League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 259 Breaking the Illusion

Everything Vladimir saw was illusion.

Including Lu Chuan's reaction, his existence is illusory. It was a trap set by LeBlanc from the very beginning.

LeBlanc knew that facing an opponent of Vladimir's level, an illusion alone was obviously not stable enough, so at the beginning, he used mirror reincarnation. This method was used when Lu Chuan and Tai Lung attacked the Purple Thorns at night. She had used it once when she was at the headquarters, but it was later destroyed by the mysterious woman behind Lu Chuan.

The most terrifying thing about this illusion of mirror reincarnation is that it can reincarnate indefinitely, making it impossible for the user to distinguish between reality and the illusion world.

"The breath of blood can't deceive people. You just have to hang on for a while longer." Vladimir finally became angry at this time. He had never been like this, being teased around. In the past, he had faced orders A person who feels uncomfortable only needs to control the gushing blood flow and directly detonate his heart.

But now that he was facing LeBlanc, he didn't even know whether the world he was in was real.

Vladimir tore off his blood-red robe, revealing skin that was hidden under the robe and even had a trace of transparent color.

The flow of blood in the blood vessels was clearly visible, as if pressing with a little more force could crush his blood vessels.

"Your end has come. I will pray to God for you and send you to heaven." Vladimir showed his long fangs, slowly stretched his arms to both sides, and clenched his fists tightly. Together.

The blood in his body was seeping out along his skin, and slowly spreading out to the periphery with his control.

"Blood explosion!" Just as he shouted loudly, the blood seeping out of the skin exploded in all directions at this moment, with a layer of fiery red color on the blood.

When LeBlanc's body was accidentally stained with a little blood as she was about to get close to him, her whole body suddenly began to burn violently.

"Die!" Vladimir smiled ferociously.

LeBlanc looked calm until her entire body was burned by the blood fire, and the space in front of Vladimir once again cracked like a broken mirror.

It was still the same world, but LeBlanc still stood in front of him intact.

"You can't escape, and you can't kill me. After you carelessly took my life rope, your fate was firmly tied by me. As long as I want to, you will never be able to leave. This illusion space." LeBlanc flicked her wrist, and a long rope came out across the air.

Although this rope is not tied to Vladimir's body now, he knows that this is just an illusion, but his body is still bound by this rope.

"Damn woman...I will suck your blood dry, and I will peel off all your skin..." Vladimir gritted his teeth, but he was helpless.

He could no longer tell where his own body was, just like a person sleeping in a dream would not realize that he was dreaming. Even if a very small number of people could still realize that they were dreaming in their dreams, he could not. Find out where he is.

"Hematologist, it is true that he is very powerful, but when your ability is not in the same interface as my body, you are helpless. This - is your flaw." LeBlanc stared at Xi coldly. Vladimir grinned, the dagger in his hand flipping over.

She is not a person who is good at using daggers, but she likes to end other people's lives with her own hands.

"You traitor, you will go to hell!!" Vladimir roared, igniting a blood explosion again, and LeBlanc was instantly burned to ashes.

"Crack!" With the rupture of the barrier, there was still no change. Everything he did was in vain.

"Huchi...huchi..." Vladimir gasped for air.

The energy required to cast his skills is somewhat different from that of ordinary warriors. Vladimir uses blood as a price to cast skills. The two blood explosions did not have any impact on LeBlanc, but the blood in his body has already Can't hold it any longer.

"Is this the limit?" LeBlanc stepped on high-heeled leather boots, and the sound of stepping on the ground step by step was so harsh.

She walked up to Vladimir and was about to stab him with the dagger in her hand.

"Boom!!!" The entire illusion barrier suddenly shook.

"What's going on?" LeBlanc's face changed drastically.

This is a sign that the illusion has been broken.

But in the real world, a man with brown hair swung two thin axes in his hands and rushed directly towards Leblanc. Before he arrived, he threw the axes in his hands.

"What a waste of time, let Draven end it all!" The man who called himself Draven had an arrogant air.

"Poof!" The ax directly penetrated LeBlanc's chest. Draven quickened his pace, and finally rushed in front of LeBlanc, took the ax from her chest, and stabbed her neck again. Cut it down.

"Bang!" At this moment, there was an explosion sound suddenly in front of LeBlanc, accompanied by a burst of smoke. Then Vladimir was also freed from his stiffness, and his face was a little paler than before. .

"Oh? A clone? That's a bit interesting." Draven grinned, and his very dramatic beard also twitched, looking full of irony.

"Then let me think about it...here!" Draven suddenly turned around and threw the throwing ax at LeBlanc who sneaked around behind him.

LeBlanc's face changed drastically. She didn't expect that the moment she used her clone and smoke to prepare for a sneak attack, this guy would notice her.

Looking at the flying ax so close at hand, LeBlanc felt a little desperate.

"Ding!" Just when the ax was about to fall on LeBlanc, a blood-red sword was placed in front of her, deflecting the flying ax.

At the same time, Lu Chuan kicked Draven directly, causing him to stumble. He fell to the ground and rolled backwards several times before regaining his balance.

"It seems very disgraceful to suddenly interfere when others are dueling." Lu Chuan held the blood-drinking sword and looked at Draven with an eyebrow.

"Isn't it dishonorable? Axes, do you think so?" Draven patted the ashes on his body. After standing up, he lowered his head to talk to his axe, and even leaned his ear against the axe, as if... Listening to their voices, it seemed that Lu Chuan was not taken seriously at all.

"No, no, my axes said, this is very honorable." Draven raised his head again, a fierce look flashed in his eyes. The flying ax in his hand spun at high speed at this time, and the air caused by the rotation vibrated. The sound made the whole field buzz with a buzzing sound.

"Did you hear that? Death is knocking on the door, hahaha."

[Thank you for the tip from Su Zuorui]

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