League of Legends God-level Summoner

Chapter 300 Hex Technology Gun

"This is what I want to give you." In the morning, as soon as Lu Chuan and the gods knocked on the door of Victor's house, Victor handed the gift he had prepared into Lu Chuan's hands.

"What is this?" God looked closer and played with it for a while.

"This is Hextech."

"Pfft!" Lu Chuan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He just thought about it for a moment yesterday, but he didn't expect that Victor really gave him Hex Technology? ! !

"Gun." Victor said calmly at this time.

Lu Chuan almost fell down.

Can you always finish your sentence? You may be scared out of your wits.

Although it is also a derivative of Hex Technology, the Hex Technology Gun has a considerable background. At least in the game, the synthesis price of this famous gun is very expensive.

Although Lu Chuan rarely used this equipment when playing games before.

"What is the function of this gun?" God asked at this time.

"Fire the laser." Victor took the gun from the god and shot it at the wall of his house.

"Bang!!" A big hole was pierced through the wall. Not only that, but the wall next door was also pierced. Through the four walls, a middle-aged uncle could be seen taking a shower over there. There was a hole in the wall of his bathroom, and he immediately covered his lower body and screamed.

"Ah!! There is something perverted!!!"

"Cough..." Victor coughed awkwardly, and Lu Chuan quickly pulled Tianshen into his arms and covered her eyes, "Children, don't look around."

The God actually didn't see anything. She only knew that she was being hugged by Lu Chuan and surrounded by a warm and strong arm. Her whole body became a little stiff, and her face turned red as if she had a fever.

"The power of this gun can be adjusted. What I showed you just now is its 10% power, because if it is fired at 100%, it may burn this place to the ground." Although Victor said it very calmly, Lu Chuan's heart was Very shocked.

With just 10% of the power, it can penetrate four walls continuously. Not even one of his sword energy can reach this level.

Although Lu Chuan's great skill can do it, it requires accumulation of energy and consumes his own physical energy.

But this gun was different. The laser shot was almost as fast as the speed of light. In the blink of an eye, the rays flew out. This reminded Lu Chuan of the rays that erupted from its eyes when fighting the Blitzcrank.

If nothing else, it is indeed strong!

"There is also a small button here. In an emergency, it can emit a gravitational magnetic field, which will greatly restrict people within the magnetic field. It can change the influence of gravity and slow down their speed." Victor said again After fiddling with it for a while, under the gravity field of the technology gun, Lu Chuan suddenly felt as if his feet were being sucked by something, and it was a bit difficult to lift his legs.

"Anyway, this is a thank you gift for you, just take it." Victor threw it to Lu Chuan with a nonchalant expression, and Lu Chuan hurriedly took it.

These big men in science are really scary. They can create such horrible things in one night, and in his opinion, they are just like dumping goods that can be given away casually.

Finally, after talking to Victor and contacting him again, Lu Chuan also planned to start looking for the whereabouts of Janna and Ahri.

After a few months, their moods should probably have calmed down. Now if they go over to them and apologize more sincerely, they might be forgiven.

After Lu Chuan's careful decision, he planned to leave Sona in Zaun and also serve as Victor's deputy.

First, with Sona's beauty, it would be too dangerous to stay in Noxus, and it might be a good choice for her to return to Demacia. With the protection of Jarvan and others, she would be relatively safe.

But the journey back to Demacia is long, and I still have to look for Janna, and I won't be able to go back for a while. I can't let Sona, a cute and soft girl, go back by herself, right?

What should you do if something unexpected happens on the road?

It would be good to simply let her stay in Zaun and learn some skills from Mr. Victor. Although girls can be as beautiful as flowers, wouldn't it be better if they have skills.

Of course, when this decision was made, Sona disagreed life and death. She successively adopted text communication, tearful offensive, and chest-thumping.

They were all immune to Lu Chuan.

In fact, Lu Chuan really didn't dare to mess around with others. The two people at home hadn't settled the matter yet. He went there to apologize this time, and he had to be sincere.

Go back and bring a soft girl with breasts bigger than Janna and Ahri. What will Janna and Ahri think when she sees her?

At that time, I'm afraid it won't be an apology, but a breakup.

"Okay, where's the direction?" Standing outside the gate of Zu'an City, Lu Chuan glanced at the god.

"Southeast, go straight." The god pouted his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Remember what I told you before..." Lu Chuan was impatiently interrupted by the God before he finished speaking.

"I know, I know, I will get into the bead myself when the time comes, so I won't cause you any trouble! Humph."

"..." Why do you feel a little angry again?


at the same time.

Within the Great Elf Clan, the room of Saint Janna.

"Your Highness the Holy Maiden, what's wrong... Asar's gang has already rushed in with a group of people!" A maid ran in from the door in a panic and asked Ah Li who was talking heart-to-heart to Janna was startled.

After hearing what the maid said, Janna's delicate brows knitted together.

"Can't you control your ambition anymore?"

Ahri's slender fingers clenched into a fist, "We might as well fight them. Being bullied by them all the time is not an option. They have long wanted to rebel."

It turned out that not long after Janna became a saint, Asal, a descendant of the Elf King, led a group of his men and began to look for trouble with Janna, with the purpose of overthrowing her throne.

It was just a little trouble at the beginning of the period, but it became more and more troublesome later on.

He even did not hesitate to have a conflict with the orcs, and finally pretended to put down his harsh words and said that he was a member of Her Royal Highness the Saint of the Great Elf.

The current situation of the great elves is not good. Since there has not been a saint for several generations, their inheritance has been greatly affected. It is incomparable with the orcs who are at the peak of their power at this time.

Moreover, the orcs are ruthless and unreasonable. When they heard that the newly succeeded saint was responsible, they immediately became angry and rushed in with a group of orcs. The battle at that time made many great elves suffer. In order to prevent the wounded from spreading further, Janna had to swallow her anger and contribute some of her treasures to calm the matter down.

But Asal was not satisfied with this, but kept looking for trouble with Janna.

To this day, he could no longer restrain his inner ambition and directly led a group of men to rush forward, making it clear that he wanted to seize the throne.

"If you ask me, just fight them." Ahri shrugged a pair of furry ears, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Janna being bullied made her feel uncomfortable.

Janna's face looked a little ugly. After calming down for a while, she calmly said to the maid, "Let Asael come in alone. I will negotiate with him first."

"Jana! You've been bullied like this, why are you still negotiating? If it were Lu Chuan, he would have raised his sword long ago..."

"Ahri!" It was the first time Janna spoke to Ahri in such a cold tone, which made Ahri's words freeze and he did not continue.

Then Janna softened her tone again, "Now my status in the Great Elf Clan has been shaken due to Asal's repeated troubles. If I choose to fight him head-on at this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to summon the subordinates. No matter how much there is, you will still lose if you fight, so if you can negotiate, try to negotiate first.”

"Okay..." Ahri's ears lay weakly on his head.

"Let Asael come in." Janna said again.

"Yes." The maid nodded and left.

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