When her sister is cute enough, it doesn't seem to be a shame to be a sister control, Lu Xiufeng sighed and flicked his finger on Lu Yin's forehead: "Don't make grandma angry with you, and how did you get into the position of fan leader."

Lu Yin covered her forehead, but she didn't pout or get angry, so she floated her eyes to the side, looking weak.

Lu Xiufeng stared at this guy with wide eyes, always feeling that something unexpected had happened, what was the thing that could make his sister weak?



Hey...... I'll go, you should prepare me mentally!" "

Brother...... It is...... That ......" Lu Yin was speechless, and at the same time Lu Xiufeng's mobile phone rang, he stared at Lu Yin and picked up the phone: "Hey?" "

, Fengzi, have you seen the hot search? You guy is the first in the hot search! I have to go and rub the heat!" Han Xin's voice came from the phone, and before Lu Xiufeng could react, he was hung up directly.

"Hot search ......" Lu Xiufeng took out his mobile phone, Lu Yin snatched the mobile phone as soon as he could, and then ran away.

It's ......

The family chase battle began, I have to say that except for the game, this Lu Yin seems to be stronger than Lu Xiufeng in everything, one inherits the essence, and the other is all dross? Isn't this kind of thing a little too much...... Let's just say that in this chase battle, Lu Xiufeng was paralyzed on the sofa panting, and Lu Yin was grimacing him, and the gap in motor nerves seemed to be impossible to erase with age.

Under the fighting, Lu Xiufeng actually forgot why he was fighting...... It's also very 6, at this time he was thinking about whether he should try to complete the fitness task assigned by Coach Bird as seriously as possible, to be honest...... Perhaps because of their excellent grades and dedication to training, there is always a suspicion of paddling in this fitness task, and Uzi and 369 have gained 20 pounds each after coming to the MHG team, which is enough to prove.

How can you c if you don't get fat, and the cooking aunt may be working hard......

Time flies, the New Year has finally arrived, this year has become very different, Su Youyan came to the door with a large bag of gifts, Lu Yin and her grandmother talked with her very happily, and they didn't treat her as an outsider at all, and this assist was almost sent to Lu Xiufeng to be drugged and sent to bed.

And Lu Xiufeng ...... It can only be said that it is worthy of him, he only feels strange to see the boss on the first day of the new year, has he invited this guy? It seems that there is not? There should be none

? Then the greeting calls from old teammates and new teammates followed, Han Xin still called the video directly, when he saw Su Youyan, he was stunned, and then gritted his teeth and said: "You guy didn't tell me? or not brothers?!".

“...... What do you say, say that the boss came to my house on the first day of the new year?" Lu Xiufeng replied angrily, his sister and grandmother seemed to be confused by Su Youyan, the three of them got together and didn't know what to talk about, and completely left themselves aside, this is my own family, I am the head of the family, what is the situation now that I look like an outsider?

“...... It has to be you, our ban will be lifted on the fifth day of the first month, I'm going to go to the base in advance, will you go then?" Han Xin glanced at Lu Xiufeng with strange eyes, and changed the topic casually, the straight man of steel Lu Xiufeng is not saved, but it's good, if this guy is really with Su Youyan, then the training base in the future will not be all-you-can-eat dog food every day, which will simply affect the state.

Lu Xiufeng replied without thinking about it: "Of course I want to go, I feel that my reaction is slow when I haven't touched the mouse for this time, and I don't feel anything special in my hands recently, and my grandmother and sister don't even let me do it at home, so I can't stand it."

"Just know...... See you then

, Happy New Year~" "Happy New Year~ Send me a red envelope, Mr. Han, I call you, it's not too much for the teacher to ask you for a red envelope." "Lu Xiufeng, this guy really doesn't want Bilian, but fortunately, Han Xin is still experienced in battle, and he is so familiar with this guy that he can't be more familiar, and his roommate who has slept with him for a year, plus the most tacit understanding of Nakano, is not in vain.

"Send your sister...... Eh, I really sent one to your sister, I really forgot if you didn't remind me. Han Xin scolded and hung up the phone directly, and then Lu Xiufeng heard Lu Yin's excited cheers, and inferred from the decibels, Han Xin's shot was definitely not stingy.

"No love......" Lu Xiufeng muttered, twisting his wrist unconsciously, he still hadn't put himself into training for nearly half a month, and the value behind the panel appeared in a bracket, all of which were reduced by 1-3, and the last time this bracket appeared was in the last game of the World Finals last year, and in the case of two games in a row, the score even exceeded 95.

According to the statistical value, the Faker who won the championship for the second time that year can be called 100, and Lv Xiufeng in the World Finals last year reached 95, surpassing Faker in the World Finals last year, Lin Weixiang reached 92 after the baptism of the World Championship, and Uzi was 91.

The score of the factory director at the peak also reached 90, but the peak period was not very good, and I don't know why, the consciousness is far greater than the level of operation.

And The shy's ability value at this time may be 88, the lack of consciousness cannot be completely made up for by operation, 369 is dangling between 75 and 83, a bit of a nerve knife taste, instability seems to be his characteristic, and it is also where Coach Bird needs to change him the most, and the word instability is not a word that a strong team should have.

Liu Qingsong's ability value is 90, Xiao Ming is at 85, both of them are strong in opening a group, but Liu Qingsong's wandering ability is stronger than Xiao Ming, and it may also be limited by the ADC around him, after all, the concept that Xiao Ming accepted before was that he could win the game by guarding the guy next to him, and Lin Weixiang was good at the development of pressure resistance in the lower lane, so that Liu Qingsong had more room to roam.

Han Xin's ability value is 90, at this time, among the LPL professional players, the only one who can stabilize him may be the MLXG who won the bet, under the gambling dog play, what ability value is false, the MLXG that bets to win the whole game is 100, and the 60 may not be reached if the bet is lost, either stealth or full of presence, there is no intermediate value.

Lu Xiufeng is the highest ability value of the whole team, after the World Championship, he steadily pulled his ability value to 95, and his state was bursting and even reached 96, Rookie's ability value was 90, and Doinb was at 88, and the Spring Tiger Emperor reached 91, and he couldn't understand why the Spring Tiger was so fierce.

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