Should it be Bang's mistake or faker's mistake, if the two of them set the fire prince, then the prince must not have it, but if they both set the fire prince, the barrel will have to guard against the enchantress alone, it seems that it is also impossible, and it is not too difficult for non-directional skills to prevent the enchantress。

However, as long as the fire is completed, how can you also replace the head instead of being exchanged for 0 for 3......

20 minutes.

Yasuo took the Canyon Pioneer to hit a tower on the lower road, and the economic lead of the SKT team still reached 3,000 pieces, judging from the panels of the two sides, this economic gap mainly comes from the suppression of the top and middle laners, as well as the economy of the two defense towers.


Dragons refreshed, Barrel and Yasuo directly hit Dragons, Verus, Gem and Ryze in the lane to clear the lane.

On the other side, the prince, Xia and Fengnu walked towards the small dragon pit, they didn't know that the other party had started to fight the little dragon, the enchantress cleaned up the line in the middle lane to prevent the other party from directly taking away a tower in the middle lane, and Nar had just accumulated a little anger in the lower lane and walked directly from the river.

Xiaolong was caught by the skt team, and as soon as this broadcast appeared, everyone in the MHG team was ready to retreat, and the big fat man in the shadow directly hit the face of the prince who was walking in the front with a meat bullet. Ruiz's twist and turn also appeared behind the trio.


prince directly attacked Verus's big dragon impact, and the eq flashed! The prince slashed an arc in the air to pick the barrel Verus and the gem away, and then the sky collapsed to cover the bottom lane duo that the SKT team had just walked over.

The twisting path is a fake car, there is no one on it, Ruiz directly hit Xia from the side of the river grass set and hit Xia's blood to half blood, Xia can only open the ultimate move flying feathers in the sky to avoid damage, and then the barb pulls the three people!

At this time, the gem ultimate move fell, and the prince stood directly in his own sky and earth, and took the lead in losing his life, but ......

As soon as the gem's ultimate move ended, the enchantress stepped on it directly in a row, and Nar also became bigger and moved forward, and the three people who were locked in the sky and the earth lost their lives in an instant.

The Enchantress QE chained Ruiz, Yasuo hasn't released his ultimate move yet, he wants to kill Kasumi in front of E, but he is directly pushed back by the Wind Girl's ultimate, and Nar takes control ......

1 for 5.

It's a completely unscientific team fight, and when the damage is absorbed by the prince, the damage of the SKT team is so scarce that it's like no damage.

"Damn, can you win this team battle?!

" "6666!" "

The prince is handsome!


What's the use of this Yasuo?"

"Brother Gongzi Niu Pi!" A

dense barrage appeared in the live broadcast room, except for a few gambling dogs who were supposed to lose their pants and made a few inappropriate remarks, everyone else was full of praise, as if this wave of team battles had already ended the game.

However, the MHG team took advantage of the situation to take over the big dragon and then bagged the first tower in the middle lane, and the situation seemed to have really reversed.

The head-to-head ratio has come to 8-3, and the economic disadvantage of just 3,000 is still behind, and now the MHG team has a 2,000 lead over the opponent.

The MHG team took the lower lane tower and the upper lane tower, and continued to move forward in a formation of 131, when faker could not clear the line, the skt team had no way to resist at all, and the MHG team directly harvested all the outer towers of the akt team.

And now the enchantress has also begun to kick her nose in the face, jumping out again and again to make Verus miserable, if she really takes a qre combo, it may be gone directly.

The big dragon buff disappeared, and the MHG team directly chose to return to the city to replenish the supplies, without giving any chance at all, and then took the small dragon and the skt team released it directly.


Verus directly opened up to catch Xia, but Xia was not ambiguous and directly used the flying feather to avoid Verus's ultimate, SKT began to retreat, but Nar drilled out of the blue buff wild area on the red side, and was caught so many times, Nar finally began to turn over and turn into a serf and sing ......

The prince's EQ didn't hit the barrel, but Nal's boomerang hit, and it hit the barrel directly, and the prince went back to huddle with his teammates, and Nal chased the barrel alone.


barrel wants to blow back Nar, but Nar flashes forward, and the barrel's ultimate moves push Nar closer to the red Highland Tower, blocking his retreat.

The barrel can only drill towards its own blue buff jungle, thanks to the fact that Nar has become larger at this time, and the stone is dodged by the impact of the barrel meat bullet, otherwise it will be chased alive.

But how can a barrel in this state defend against the dragon that has been refreshed......

The MHG team was unequivocal, and directly started to fight the big dragon, the prince and the adc dragon, the enchantress, the wind girl and the finished glyph of the nar stood in front of the front, and the skt team without vision could only squeeze forward little by little.

The first chain of the Enchantress was blocked by Yasuo's wind wall, but the second chain hit Ruiz, who continued to move forward, and had no choice but to retreat and pull away, and was forced back by the Wind Girl's Q skill again, and ...... at this time

Dalong has been captured by the MHG team, and the skt team has no choice but to retreat.

After returning to the city to replenish, the MHG team advanced directly in the middle lane, and the enchantress who kicked the nose and face made the skt team unable to deal with it at all, and they could only retreat step by step when they took a step back, watching the MHG team take the high ground in the middle lane.

Then the MHG team didn't go up, and directly turned into a 41 formation, Nar pushed down, and the other four gathered on the upper road.

Ruiz defended the bottom lane, and the upper lane was directly lost, and then the MHG team was not as stable as them, and the five of them gathered on the lower lane again, ready to pocket the lower lane of the SKT team.

The defense tower on the lower road just fell, and the little peanut knew that it couldn't be dragged any longer, so he directly found the right angle and flashed into Xia's body, but it was ......

Verus is killed!

The Enchantress took advantage of everyone's eyes on Kasumi, flashed forward directly, took the head of Verus, and then cooperated with the prince of EQ Flash, and then took the head of the gem, and the duo on the lower road was gone as soon as they started fighting, how should this team battle continue.

Ryze's flash seemed to be just a sign of unwillingness, and no one cared about the barrel that crashed into the crowd first.


killed!Jewel killed!Ryze

killed!Yasuo killed!

Barrel...... Killed

!0 for 5, the MHG team directly bulldozed the base!

Lu Xiufeng took off his headphones, raised his arms and yelled, Han Xin and Lin Weixiang hugged him left and right.

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