League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 227 Chapter 296: Past (Part 2)




A small blade with an old copper luster was constantly being polished on the stone. Especially in the middle of the night, it made a particularly creepy sound.

The moon hanging in the sky also looked a bit chilly, and a black cat shadow flashed in this dilapidated alley.

"Huh." Tai Lung breathed a sigh of relief, and raised the slightly smooth blade in his hand under the moonlight. Looking at the sharp light emanating from it, he revealed a hint of something very unusual for his age group. A cruel smile that doesn’t match.

"You live under the knife, you die under the knife, isn't it good?" He stored the blade close to his body, found a small crack under the wall, and got in.

Since his parents died, the place where he lives has been occupied by those who look older. They claim that children without parents are not worthy of occupying such a large area of ​​territory.

So for Tai Lung, the world is big and he can settle down anywhere.

Perhaps because he had a sharp weapon by his side, he slept particularly peacefully and sweetly that night.


"A useless waste like you will only waste food, won't it?"

Insult, another insult.

"Why don't you die with your parents? You are not even qualified to stay in the slums, get out! Don't let me see you again, otherwise I swear I will knock out all your teeth!"

Ridicule, countless ridicules.

"You are a demon sent by Satan. Born in this barren land, you will only bring disaster to us!"

A room full of people stared at a little boy with a skinny face, seeming to be discussing his whereabouts.

The barren conditions in the slums are getting worse and worse, and there is no room for giving him any more free food. Even the food taken out of the trash can is not something Tai Lung can enjoy.

Even his whereabouts became a symbol of obstruction in the eyes of others.

In fact, after the first person used him as a punching bag, more and more insults and punches followed.

Tai Lung gritted his teeth and silently endured those angry, unprovoked punches and kicks, as well as the most brutal curses in the world.

not enough……

It's not enough...

Because of the knife...

It's not sharp enough!

If you can't easily slit their throats and look at their twisted and panic-struggled faces...

That’s not called revenge at all!

The young Tyrone erected a small triangular house on the edge of the collapsing wall with tattered wooden boards, and engraved the names of those who deserved to die on the wall.


Another night.

Tai Lung couldn't remember how many days he hadn't eaten. He was so thin that he didn't even have the strength to stand up straight.

Somewhat weakly, he stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips. He looked at the moon in the sky through the cracks in the wood.

No matter how things in the world change, it is always at ease.


Can you still see this crescent moon?

Maybe die?

I feel like I no longer have any strength left.

"You look hungry, don't you? There is a small piece of cake here. I stole it from the cake shop on West Street. Do you want to enjoy it together?" At this time, a timid and childish voice sounded.

Tai Lung looked outside the cabin with eyes that were almost unable to open. There stood an equally skinny girl, about the same age as him, but a little vitality could be seen in her big eyes.

"Hello, my name is Daphne." The girl seemed to be bolder, and walked forward gently, placing the delicious and soft cake in his palm.

"You..." Tai Lung's voice was hoarse and cracked. He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had spoken. Perhaps it had been since the day his parents died, when he watched others dragging away his parents' bodies expressionlessly. , he said nothing.

"Don't worry. I had a meal this morning, but you look very hungry."

Tai Lung didn't speak anymore, but started to devour the piece of cake.

The girl held her cheek with her palms and stared at him with a smile.

Tai Lung swore that this girl was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

After devouring the cake, Tyrone felt better, and Daphne pushed a small pitcher she carried with her in front of Tyrone.

"You... why are you so nice to me..." Tai Lung looked at the girl blankly.

"Because, I feel that you are very pitiful. We are all the same people and should not be treated like this." The girl blinked her eyes twice and then said, "Because my parents... also died in that plague."

At this moment, Tai Long felt that any murderous intention he had had was gone. He no longer wanted to kill anyone, and he no longer wanted to pay attention to those vicious curses.

He wanted to marry her and make her his wife when he was older and older.

The whole heart is filled with such thoughts.

"Can I marry you?" Tai Lung asked with his innocent age and innocent words, even if we only knew him for less than a few minutes.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then said shyly, "But... it's okay..."

"I'm going to work tomorrow. I'm going to see if there are still any small jobs in the lumber mills. I will work hard to make money! I will definitely marry you when I grow up!" Tai Lung raised his delicate arms.

The girl smiled and nodded.


When a person has goals and motivation, any difficulties he encounters are no longer difficulties.

But a joyful chapter that pushes him forward.

At dawn, Tai Lung walked out of the alleys of the slums. He was going to the lumberyards in the more remote suburbs. He had heard someone mention it before, and there was good work to be done there, although it was more difficult.

It was past noon, and young Tai Lung finally jumped out of a grocery carriage, escaping the scolding of the carriage owner, and slipped into a lumber mill.

After kneeling down and begging for a long time, an old factory director with a white beard there finally agreed to take him in as a laborer.

Although Tyrone is only eight years old and has no strength at all.

But he is still working very hard. He is obviously only eight years old, younger than all the workers present, but the amount of work he can do in a day can be ranked in the upper middle range.

In this way, he was appreciated by the old factory director and kept him.

More than half a year passed. When the old factory director allowed him to take a day off, Tai Lung hurried towards Arnold's slums with a small bag containing only five silver coins as payment.

He wanted to use the money he earned to take her to have a delicious meal, and to walk openly into restaurants that she would not even dare to look at.

He wanted to buy her the most beautiful bouquet as an engagement promise.

Because when I grow older, I can marry her.

With this little wish in mind, Tai Lung stepped into the familiar alley.

He saw a twisted scene that made his heart almost tear.

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