League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 230 Become my subordinate

"Purple Thorns?" Lu Chuan raised his brows slightly. He felt that the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Then, something seemed to slowly emerge in his mind.

Midnight...Dense forest...

Those guys in black robes...

On the back of their necks, there is a pattern of thorns glowing with a coquettish purple light.

Could that be the purple thorn that Tyrone mentioned?

"Can you be more detailed?" Lu Chuan flicked his wrist and loosened the rope tied to Tai Long.

This move was somewhat beyond Tai Lung's expectation, "Aren't you afraid that I will escape? If I want to escape, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop me."

Tai Lung is not exaggerating about this. He has the ability to become invisible, just like what Lu Chuan saw before in that romantic place. At that time, Tai Lung was hiding in the air. If Lu Chuan hadn't discovered it because of his excessive murderous aura, He might have killed Morrison long ago.

Lu Chuan shrugged and said, "I have never treated you as a prisoner. The reason I didn't let go of you at first was because I felt I hadn't convinced you yet, but now I think you should have been convinced by me."

"which aspect?"

"For example, the whereabouts of General Kecao?" Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows.

Tyrone was silent.

"You should also know in your heart that there are some things that cannot be accomplished with superb killing skills, right? If you want to find the whereabouts of General Kecao, you must have someone to assist you. I think that person can be me."

Tai Long sat on a chair opposite Lu Chuan, "I agree with you."

"Then can you tell me now about the origin of the purple thorns?"

"The Purple Thorn is a relatively special existence that I mentioned just now. To be precise, it is an assassination team hidden underground. You can understand it as, when a group of killers gather together to form an assassination team. , it’s probably such a concept.”

"It's just that the special thing about this organization is that the people who make it up are not humans." Tai Lung suddenly said something strange.

"Not a human?" Lu Chuan closed his eyes and recalled the scene at that time, as well as the woman who could control the wind. In the end, she seemed to have used some kind of special power, which caused a cluster to appear on the right half of her cheek. Beautiful purple thorns.

"Well, except for the leader, the members of this organization are all dead guys, but they were resurrected under Zuan's black technology, and then poured into some special potions, and then survived as living people in the world. In this world, the only one who obeys is their supreme leader."

Lu Chuan originally wanted to ask whether the source of these information was reliable.

But when I think about it, it is normal for a person of his status, General Kecao, behind Tai Lung to get some information.

"Do you know who the leader of the Purple Thorns is?"

"The general may know, but he never mentioned it, nor did he say which faction the Purple Thorn organization belongs to. I only know that they are lurking in the dark and causing trouble."

Recalling that night, the purpose of those guys in black robes was to kidnap Demi, and at that juncture, the conflict between Demacia and Noxus broke out.

Lu Chuan had an idea in his mind. The Purple Thorns should belong to the martial faction or the aggressive faction.

Let the Purple Thorns kidnap General Kecao, which can cleverly cover up the military or aggressive faction on the surface.

"Do you know where the Purple Thorns are active?" Lu Chuan asked again.

"I only know a rough range. This is what the general mentioned before, but I don't know if they have changed their position now."

"Anyway, let's try it first. Let's go there together tonight." Lu Chuan made a decision.

On the contrary, Tai Long looked at Lu Chuan with some confusion, "Why did you choose to help me?"

"Because help is mutual, I also plan to use the power of the Kekao family to stop the armed faction and the aggressive faction." Lu Chuan replied in a deep voice.

Now, the peace faction alone may not be able to stop the armed faction and the aggressive faction, but if there is a Kecao family, then that side will have to make careful decisions if it wants to go to war with Demacia.




When the Noxian investigators arrived at the lumber mill, they were all surprised when they found that the suspected target was just a little guy who was about eight or nine years old and very thin.

Although they didn't want to believe that this bloody thing was done by the little boy in front of them, they still followed the regulations and took Tai Long back.

After a rigorous review, Noxus' senior officials finally determined that this matter was indeed the work of this eight or nine-year-old boy.

Tyrone was sentenced to death by guillotine at the city gate as a warning to those who were doing small tricks behind the scenes.

After the senior official who enforced this criminal law read out the scripted lines and promoted the care of the upper class for the poor at the bottom, he signaled that the execution could begin.

Tyrone was placed on the guillotine and his eyes were covered with cloth.

Above his neck hung a sharp curved ax blade.

As long as the chain on the side is untied, the ax blade will fall quickly, and then directly separate the head of the criminal lying below.

Tai Lung knew what fate awaited him, although he showed enough calmness.

But he was still afraid.

If you are not afraid, why run away?

The executioner waved his hand and realized that a large number of people had gathered at the gate of the city. They all looked at this little guy from a poor area with the eyes they should have.

"This is the punishment he deserves."

"People in the slums are mean and rude, and they don't have any thoughts in their minds except murder and arson."

"That's why I said, everyone in the ghetto deserves to die!"

He didn't get any sympathy from anyone. Instead, he got more and more curses.

In the eyes of these rich people, the guys in the slums are as lowly as ants.

They are hated like rats, even though the poor people just want to survive.

Little did they know that it was precisely because of such inhuman treatment that the poor people developed a rebellious mentality.

Just when the sharp-edged ax was about to fall, a dagger suddenly flew from not far away and bounced the ax away.

Just when everyone was sighing, a black shadow flashed away, holding Tailong's young body on his shoulders, and disappeared from people's sight in a few jumps. His movements were so fast that no one could see clearly.


Under the moonlight, in the courtyard.

"Remember, from now on, you will be my subordinate, specifically killing people for me. I will teach you the most profound assassination techniques." A middle-aged man turned his back to a young boy.

"Why do you want to save me?" the boy asked.

"Because, when I was your age, I didn't dare to kill anyone. Is this reason enough?"

"What should I call you?"

"Call me General."

"Yes, General."

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