League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 222 Shadow of the Blade

Morrison, who was already nervous, almost had a nervous breakdown after seeing another person in the room.

what is happening? Do you already have so many enemies?

Compared with Morrison's distraught state, Lu Chuan looked at the slowly emerging figure.

Wearing a set of silver armor and a light blue cloak, the tail of the cloak is divided into many channels like a peacock spreading its tail, and a sharp blade hangs upside down from the tip of each tail. And on the lowered brim of the hat, there is a dark blue gemstone inlaid.

What emerged from the shadows under the brim of the hat were a pair of cold and extremely cruel eyes, the pupils reflecting an unusually cold light.

Look at everything as if you were looking at a dead body.

Shadow of the Blade - Talon!

Lu Chuan recognized this person at a glance.

When he didn't give him too much nonsense, Tai Long took the lead and appeared behind Lu Chuan in an instant, stabbing Lu Chuan in the neck with the cold blade in his hand.

"Crack!" A sound like glass breaking sounded in the room, and an invisible barrier in front of Lu Chuan was broken.

The barrier of arrogance was broken by Tai Lung with just one blow.

"Response very quickly." Tai Long swiped and appeared in front of Lu Chuan again. His movements were strange and flexible, like a poisonous snake, always able to make the next move based on the reactions of others.

If it was just a matter of speed, Lu Chuan would never be able to match him. As an assassin, speed is something they are proud of.

"I'm not in the mood to fight with you. If you are willing to hand over the person behind you, I can let you live a little longer." Tailong's sharp blade pointed at Morrison behind Lu Chuan. His goal was obvious. Morrison is here.

He just didn't expect that someone would suddenly jump out to stop him at this time.

"If I will hand him over, why bother to stop you?" Lu Chuan gently brushed the hilt of the blood-drinking sword with one hand.

A streak of blood seeped out from his fingertips and stained the blood-drinking sword.

The blood-devouring blood-drinking sword burst out with a burst of red light at this moment, and the sword trembled violently.

"I just thought you would waste my time, but I hope you understand that I'm not afraid of you." A sharp light flashed in Tailong's eyes, and then he reached for his waist.

"Whoa!" He revealed several daggers at the same time, and then suddenly threw them towards Lu Chuan.

As the dagger flew, it split into two, and then split into four.

Soon, the entire room was filled with only the shadow of the dagger, which was spinning rapidly. Any object in the room that was hit by the rotating dagger would be cut into powder, even on the walls. Deep marks were made on them all, and the dust on the walls kept falling.

The whole room became unrecognizable in just an instant.

"This..." Morrison had never seen such a scene before. His legs were so frightened that he could hardly stand up.

"Stand behind me." Lu Chuan stepped back step by step, without stopping in his hands, and kept rebounding the oncoming daggers. At the same time, his left hand quickly formed seals, and the four attributes of fire, thunder, earth, and water danced on his fingertips.

Then he suddenly clenched his fist, and the four elements merged together. As he spread his palms, he opened a shield and blocked Morrison. Just after that, a dagger came towards him, fiercely It hit the shield. After the shield shook for a moment, the dagger turned into a phantom and disappeared.

"Thank you... thank you..." Morrison squeezed out a thank you from his throat with some difficulty. He deeply understood that if Lu Chuan hadn't resisted in front of him, he would have become a corpse by now.

"It's too early to say thank you. I want to repay you. The interest will be recovered together with the interest." Lu Chuan curled his lips and slashed horizontally with the blood-drinking sword in his hand that was trembling and almost uncontrollable.

"Fire intention!"

"Buzz!" A flame swept out and turned into a fire dragon hovering in the air, blocking all the incoming daggers.

"Come together!" Seeing that the situation was not going well, Tailong slapped his palms together heavily. At this moment, the phantom daggers all merged into a half-meter-long dagger, and its blade was as sharp as It can cut through the air.

The large dagger shot out from the air and instantly cut the fire dragon in half.

"Water spirit!"

The moment the flame dissipated, a drop of water slowly dripped on the dagger. It was obviously just a drop of water, but it seemed to contain the power of Mount Tai, causing the dagger to fall directly.

Then the water droplets spread outwards continuously, turning into a large ball of water in an instant, surrounding the dagger.

The dagger was immersed in water and lost its original power.

Tailong's pupils shrank, and he raised his palm to apply another force, but Lu Chuan took advantage of the victory and pursued it. A force that contained the sky quietly spread in the room, and the blood in Tailong's body seemed to have condensed.

At this time, Tai Long found that a thick layer of soil had condensed under his feet, firmly fixing his legs.

"Fire bombardment!!" Lu Chuan raised his palm, and a pillar of fire shot out, hitting Tai Long hard. At the same time, the earth elements under his feet were sent away by him. Tai Long was pressed by the pillar of fire and flew backwards. go out.


Richie is a small-time waiter at Noxus' largest philandering establishment.

She is a waiter on the dark third floor who serves tea, water and some perverted props to perverted guests. Although the job is not heavy, the pay is very high.

This can also be regarded as another kind of hush money. After all, nothing here can be exposed, so his family is also used as a threat. As long as he does not tell it, then he and his family can Stay safe and get paid well at the same time.

But if a little bit of news leaks out, the consequences are foreseeable.

Although the work is easy and simple, the torture and suffering in his heart are not small. When he first took up this job, it was because his mother was seriously ill at home. When he was in urgent need of money, he vaguely heard this from a friend. It was a good thing, so he chose to work here without hesitation.

I still remember the first time he took care of the corpses of women who had been toyed with or even killed by customers. He vomited all night long, and by the next day all he vomited was stomach water.

But once he stepped in, after seeing so many shady things, it was impossible for him to escape, so he could only work harder here.

For Rich, today was just a normal day in the past. But just now, he seemed to hear a moving sound coming from a guest's room.

Generally speaking, you will always hear small noises. After all, those who come here to have fun are a group of Noxus high-level people. People who believe in violence have different methods of doing things than ordinary people.

But today's movement was extra loud, as if it was so intense that even the walls...

No, even the entire floor seemed to be in turmoil.

Richie turned back and came to the door of Room III. Just as he was about to listen to what was going on inside, he saw a flame bursting out of the door. He was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

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