It's only three and a half minutes, and Cassadine has been beaten out of legend by the Tsar, and Lu Xiufeng is outrageous.

"Look at Dad's suppressive force, you scum~

" "You get out of ......" This is Uzi, using Ezreal to face Verus, it's not bad not to be pressed, at this time he doesn't want to deal with this guy who is so scared that he doesn't want to be beaten.

"Peak...... Feng Ge beef pie. "This is 369, and sure enough, it's still more likable, which is like Uzi, an old fritter, who doesn't respect himself as a veteran at all.

"Don't be shy, Nunu is going backwards. This is Han Xin, he saw that the river crab on the lower road was not brushed, and immediately guessed Nunu's movements, and reported his whereabouts to Lu Xiufeng like a radar.

"Oooh oh. Lu Xiufeng sent his troops into the tower, chose to go down the river to return to the city, and made up a Duolan ring and an attack speed short knife to further strengthen his suppressive power, but there was one thing to say...... No matter how you look at the hero of the Tsar, it is a bit wasteful, and the formation time is several waves late.

This is the problem of phase, Bird looked at Lu Xiufeng's equipment bar and also had a painful face, he really didn't know what to say, he didn't know how many times he had told Lu Xiufeng because of this problem, but this guy promised it every time, and then turned his head and forgot about it, and the left ear in and out of the right ear skills were directly pulled to max.

5 minutes and 55 seconds, Nunu stole the little dragon with his Q skills and punishment, after all, it was a wind dragon, MHG didn't care too much, Han Xin didn't have a place to move, Cassadine ate the tower knife in the middle lane, and even if he and 369 joined forces on the road without Lu Xiufeng and damage, they might not even be able to flash, and if they went down the road, they might even explode directly if they were squatted back, and Verus's hero attribute was still quite perverted.

The clock was 6 minutes and 55 seconds ......

"Nunu is with me. "Han Xin began to compete with Nunu for the ownership of the red F6, with the strength of the middle lane, this pig girl can also try it shallowly, although Cassadine is already level 6, but the state will be set on fire when the tower is out.

Nunu and Han Xin each ate half of it, and the big one was taken away by Han Xin's punishment, and the two sides pulled away and didn't fight, and Uzi on the lower road marked the body of Verus, and the big red medicine stolen through the burglar omen gave him the courage to kill by the line.

Xiao Ming's bull head immediately walked forward, Verus didn't care too much about thinking that Bron had a shield, and was directly pushed up by Xiao Ming's WQ two times, although Ezreal's attack was blocked, but at this time, the damage of the bull head should not be underestimated, and Bron was directly turned into half blood by Ezreal after the end of the shield, and until this time, both sides did not hand over any summoner skills on the lower road.

Uzi directly E face, but Bronn stuck it tightly, not letting his skills hit Verus, and Verus healed a little distance away and started to fight back, Bron's passive was immediately beaten, and the ADC of both sides fell to the blood line of being killed at the same time.

Flash! Flash!

Verus flashed and was about to draw the bow, but Uzi seemed to dodge earlier than him, and the Q skill shot directly hit the landing point of Verus's flash, and the bow was pulled away before Verus could be launched, and Verus was killed directly.

Uzi's HP is too low, and now it's still carrying the damage of the minions, so where can it withstand it, although Bronn was flashed by the bull's head, but Bronn immediately flashed back a Q and directly accepted Uzi's head, and Xiao Ming was not happy, you are an assistant to kill my adc baby in front of me, you are looking for death, he lifted Bron, and when the E skill was knocked down, he just took Bron's remaining blood away.

1 for 2, OMG's mistakes are simply too undeserved, although Ezreal doesn't seem to have any outbreaks, but at this time he is opposite Uzi's Ezreal, how can he not go on the red medicine that has been stolen.

"Scumbag, look at Daddy's line killed!" Uzi, are you infected by Lu Xiufeng, this is a disease, you have to treat it, ......

"......" Lu Xiufeng stopped talking, and sullenly poked Cassadine twice more with a sand soldier.

Cassadine: ???

Cassadine really can't help it, how can he fight in a development suit......

369 didn't speak this time, but ......

MHG369 killed OMGXiyang!The

next road has just been played.,Sain wants to go to eat a gun carriage.,This Nar jumped directly over and pushed Sain to the wall.,But this Sain has been stuck at a distance.,Didn't hit the wall.,Although the follow-up was controlled by Nar's w.,But after sobering up, he directly connected a full Q and hit Nal's body.。

80!Open the shield!80!Explode the shield!E skill!80!

This unpretentious single kill is nothing unshowing, but the damage is calculated quite accurately, and neither side handed over the flash.

"Do you have 9 brothers? Others are single-handed! You are all the credit of Xiao Ming!" Lu Xiufeng ...... The person who killed alone is 369, not you, what are you doing?

"9 Brother Cow Pi. What do you have to do with you, what are you talking about, you only pressed Cassadine 15 times, I look down on you. Uzi immediately replied, I have to say that this team is quite adaptable.

This is still pressing...... OMG immediately sounded the horn of the counterattack, Verus rose 6 seconds to learn the ultimate, and directly hit Ezreal, Uzi reacted very quickly, but after all, it was still a little bit worse, although the E skill had been shot, but it was still tied up.

Bron picked up his ultimate to knock the bottom lane duo into the air, and at the same time, Cassadine's teleportation directly blocked their retreat.

"I'm here! I'm here!" Lu Xiufeng shouted, this guy's sense of smell was as keen as a dog, and as soon as Cassadine returned to the city, he went directly to the lower road, and at this time he was already near Xiaolongkeng.

"Come to me. Han Xin appeared directly in the triangle grass position, and his ability to read the game should not be underestimated.

It's noisy, but it's a reassuring teammate to fight.

Cassadine's big move narrowed the distance, QE knocked out Ezreal a little blood, but W's basic attack was pushed away by the bull's head before he could shoot, and at the same time, Verus's Q skill and the ice cube thrown by Nunu flashed hit Ezreal at the same time, Cassadine flashed and took R, and directly stepped on Uzi, Lu Xiufeng had just arrived at this time, and he was still a little slower......

The Tsar's ability to run the line is still too weak, and he has more than enough strength to do so, so he can only break the road with a big move, although a big move is pushed to three people, but the follow-up damage is still a little insufficient, and he can only choose to retreat.

Cassadine and Nunu's heads replaced Ezreal's heads, and it doesn't seem to be easy to say whether they will lose or gain, but MHG's support is a little too fast, and OMG can't make more gains.

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