The king of Jacob's City was an old man in his sixties or seventies named Franks.

Perhaps due to some minor fertility issues, he only had a son when he was in his forties or fifties, who is now Prince Fred.

Although the poverty of Jacob City is well known, no neighboring country is willing to lend a helping hand to it, even if it is not far away from the city of Zaun, which is famous for its advanced technology.

However, the situation in Jacob's City is not so poor that they can't even eat.

On the contrary, the residents here are very hard-working because of their poverty. They get up at dawn and go to work in the fields. They go home with hoes in the evening when the sun goes down. Although it is hard work, they still have no worries about food and clothing, except for food and clothing. They are all of the lowest quality.

Because of poverty, the security in Jacob's City was surprisingly good. After all, everyone was so poor that the thieves couldn't find anything when they entered the house.

In general, although life is hard, it can be regarded as joy amidst hardship. Although there is not a very good living environment, people can feel the tranquility of life better than the people of those superior countries. It can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

It's just that this peaceful life began to be disrupted after a guy named Brent broke into the city.

At first, Brent's visit, because of his identity as a pharmacist, won the favor of many residents, because in the mountains around Jacob City, there are many ferocious beasts and tigers, and some firemen and Hunters must go into the mountains to survive, and without effective anti-injury drugs, they are likely to die in the mountains once they encounter danger.

With the arrival of Brent, a batch of wound medicine produced was sold at a low price, and his people were also well received by the residents.

Such news reached the ears of King Franks, who hurriedly sent someone to invite Brent to the palace.

After all, a pharmacist, even a first-level pharmacist, is not something that this small country of theirs can have, and now Brent comes to the door by himself. If he doesn’t have something delicious to eat, just in case. The day someone runs away, it will be a loss to Jacob City.

In order to stabilize Brent's heart, Franks also married his sister's youngest daughter to him.

Let’s talk about Brent. He originally ran away from Zaun in anger. He used to work in an underground pharmaceutical factory in Zaun refining medicines for the entire Zaun army. His living conditions were pretty good, with a stable income every month. Rewards, but that's all.

But where is Zaun?

It is a place where technology has reached its extreme level. Although it is all black technology, it is at least a manifestation of technology.

In a place with such advanced technology, is there a shortage of talents?

Therefore, a first-level pharmacist like Brent can only be regarded as the lowest-level agent in a secret pharmaceutical factory. He is ordered around by others all day long. If the person above him is unhappy, or if he fails to do something, The one who slapped him and kicked him laughed loudly with the other companions, and Brent could only break his teeth and swallow it.

So Brent couldn't stand this anger for a long time, so he secretly ran out of Zaun city overnight.

But the problem arises again. Behind the prosperity of Zaun's science and technology, there are also strict rules and systems. Once a country becomes particularly prosperous, without strict rules and laws, troubles will easily occur.

Brent was an official of Zaun City and suddenly ran away secretly. The official side must have known about the situation. Although he was just a soldier who ran away, the people above him were not happy, so once Brent was captured, he would probably It's a bit dangerous.

So he thought about it, climbed the mountain road for several days, and hid in the remote Jacob City.


After being admired by King Franks of Jacob City, Brent enjoyed the supreme treatment he had never enjoyed before. Food, clothing, and supplies were all the best rewards given to him by Franks. She is also the youngest daughter of an aristocratic family. She is tall and obedient, and she will do whatever she is told to do.

For a moment, Brent felt like he was about to fly into the sky.

Human beings are very strange. When they are humble, they can endure any hardships and sins. However, once they become successful and prosperous, they begin to feel dissatisfied.

Brent was no exception. He could not enjoy these things anyway, but now that he is a pharmacist, all the pleasures he should have had are gone, and his heart began to be dissatisfied with them.

Like the Noxian mob, his heart began to become violent.

He found that treating others politely was far less comfortable than slapping them directly in the face.

Talking softly to a lowly commoner is far less pleasurable than watching him trembling on his knees and apologizing repeatedly.

So, Brent began to use the power given to him by the king to do evil.

He was able to handle the small fights at the beginning, but after he bullied the poor for a while, he became dissatisfied again.

He found that it was better to bully the nobles than to bully the poor. Although Jacob City was a small country, it also had its own aristocratic system, with some heroes related to the king, the previous king, and even previous kings. Be it relatives or relatives, passed down from generation to generation, there are quite a few nobles in this small country.

But for you, an outsider, to dance on the heads of other nobles is a bit too much. The king will definitely be angry, right?

So in order to further gain the king's trust, Brent made up a lie that he could make longevity potions. The king was old, and who wouldn't want to live a few more years? In addition, Brent was indeed a pharmacist. The king had not had much contact with pharmacists before, so he believed it and gave Brent special privileges so that Brent could easily find the materials for making potions.

Brent's words are his words.

This is incredible, Brent has the power of a king!

Then, he randomly made a few bottles of potion that had no effect but could make people's meridians slightly smoother. Every time he drank it for the king, he would tell him that this was a potion that increases longevity.

The king himself felt: Oh? How do you feel that your whole body feels more relaxed? It seems this guy is telling the truth.

Over time, the king became convinced of him.

Brent also began to use his power to arbitrarily flirt with the good-looking girls of the nobles, and use coercive means to tease and humiliate them. Seeing their painful struggles, and their desperate expressions after struggling to no avail and being raped, he felt To great satisfaction.

And all the nobles who came to ask for explanations were beaten up and kicked out.

There are also many nobles who can't bear it anymore. All the daughters they gave birth to were ruined by this beast. Do they still want to get married? So I went to the king in person to reason with him.

Where will the king listen?

Sanction Brent?

joke? If he is punished, who will give me longevity medicine?

Therefore, Brent's viciousness became more and more severe and continues to this day. Not only did he plunder a large amount of property from the people of Jacob City, but he also defiled the good-looking girls, which made the residents panic. The nobles dared not speak out in anger.

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