Han Xin sat in the car and looked cute, Lu Xiufeng looked at this guy with twitching corners of his eyes, and always had the urge to smoke him, but after a while, Han Xin still returned to his original state, he looked at the scene outside the window and said: "Tomorrow is not a game day, you can stay for one night today." "

I'm the captain." Lu Xiufeng didn't even think about it, and replied directly.

"Oh..." Han Xin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that his teammate seemed to be a little different, the responsibility was gradually taking shape, this guy was becoming more and more like the core, which was the responsibility of being an example whether it was in the arena or outside the arena.

Back at the training base, Uzi looked a little excited when he saw them come back, and directly pulled Lu Xiufeng to the lounge, where a room that originally only had various video games suddenly appeared...

Mahjong machine?!

"I bought it today, 369 that guy won't, Coach Bird said I'm too good to play with me, Manager Su doesn't know where to go, finally waited for the two of you to come back, how many laps will you have?" Uzi should have just learned to play mahjong at this time, and he was still addicted to food.

As a native of Rongcheng, that mahjong is simply a talent flowing in the blood, Lu Xiufeng must not be polite when he sees someone giving money, and he immediately walked to the mahjong table with Han Xin's eyes: "Come on, the line can't blow you up, the mahjong beats you."

Han Xin shrugged his shoulders and walked over: "Don't play too late, there will be training tomorrow." "

Uzi saw these two guys so happy, it was called a happy smile, the first internal sparrow god competition of the MHG team opened, participants: Lu Xiufeng, Han Xin, Uzi, Xiao Ming.

"Kong, bar, I'll bar again!" Uzi's face was about to laugh, Lu Xiufeng played this card so well, if you draw this self-draw, you will all come back with all the losses before.

"Oh... Grab the bar. Lu Xiufeng pushed the card, smiled and watched Uzi stretch out his palm, and snatched the bar to knock Uzi's all-color with three bars.

Uzi looked at Lu Xiufeng dumbfounded, the MHG team at this time broke down, although they played very small, but this is not a matter of money at all...

I have to say that adc played well that didn't help mahjong at all, and when the agreed time arrived, Uzi completed one loss and three achievements, and even Han Xin, who hadn't played much, won, and Xiao Ming, who was smiling, was actually the guy who won the most.

Uzi slumped in his chair, losing his dreams, and at this moment he wanted the title of the god of sparrows more than the god of ad.

"Guy juice ~ I still have to practice ~ " Lu Xiufeng patted Uzi on the shoulder and walked out, a proper villain image.


The second day, January 21, 2018.

January 20 schedule.

IG vs. RNG, lost 1:2.

FPX vs. MHG, lost 0:2.

LGD vs. SNG, lost 1:2.

January 21 schedule.

BLG vs. WE, with a big score of 2:1, won.

FPX vs. OMG, lost 0:2.

SS played against EDG and won 2:0.

I have to mention SS's kryst4l, when the prince flashed to open the group, the Wayne in his hand was like a killing god possessed, tossing and turning in the crowd at the end of the moment, directly receiving three kills and two assists, and bulldozing the game in a wave.

In today's LPL league, SS's kryst4l, RW's smlz, MHG's Uzi, FPX's Lwx, IG's jacklove, RNG's able, etc., whether it is a genius debut or a veteran fighting on the battlefield again, there are too many adcs that LPL can handle, after all, there is pressure to be motivated, and if you don't work hard, you will be threaded by other teams' bottom lane combinations for 10 minutes, and under continuous high pressure, The ADC quality of this LPL has entered a positive cycle and is getting stronger and stronger.

And the middle lane is because of the official version of the target, the mid laner that can be played is becoming more and more rare, whether it is the last version of Galio who was so strong against the sky, or those former assassins, none of them can appear again.

Although the jungler position has been fine-tuned, it seems that it will take a little time for the jungler core lineup to get on the field, and perhaps the small adjustments in the next version will change, and this version of the jungler will take more responsibility for starting a team.

The top single position has gradually changed from boring meat to a warrior, but this still needs to be explored, after all, the upper route is too long, and it is much easier to catch than the middle lane, and because the upper lane is a single line, it is easier to catch than the upper lane, and the players who can c already have it, but the tactics still need to be considered.

Finally, when it comes to the auxiliary bit, the last version of the incense burner monster and the hook hero were stabbed, and now the popular ones are heroes such as the bull head tam female tan who can start a group and resist, and the version is constantly adjusted, and new geniuses will be born from generation to generation, but the reason why God is a god is that no matter what version is the strongest.

The goal is God, and Lu Xiufeng, who established the dynasty, is playing rank at this time, let's see the record, 10/2, it's really... No, I'm sorry, I looked a little less, the accurate data is 0/10/2, is this the champion mid-laner?

At this time, Lu Xiufeng was in charge of Yasuo, and he was happily coming and going on the line, and the seat next to him was sitting Uzi, his face was a little green... If you want to ask why, of course, it's because he is the one who is in the same row as Lu Xiufeng.

At this time, Uzi finally understood what it was like to play Yasuo's teammates, it was a deep memory, and I thought that today's rank was IG's The shy, and I ate a point comfortably, and as a result...

"Huh~ The shy, the adc is Uzi, this is a cool game in the middle lane~" Lu Xiufeng smiled happily, and directly locked Yasuo in seconds, making Uzi's dream of using this to lay the road disappear.

"Do you know how to play?!" Uzi looked at this hero-grabbing batch and wanted to get started.

"No, it won't." Lu Xiufeng is worthy of being a typical example of being upright and strong, and this will not be said calmly.

“...... You shouldn't be better than me. Uzi said as she locked Wayne.

"Don't worry, it's impossible." Lu Xiufeng's reply reassured Uzi a little, but he immediately knew that it was just a lie.

After 25 minutes of fighting, this batch of Len Yasuo sent 10 heads, and the robbery on the opposite side was so fat that it was terrifying to death, thanks to the fact that the opposite side was not a mage, and now there was no killing sword, otherwise Uzi's Wayne would be able to leave the keyboard with both hands.

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