Lin Weixiang resisted his desire to do it again, gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up, Mr. Han, what do you think of our jungler now?"

Han Xin had already started eating, and was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said, "What's the matter... It's not easy to say.,To be honest, I don't have much research on your jungler.,It's more about studying the route of this guy Doinb.,Why did you choose two rounds of leopard girls in a row today? I don't think it fits well with your lineup. "

Doinb is full of pride when he hears that he has been studied, this guy obviously doesn't know how many times he has been predicted in today's game, and he is still proud here after so many wandering failures... However, he picked up Han Xin's words and said: "The lineup of the leopard girl is still being studied, this is what I have discussed with the coaching staff, I feel that our team still has some problems running in now, so test the water with the new lineup, after all, the spring season is just a season to earn points, and the final result is still to wait for the summer season, at least you have to find out the responsibility for each position, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable for the manager to buy Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, the two champions, and not enter the world championship."

Han Xin nodded noncommittally, it does make sense, most of the teams are using the entire spring season to run in, and there will be a transfer period after the spring season, there is really no way to run in and still need to check and fill in the gaps, and the lineup of the summer season is the lineup of the world championship, not to mention what results a team with a bad run-in will achieve in the world championship, and even whether it can enter the world championship is a problem.

After all, the professional league is not a garbage krypton game, and being strong in each position does not mean that the whole team is strong, otherwise where do you need to play, and an ability detector is directly better than the size.

MSF can almost overturn SKT, SSG can also beat SKT 3:0, this game full of unknowns is the fun of competitive sports, just like football, although the strong team can create more scoring opportunities, but not every opportunity can be scored, the weak team only has half or a third of the goal chances in the whole game, but when the time comes, the weak team may be able to score more.

There is no such thing as a game where you can know the result at a glance, ability and performance, or a small eye position can change the course of the whole game, and the unknown result is always full of curiosity.

"The trial lineup... There's nothing to say, judging from these two, you're okay on the road, you can be a blue-collar worker or c, although the route choice of the jungler is a little bit better, but it may be stronger than me who just entered the LPL last year, I don't have much say in the middle lane, let Fengzi come later, down the road... Lin Weixiang and Song Song, you have indeed grown a lot, and Uzi can't play so much suppression on the line, but Liu Qingsong's support hero pool still needs to be practiced, and the gap between you and your hook hero is too far compared to your hook hero today.

Han Xin's tirade, his vision is now very different from before, and in the face of Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, he has no intention of hiding his selfishness at all, and analyzes it seriously, no matter what, he also hopes that Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong will go further.

Hopefully they're doing well, even if they're not that good.

I hope they are doing well, and if you can help them do well, then don't hesitate to help.

Maybe this is called a friend, always sincerely hope that the other party is good, even if one day they beat themselves to lift the trophy, although they will be pity, but they will sincerely applaud and cheer.

Liu Qingsong nodded and said: "I'll try to practice when I come down, my attributes are too obvious, and the official modification is also expected, and now the biggest modification of this version of the auxiliary in addition to adjusting the incense burner is to make hammer stones, titans and robots are not very able to appear, but I still don't have a miserable peak, and the tricky demon queen is now a sewer in the sewer, and it is impossible to appear at all." By the way, Fengzi? Have you been contacted officially, which one do you want for the champion skin?

Lu Xiufeng spread his hands: "No, I asked Su Da Beauty before, and she said that she would not contact us until the end of March, and it may not be released until the end of March and April, and I am quite looking forward to how much it can be sold~ As for the heroes, most of them are still enchantresses, I would like to choose Yasuo, the popularity is relatively high, but I don't know how to play..."

Han Xin, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were stunned for a moment at the same time, and then looked at Lu Xiufeng with contempt neatly, this guy will always take out a handful of Yasuo to "reward" them every time he invites the double row, and the "reward" makes them want to die, the 1/10 record is simply too normal to be normal, and the number of 0 kills and deaths is not a few, his operation provides fun for the water friends in the live broadcast room, but the other three unjust teammates who accompany him in the double row simply want to die.

"That's right, Mr. Han didn't evaluate the middle list, I'll evaluate it~ Doinb, you..." Lu Xiufeng, this guy seemed to suddenly remember, and spoke earnestly, just when everyone was still thinking about what this forced would say, he continued: "You are a real dish, look at me to press you dozens of knives, you say you are not a vegetable~"

This is really shameless, other people's junglers are leopard girls, Doinb's first trick is a wild monster that Karma can't rob the leopard girl, And although the second one is the Tsar, the jungler is still a leopard girl, and the unequipped leopard girl is useless.

Lu Xiufeng, this guy ate at least 3-40 wild monsters from Mr. Han in two games, and he also took the snake girl Gasindra, which can't press the knife, so he still plays a fart and retires on the spot.

He didn't look at the two rounds No matter what, Han Xin was beaten by the other party, and the wild area was empty, and he didn't know who brushed it.

Doinb glanced at this shameless guy with slanted eyes, continued to chat with Han Xin, gave up exchanging experience with Zhongdan, and wanted to chat with Lu Xiufeng about something useful, it was just a fool's dream, and he wanted to eat fart.

After the dinner for the five of them, they went back to their respective homes and looked for their mothers.

in a taxi.

"I'll go get a driver's license when the spring season is off, Fengzi, can we do it?" Han Xin always felt that the location of the taxi seemed a little narrow, and he had the idea of buying a car, although this guy was only less than 19, but the available funds seemed to be not a small amount, and it was reasonable to achieve this kind of treatment in an industry, unless there was no hope for this industry.

"Seems to work... Anyway, tomorrow is a day off? Go see the car? What car do you want to buy? Lu Xiufeng thought about it and thought about it, although he said that he was poor and rich in cars and watches, and he played with computers, but he was just a computer player, and no matter how high-end he was, it had nothing to do with him.

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