lips and turned her gaze back to Lu Chuan and Demi.


"What should I do? I twisted my foot, wuwuwu..." Demi squeezed her eyes at every opportunity.

You look like you're begging for comfort, it's because you twisted your leg! This was the voice from Lu Chuan's heart. Of course, he couldn't say this.

Girls have a good reputation, and exposing her obviously unworthy tricks at this time would obviously make her lose face. In order to cooperate, Lu Chuan could only reply expressionlessly, "How about..."

"Yes! You carry me on your back! Well... you can also hug me!"

"Well, I just wanted to say, should you call the maid to help you back." Lu Chuan touched his cheek.

"The maids... they are quite busy... so they can't leave..." Demi hesitated.

What's going on with those maids behind you who have expressions like 'Do you want me to come up and help you, Your Highness the Princess?'! Lu Chuan almost went crazy.

"How about... you carry me." Demi put on a pleading expression, even squeezed out a few tears, and looked at Lu Chuan longingly.

"Uh!" Lu Chuan felt two powerful gazes coming from behind, making him sweat profusely and move with difficulty.

What is going on with this suffocating feeling... This will not happen no matter how powerful the enemy is...

"Can't...?" Demi's eyes were filled with tears, looking pitiful, "My feet hurt so much."

My heart hurts too, sister, Lu Chuan cried in his heart.

"Uh... okay." In the end, Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and endured it for the sake of Her Highness the Princess's face.

After all, this place is her territory no matter what, Lu Chuan will always remember one sentence.

I would rather offend a villain than a woman.

What if she is angered and she puts medicine in the food or something?

After hearing Lu Chuan's agreement, Demi happily stretched out her hands and assumed a posture waiting to be hugged. At the same time, from an angle that Lu Chuan couldn't see, Demi made a V sign to Janna and Ahri behind him. gesture, with a sinister smile after success hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"This guy, does he really think that just because he is a princess, he is great..." Veins appeared on Ahri's forehead, and he gritted his teeth.

Just when Lu Chuan was about to reach out and pick up Demi, a cold shout suddenly came from behind him.

"Wait a moment."

As a real girlfriend, even if I want to marry a wife in the future, I will still marry her. Even if I have a baby in the future, I will call her mom. If the baby has a baby, I will still call her grandma. Jana classmate said she was not happy.

"Lu Chuan is not feeling well today. If you sprain your foot, I will carry you." Janna said calmly and looked at Demi who was completely dumbfounded.

"Well...I, my feet seem to be healed again and I can walk on my own..."

Lu Chuan: "..."

Ahri: "..."

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