When he stood on the competition field again, he was even a little Xi unaccustomed to it, Lu Xiufeng couldn't help but cover the slightly dazzling spotlight with his hand, looked at the audience, and heard the host's passionate voice in his ears, the year has passed, and the journey continues.

OMG lineup.

Top laner: Hu Bin (Xiyang

) Jungler: Chen Yutian (world6

) Mid laner: Xie Tianyu (ICON) Shooter

: Li Yuzhou (Chelly)

Auxiliary: Liu Shiyu (Five

). The cold lack of the mid laner and the sunset of the top laner are not bad, but the other positions feel a little inferior, for OMG, it is really not a team that will deal with the strong mid laner, and the winning rate seems a little worrying.

OMG is also a fighting team, and unreasonable team fights often occur, which is also very pleasing in terms of style.

However, the ceiling of the alliance's fight is still IG and MHG.

The match starts with OMG on the blue side.

First round of ban.

OMG: Bron, Green Steel Shadow, Prince.

MHG: Zoe, Tsar, Galio.

First of all, the OMG team banned Qinggang Shadow and Prince, two heroes who could bring Galio into the field, while the MHG team tilted bp in the middle to ensure that Lu Xiufeng's laning ability could be brought into play.

Extremely strong laning ability, the heroes with Kerry's ability in the later stage are basically more average except for clockwork, Lu Xiufeng's advantages and disadvantages are obviously exposed after a game, but this kind of thing is really a bit incompatible, but letting Lu Xiufeng turn into a land binding demon is not only uncomfortable for him, but his teammates are actually not adaptable.

First Round Pick.

OMG: Pig Girl, Calista, Ryze.

MHG: Verus, Tam Clockwork.

After OMG blocked Qinggang Shadow and the prince, the pig girl who was more golden oil on the field was selected first, such an intention is quite obvious, which means that he will not make the first move, and wait for MHG's Bird to come out first, and then come to see the move, which looks a little lacking in confidence from a certain point of view.

MHG directly locked Verus and Tamm, the momentum seems to be very sufficient, Verus's proper version of the T1-level adc, the line does not lose to Calista and the policewoman, and the ability to fight meat in the later stage does not lose the big mouth, and the strong combination in the hands of Uzi and Xiao Ming seems to have risen a level.

And OMG's move is to take out Callista and Ruiz, and give ADC a hero who can fight head-on in the early stage, while Ruiz's magic machine gun is to add security to the later stage, not to mention that Ruiz can catch up with Lu Xiufeng's walking speed from the hero level.

MHG won the clockwork in the last election of the first round.,This hero can be regarded as a panacea.,It's not weak in the early stage and can c in the late stage.,It's the best choice under this version.,After all, everyone is weakened.,The clockwork didn't move.,It's strengthened under the theory of relativity.。

Second round of ban.

MHG: Orn, bull head.

OMG: Jace, poodle.

MHG chose to send two heroes who are suitable for starting a group to the ban position, while OMG chose to use Jace, who has used the most recent rank of 369, and Poodle that can form a cooperation with Lu Xiufeng.

Second round of pick.

MHG: Nar, Lexix.

OMG: Lowe, Captain.

369's Nar is advancing by leaps and bounds with the help of everyone, there are Lv Xiufeng and Uzi in the team, and 369 can actually play Nar well under the training camp, after all, the middle lane will not be stealthy no matter what is used, and the lower lane is a stable Kerry point, 369 who has not been under pressure looks completely different, maybe it doesn't take a season to practice a hero, and a group of blowing monsters makes 369's mentality extremely high.

OMG will take Luo, who can open a group, and finally take the captain to confront 369's Nar, and the lineup that is full of output starts looks quite good, just from the perspective of the lineup score, OMG's lineup seems more reasonable, and the lineup of the MHG team is a bit of a sense of highlighting the individual strength of the players.

In addition to support, they all have a certain ability to compete with Kerry.

The lineup is confirmed.

OMG: Captain of the top laner, Hit the Boar Girl, Mid laner Ruiz, adc Calista, auxiliary bull head.

MHG: Top laner Nar, Jungler Rex, Mid Single Clockwork, ADC Verus, Support Tam.

The game begins.

Both junglers brushed from bottom to top with the help of the lower lane combination, and Lexie's brushing speed was still faster than that of Pig Girl, and he took the upper road river crab first, but he was also discovered by the eye, and Pig Sister gave up directly, after all, both middle and upper lanes controlled the right to push the line.

And MHG's lower lane also controls the right to push the line, and the Shuanghe crabs have fallen into the pocket of Lexey, from the current point of view, MHG's vision occupies an absolute advantage.

Rex directly entered the red buff wild area on the blue side, although he found where the pig girl was, but his eyes also found Rex, and he couldn't move directly.

The two junglers who had cleaned up the monsters began to test each other, and both sides controlled each other's positions, which ...... Why don't you dance for a while, make a bright face or something, or you'll be a little too bored.

Judging from the mending knife, the gap is not obvious, but Leng Shao's teleportation has been used, and Lu Xiufeng's side is the purification of the belt, at this time, from the state point of view, Ruiz, who returned to the city and held the goddess's tears in his hand, still has a slight advantage, and the two sides tacitly control the line in the middle of the river.

And the 369 on the road has been strongly pressed into the tower by virtue of Rexsai in the upper half of the wild area, and the captain with unhealthy blood can only return to the city to teleport, 369 chooses to teleport directly to the upper line to continue to suppress after returning to the city, and Rex is in the upper half of the wild area of the river to listen to the location of the pig girl.

The two sides didn't find any opportunities in the early stage, and the battle for vision OMG maintained a posture of not giving up an inch of land, which made Lu Xiufeng and Han Xin unable to move at all, after all, they were not simple and clear heroes like the prince, but even in this situation of frequent wandering, Lu Xiufeng still led by 20 knives in 11 minutes, this is still the situation where he did not force his face to ask for wild monsters, and the gap in the strength of the line is still quite obvious.

369 on the road also pressed 20 knives, this guy lost himself in a sound of "9 brother cow batch", and Nar, who was once uncomfortable, seemed to have become comfortable, not to mention that this long hand and short hand are really enjoyable.

It should be OMG who should be anxious, after all, it has reached the time node with a big move, and their lineup is more early stage, and there is indeed pressure on this offense, but MHG doesn't care about the early and late stages, Xiao Ming's Tamu swallowed Uzi into his stomach, drove directly to the middle lane, and chose to be the first to move!

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