But this is obviously a king's bureau, not a bronze bureau, and if you don't accept it, you should probably be restrained a little bit if you do this kind of thing, but both sides don't mean that...

Last year, the LPL snatched the LCK's global championship, which made the players hold back a lot of energy, whether it was to prove themselves or rebuild the glory of the LCK, it was a direct reason to do positively.

And the LPL was suppressed by the LCK for three years before, from the runner-up in the first year to the quarterfinals later, the feeling of powerlessness is desperate, can't the operation beat the front? The LPL style that has gradually become clear is this style of not being satisfied or doing, how can you refuse such a battle.

It seems that being alive to mend the knife will become the main theme of this game...

The leopard girl took the lead, and as soon as she threw out the person, she had already turned into a leopard form, ready to pounce on the enchantress, and the robbery also put the shadow next to the enchantress at the same time, E slowed it down, and paused without throwing the shuriken.

Slowing down made it difficult for the Enchantress to move an inch, he directly handed over the javelin that flashed away from the Leopard Girl, and then threw his backhand QE at the Leopard Girl who jumped out, and at the same time, the green steel shadow stretched out the hook lock from the grass, aiming directly at the shadow of the robbery.

The catastrophe happened to change shapes, but he also immediately handed over the control of the flash to avoid the green steel shadow, and flashed to adjust his position, because the witch's w was still in his hand, he used his q skill to cross the green steel shadow flying in mid-air.

Qinggang Shadow's E is E flash, but he didn't aim at the robbery, but kicked on the body of the leopard girl, the leopard girl didn't expect that she would be set on fire by the other party, and she didn't react for a while to be kicked, the dizziness was just lifted, and the chains had an effect again, at this time, the leopard girl had no choice, so she could only hit all her output on the body of Qinggang Shadow, and then the end of the imprisonment flashed back.

The enchantress is so hospitable, how can she let the guests leave, follow directly, step on the leopard girl's face, and then hang it on and ignite.

The Leopard Girl is dead!

Green Steel Shadow is killed!

However, it's only level 3 in time, and the head ratio has come to 3-3, except for the middle lane and ADC all killed, take a look at the summoner skills, and the summoner skills of 10 people are only punished yet.

"6 ah~ This batch is still a cow batch when it is serious, but why didn't you fight the bloody robbery just now to beat the leopard girl?"

"I can't come over, can I flash and go to the face of the robbery? This flat A gap is a bit big. "

666, I'm watching four screens now, just now Liu Qingsong's hook was blocked by Mata with a flash, otherwise the next road is mostly a dead cannon, there is one to say, this Uzi's clip is simply too quintessence, I can't learn it in my life."

"If you want me to say, it has to be my shy brother, level 3 over the tower, if it weren't for smeb's shit luck, flashing prediction flashing, this wave of smeb blew up."

"Gank in the middle lane, the jungler is killed, both sides are midlaners with assassins taking the head, adc nightmare..."

Restarting the line, both sides became a little more restrained without flashing, but the timeline of level 6 is getting closer and closer, and this canyon seems to be about to set off a bloody storm again.

Lu Xiufeng looked at his experience bar and marked the lower road as he was on the road, but Ning ignored his mark and walked straight to the upper road, Lu Xiufeng frowned, and did not type and rushed directly to the lower road, this is not a team, tacit understanding or something, don't fantasize too much.

At the same time, the catastrophe also disappeared in the middle lane, and the Enchantress waited at the edge of the field of vision for a while, and when she stepped forward, the red side's vision just disappeared, and she still did not show her head in the field of vision.

The soldier line on the lower road is stuck in the position of the river, Uzi's position still seems very aggressive, this acting is particularly natural, Hammer Stone takes the lead in attacking, and hits the small soldier next to the small cannon with a hook, and then the e skill directly interrupts the rocket jump of the small cannon.

But the bull head doesn't seem to have the meaning of protection.,Directly WQ Second Company lifted the policewoman.,It seems inevitable to want to output without flashing.,You can't always hammer the stone and hide under the tower.。

The policewoman who landed directly pulled back with her E skill and fired three headshots, and the pacifist penetrated the body of the bull head and the small cannon.

The sound effect of the headshot sounds particularly wonderful, and the small cannon just stepped forward and stepped on the clamp that the policewoman placed under the hammer stone, and it is really difficult to find under the block of the character model, and the headshot is +1.

The E skill hits the bull's head, and the headshot is +2, and at the same time, the clip is placed a little behind the bull's head, and the headshot is +3.

Three shots in a row, three headshots, and then passively stacked headshots are coming soon... Uzi's policewoman doesn't even look like a hero like an ordinary policewoman, and the policewoman in his hand looks particularly damaging.

At the same time, the Enchantress and the Robbery walked out from behind the two sides, the Enchantress stepped on the bull's head for the first time, and by the way, she stepped on the soldier who was disabled by pacifism, and increased her skills by 6 seconds, and the second shot directly stepped on the face of the small cannon, and QE hit accurately.

And the robbery is already level 6, he w pulled the position closer, and directly put the big move on the policewoman's body, no flash, no displacement, no space... The policewoman can only take advantage of this little time to inflict her own injuries and make her death more meaningful.

Policewoman killed!

The small cannon is killed!

The bull head e skill knocked the hammer stone unconscious, and the catastrophe that came back from the shape change directly began to hit the hammer stone flat A, and the demon queen at this time seemed a little embarrassed, and his flat A damage may not be as high as the hammer stone.

The CD turned, the hammer stone came out of the hook again, and the robbery bit twisted, but the hook did not go towards him, but aimed at the bull's head, so that the bull's head had skills and couldn't throw it, and the enchantress kept up with the damage...

Bull head killed!

Hammerstone Death!

The two sides glanced at each other, and the line of troops was taken away and retreated, and the cd of the skill affected their combat power, if it was no cd mode, these two guys didn't know if they would show off their hands, really broken... The kind of break in the physical sense.

"Uzi: Listen to me and thank you ~ because of you ~ " "Bang: Listen to me thank you ~ because of you ~ " "


bottom lane combination dies together, and the middle lane takes the head, this Fengzi and Faker are not human..."

Gank came to Gank in the middle lane, brought the opponent's middle lane, and then died together in the bottom lane, and there was nothing to catch except for the assist, and the soldiers were eaten in the middle lane, and it was easier to kill yourself alone in the developed assassin... This looks like a vicious circle no matter how you look at it...

"It's a fight on the road!"

Because there is no director, you can only watch the first point of view, Lu Xiufeng and Cut the screen and Faker have the same idea, just highlight one to watch the hammer...

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