League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 266 Transforming People

Just when Lu Chuan was confused, God gave him a few explanations at the right time, and Lu Chuan suddenly understood.

It turned out that the god just used some small tricks to convince Swain.

When a normal person hears a sentence, he will first analyze the form of the sentence and what it means, and then judge whether the sentence needs to be answered by oneself and how to answer it.

For example, an ordinary person walking on the street hears someone say to him, ‘Hey, I am God. ’

That person's brain reaction system will first determine the form of the sentence, and then respond, 'You are an idiot.'

This is because his mind judged this sentence as completely impossible news and gave a negative answer.

The little trick played by the gods was to change Swain's judgment into a positive judgment when he was about to make a negative judgment, and then proceed.

This method is similar to mind control, but it is different from mind control because it cannot control people's minds and can only change people's way of receiving a certain sentence in a very short period of time.

In other words, it is to force others to change their views.

This ability is very partial.

It was also acquired accidentally by the gods over the course of thousands of years, but in most cases it does not have much effect, because this ability cannot change other people's deep-rooted thoughts, but can only change some slightly wavering thoughts.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to use it for cross talk, let alone other uses.

However, I did not expect to achieve good results in this case.

"Let me ask you, do you have a secret connection with Zu An?" The god asked again at this time.

Because the identity changed in Swain's mind, Swain casually replied, "Yes."

"Then do you know that Zuan has recently been creating a batch of reptilian-like modified humans?" When the god said this, even Lu Chuan was slightly surprised.

"How did you know?" Lu Chuan communicated mentally.

"Isn't this nonsense? I am the god of this world. What can I not know? I also know that Janna is taking a bath now." The god realized that he seemed to have let something slip, so he hurriedly changed his words, "Anyway, I have the ability. I can know what is happening in every corner of this continent, but this ability of insight is too broad, so it also has its drawbacks. For example, when someone casts an invisible barrier, I will not be able to investigate further."

"Tell me where Janna is first?" Lu Chuan clearly heard what the god said just now.

"Hey, can't you hold it in anymore?" Tianshen's tone was obviously a bit sour, but Lu Chuan ignored it, or didn't hear it at all.

The moment he heard the news about Janna, he felt a little bad.

After being separated from Jana for so long, why did he miss Janna?

Missing the girl who had an indifferent temperament, but once she broke into her heart, she would put her first.

I miss the girl who always wanted to share more for me, but could only watch the development of the situation anxiously from behind.

The girl who shed anxious tears when she knew she was going to die.

The first girl who promised to be his girlfriend but was too shy to raise her head.

"Hmph." God suddenly snorted coldly, interrupting Lu Chuan's thoughts, "You don't have time to go find her now. You have more things to do before that, so even if you tell her Your position is useless, so put your thoughts away first."

"That's right." Lu Chuan sighed slightly. Judging from the questions the God just asked, he may be moving to Zu'an soon.

Maybe the gods discovered some clues about void creatures in Zaun.

After the mental communication between Lu Chuan and the gods, Swain also said at this time, "Back to the gods, Zaun does have such a technology being implemented, but it doesn't have much to do with our Noxus. The agreement between Xus and Zaun is just for some more advanced weapons and military supplies."

"Is that so?" God seemed to think for a moment, "Okay, I understand, let's go, Lu Chuan."

"Have you finished asking the questions?" Lu Chuan asked.

"Well, he doesn't seem to know anything, so we have to go and see it in person. But the batch of reptilian-like modified people I saw at that time is absolutely unmistakable. The kind of people they develop What do strange species do?”

"Maybe it's the perverted personal interests of those crazy scientists?" Lu Chuan curled his lips.

"No, it's not a personal cry. When I noticed it before, the scale was already quite large. An underground base, similar to the assembly line of a factory, has been constantly producing and transforming. The number was even counted in the tens of thousands. Later, maybe My insight technique was discovered, so they set up an invisibility barrier. After that, I could no longer see through it. Now counting the time, it has been three months since I discovered it. During this time, they may have created more The transformation of people cannot be delayed any longer."

"Then shall we go to Zaun now?"

"Well, let's set off immediately. You have finished handling the matters here. And on the way to Zu'an, there is a very good holy land for cultivation. There are not too many masters hidden in Zu'an, but those who are full of strange ideas The various artificial humans developed by scientists with weird ideas are quite powerful in transforming humans. You need to improve your strength in the process, so that you can stand firm in Zaun."

"What should I do with this guy?" Lu Chuan looked at Swain, who was still kneeling on one knee. Although he now unilaterally believed in the gods and was deeply loyal, it was only his personal thinking. Once it was with his men, After we communicate, he will have doubts.

"It doesn't matter. He will forget all this after a while. His memory will only be retained until he signs the agreement with you."

"That would be best."

"Get ready, let's go to Zu'an immediately." There was a hint of urgency in the God's tone.

"okay, I get it."


In the hotel where Lu Chuan rented, several people gathered in the room.

"Peggy, take this letter, which contains the agreement. Take it back to Demacia. Then state my name and hand the letter to the palace soldiers. Jarvan...oh no, the king of Demacia. You will be summoned.”

"Tailong, things here are over for the time being. After this time, the martial arts faction will disappear a lot in the recent period. This is the best time for your other forces to expand. Go back and tell General Kekao, And inform Morrison and they will make their own decision."

Finally, Lu Chuan's eyes shifted to Sona.

"Sona, why don't you go back to Demacia with Peggy? It's safer there, and the king will provide you with a place to stay."

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