Second round of ban.

MHG: Rock Sparrow, clockwork.

IG: Policewoman, small cannon.

Bird: "Don't ban the snake girl? Your Ryze can't beat the snake girl.

Lu Xiufeng: "No, it's Rookie on the other side, his clockwork proficiency is much higher than that of the snake girl, and the clockwork skills are not easy to dodge, and the snake girl's is easy to dodge." "

MHG has both aimed at Rookie, The shy and Rookie's hero pools are deep, but there is still a difference between the signature and the familiar, and it is respectful to target the sign.

And IG is even banning two hands ad, and now the ad that can still appear such as Callista, Ember and Ezreal, it seems that only Ezreal is a relatively good choice, but Ezreal with Tam, the initiative of the lower lane is too bad, if the lower lane is a weak chicken, there is no problem to choose this, but MHG's lower lane is Uzi plus Xiao Ming, so the choice seems to be a waste of the player's ability.

Second round of pick.


: Ezreal IG: Snake Girl

, but MHG still chooses Ezreal first, from the current point of view, the intention of playing the early stage is so obvious that it can't be more obvious, since you IG want to fight, then fight, what is the later stage, the operation team can't hold up the late stage, and your IG shouldn't be able to hold on.

IG is to lock down the snake girl and Orn.,Everyone is looking forward to what hero The shy will come up with to train 369.,I didn't expect to come up with such a hero who doesn't match his style.,But this group attribute is pulled up.,It looks like it's much more active than MHG.,This is IG.,Hit it.,Afraid of a ball.,Whether you want to fight in the early stage.,Or in the middle of the team battle.,Accompany you to the end.。

369 on the Kante position thought about it for a long time, and still took out the captain, recently he was also being trained by Bird, and watched a lot of The shy's games, that sharp style was engraved in his mind, and the pressure was a little breathless, even if The shy chose a hero like Orn, he still dared to take out his own signature to deal with it.

The lineup is confirmed.

IG: Top laner Orn, jungler Olaf, mid laner snake girl, adc big mouth, support Bron.

MHG: Top Lane Captain, Jungler Mantis, Mid Lane Ryze, ADC Ezreal, Support Tam.

Whether the king crushes Fang Shi, or the brave who overcomes thorns, there will be an answer soon.


enemy has 30 seconds left to arrive on the battlefield and crush them!

The mantis brushes from the bottom to the top with the help of the lower lane combination, while Olaf brushes the red buff alone, and the IG bottom lane combination goes online first, and directly starts to push the line, judging from the right to push the line...... MHG was pressed for the first time in the third line, which felt outrageous, and the captain on the road was actually held by Orn to push the line, and when he encountered this kind of top guy, 369 seemed to shake out 3, but this was also caused by pressure, and the captain's injury was crucial.

Han Xin chose to go around first to control the lower road river crab, but he was accidentally discovered by IG's lower road eye, The shy and Ning directly chose to cross the tower, the weak, pitiful and helpless 369 could only watch a large wave of troops being eaten by the defense tower, and he was still dead, although Ning's head was replaced, but from the perspective of the soldier line experience, he still lost money.

One blood was taken down by Olaf!

Han Xin went to the middle, Lu Xiufeng directly pressed forward unreasonably, and played Rookie's purification, this one rushed with the phase of both sides of the mid-laner, the speed of movement was simply outrageous, Han Xin couldn't catch up at all, he could only watch the two of them play lively as a spectator, and cheated each other's skills, and the mid-laners of both sides pulled away, and the blood volume reached less than half blood at the same time.

And the right to push the line is still firmly in the hands of Rookie......

Because of the loss of the right to push the line, Han Xin became uncomfortable, and his upper half of the wild area was wandered by Ning as if he were home, and the shy was not an inappropriate person, he directly used his ultimate move to force out Han Xin's e skill, and then flashed out Han Xin's flash.

This definitely can't be killed, it's obviously the meaning of changing the summoner's skills, it's so fierce that it's boundless, and Han Xin has nothing to do, he doesn't even dare to come to gank Orn, this hero's flesh attribute is there, if he doesn't succeed in catching it, he will be squatted to that is the rhythm of exploding.

However, Ning didn't have the idea of squatting, he grabbed Han Xin's stone man and F6 and then went up to level 6 first, and then he kept looking for trouble with Han Xin in the wild area, and his wild monsters didn't eat it, relying on his upper, middle and lower three-way push line, this kick on the nose and face to the extreme, when Ning's Olaf was level 7, Han Xin's Kazik was only level 5, and this disadvantage was really too big.

Lu Xiufeng pointed out a signal, Uzi and Xiao Ming immediately understood, this Han Xin and Ning are still entangled in the upper half of the wild area, the pressure on the road is still so deep, the discipline is really too bad, and the teaching director Lu Xiufeng is here to grasp discipline!

Xiao Ming's Tamu threw out his tongue and hit Big Mouth in the pile of soldiers, and at the same time, the light of the twisting path was already lit up behind Big Mouth, and Rookie didn't expect that this Lu Xiufeng would directly throw away a wave and a half of the troops and run to support the lower road, after all, the double moves of the duo on the lower road are all there, and if you don't catch it, it won't be a loss to your grandmother's house.

Can't catch it...... Three flashes hit two flashes, and when Tam Flash swallowed back the imprisoned mouth, it directly became a surprise from Acacia, and the flashing Bronn was also taken by Ezreal's accurate shooting with Flash, and directly hit 0 for 2.

Lu Xiufeng ate the line of troops gathered in front of the lower road tower, and he didn't seem to lose anything, and Ezreal didn't lose anything with his two heads in hand, let alone a loss, this ...... The first little dragon earth dragon was also taken down by MHG, and this sudden variation earned a lot of money.

But on the way, Olaf received his second head, and the captain of the flashed ship was cleaved by Olaf with an axe.

The head-to-head ratio came to 2-3, and from the perspective of the situation, it was still the IG team that was more active, but it was ...... Han Xin finally reached level 6, and this Ning dared to enter his wild area so unscrupulously, he already had the ability to kill alone.

The two sides entered a relatively stable period of development, the number of reinforcements increased little by little, the economy also accumulated little by little, and the enhancement of equipment made a greater distinction between Tandu and damage.

Lu Xiufeng avoided Rookie's Q skill, and threw a set directly into Rookie's face, directly hitting the phase rush and dodging another Q skill.

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