The entrance of a high-end building that is decorated very uniquely and meticulously without losing its majesty.

"Sir... do you really want to go in?" Looking at the two women with heavy makeup standing at the door, Peggy frowned.

Lu Chuan shook the paper in his hand, looked at the door again, nodded and said, "Well, judging from the information given by the land snake yesterday, this is the biggest place for romance in Noxus."

"Why can a country like Noxus put such unspeakable things on the table with such high-sounding dignity?" Peggy sniffed incomprehensibly.

"This country doesn't even oppose violence, it even advocates violence. What do you think are the derivatives of violence?"

"Crazy and ****." Xiao Nizi saw this quite clearly.

"Then it's over. Do you think it's unrealistic for a country that advocates all people to speak with their fists to be restrained and hidden in erotic matters?" Lu Chuan explained.

"Okay, okay, I find that adults always have a lot of fallacies, but I can't refute them." Peggy waved her hands helplessly. After spending a few days with Lu Chuan, she was completely gone. The earliest respect.

In other words, he hid his respectful attitude in his heart, became more relaxed in his language, and could even complain about Lu Chuan from time to time.

However, this situation is what Lu Chuan hopes to see the most. He doesn't quite understand how it would be for those big shots to be followed by a timid and flattering person.

"Come on, let's go in."

"But I agreed in advance that I won't do dirty things." Peggy warned again worriedly.

"Okay, I got it." Lu Chuan sighed.

Why does every girl always want to be a mother?


When you first entered the store, you could feel the strong atmosphere inside.

This place is more chaotic than the tavern, with all kinds of people gathered.

Soon, a sweet-looking woman in scantily clad clothes came up to her. The two bulges on her chest almost broke free and bounced out. Peggy looked aside, feeling ashamed and embarrassed, and could only turn her attention to other people. place to go.

Although compared to her figure, Peggy is not inferior to the reception girl, but Peggy is not that open-minded in her heart. She has never dared to think about wearing such revealing clothes and wandering around in a place with so many people. things.

"Sir, please come inside, is it the inner room or the outer room?" The reception girl smiled very ambiguously, and her eyes full of water seemed to indicate to Lu Chuan that as long as she was willing to spend some money, she could sleep with him.

However, after seeing Peggy following Lu Chuan, her smile softened slightly, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Is this man sick...bringing his chick to visit the brothel?

"What is the inner space? What is the outer space?" Lu Chuan said he didn't understand the jargon here.

"Hey, is this your first time here?" The reception girl glanced at Peggy again. Lu Chuan seemed to know what she was thinking, and explained in a low voice, "Don't get me wrong, she doesn't have that kind of relationship with me. , she is gay, you know."

"Oh! I understand, I understand!" The greeting girl's smile became wild again, and there was an ambiguous look in her eyes when she looked at Peggy. She looked like "as long as you give money, both men and women will do it", which made her very admirable. Ji had goosebumps all over his body.

"Sir...did you just say something unkind to me?" Peggy asked quietly, standing next to Lu Chuan.

"No, she praised you for being beautiful, and I said yes." Lu Chuan replied casually.

After all, if you want to really learn some news, you must first exclude Peggy's identity, otherwise it will be difficult to enter the core place.

"Oh." Zhuo Zhi knew that Lu Chuan was telling lies. Now Peggy couldn't refute anything, so she could only respond obediently.

Well, this apprentice is quite good.

Lu Chuan looked at the welcoming woman again, "Yes, this is my first time here. Can you introduce the program here?"

The reception girl smiled even more wildly, "Sir, you are still asking questions knowingly. Since you have come to a place like this, why should I tell you what kind of programs there are? The outer room is on this floor. Sir, you can listen to music and watch the girls here. Dance, if you like anyone, you can discuss the price with the girls in private."

"What about the inner room?" Lu Chuan nodded slightly. He understood the outer room somewhat.

It's basically a public occasion. Even in Noxus, the surface of this kind of erotic occasion is still a little restrained. It's just a drink, listen to a little song, and watch the dancers dance. I fell in love with it. Which also requires private contact for transactions.

"As for the inner room, there will be dedicated girls to serve you. The styles are comprehensive and there are many types. However, the price in the inner room is relatively higher. Of course, you don't have to worry about the quality of the girls. They all have to be presentable. You must have a good figure and good skills. It will definitely be an unforgettable experience for your husband." The receptionist said with a smile.

Peggy on the side was blushing when she heard this. She knew what kind of technology the receptionist was referring to. The matter of men and women was brought out in such an explicit way, which made her unable to accept it for a while. She could only blush. He blushed and followed Lu Chuan with his head lowered without saying a word.

"I heard that you have a large-scale performance event in your house?" Lu Chuan asked again.

"Oh, sir, you even know this."

"That's right, that's what I came for." As he spoke, Lu Chuan took out a small bag of gold coins from his pocket and threw it to the reception girl, "Lead the way."

"Okay, okay, sir, you are really rich. From the moment you walked in, I think you are an extraordinary person. If you are a gentleman, I can introduce our signature girl to you... That girl there is really wonderful. Say it." The reception girl weighed the bag in her hands, and when she felt that there were more than ten gold coins, she smiled happily.

The master who can throw out more than a dozen gold coins at will must be a big boss. Even if he calls out the signature girl to serve him, it is worth it.

The reception girl walked in front, twisting her waist like a water snake, and greeted many regular customers along the way. But Peggy was muttering quietly next to Lu Chuan.

"Sir, you said it yourself just now, you can't mess around, you can't do dirty things, the signature girl and so on... very tight and so on... It's so vulgar just thinking about it, sir, you must not be like this The person is right, right?"

The child-like tone made Lu Chuan dumbfounded, "So you have been nervous about something since just now."

"Hey, why are you so nervous? I'm just reminding you not to be blinded by women."

"How is it possible? We spent the night in the room and I didn't touch you. Am I the kind of lecherous person?" Lu Chuan explained casually, but in Peggy's ears, it sounded pleasant.

It's like saying, I have resisted touching such a beautiful woman, but would I touch other dirty and bad women?

Of course, if Lu Chuan knew about this idea, he wouldn't know how to smile bitterly.

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