League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 237: The Prelude of the Bloody Spring

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The mottled magic lights illuminate the main banquet hall, and the luxurious atmosphere is shrouded in all living beings. The central dance floor is also surrounded by elegant and handsome men and women, with ambiguous smiles coming out of their hearts.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of the Clarence Hall, slightly disturbing the beautiful melody.

"A big man is coming?" Viscount Brooke turned his head to look, and the situation in front of him made him suspicious. Even the previous arrival of Marquis Gardner and Duke Gold did not cause such an impact.

Within the field of vision, the court nobles who were walking around the banquet got up one after another, tidying up their exquisite dresses, showing perfect fake smiles, and then walked forward respectfully with the dense flow of people.

There are also a small number of meritorious nobles who also put down their bodies, picked up a glass of red wine, and stood on both sides of the door to show their existence.

After a while, a blond young man in a luxurious black dress greeted the surrounding gentlemen and nobles with a gentle face, and then walked on the bright red carpet with a natural look, nodding to both sides frequently.

Broken golden hair draped over his shoulders, his fair and handsome face had a kind smile, and the tailored dress set off his slender figure and showed his almost perfect temperament.

Sawyer Craig Valante!

Viscount Brooke half-squinted his eyes and looked at His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince who was strolling forward at the moment. He did not expect that this person would come to the banquet held by the noble council in person. He must know that this person is one of the most popular in the king's seat.

"Are you buying people's hearts?" Viscount Brooke looked around and encountered some stray sights. The powerful nobles with territory and strength were also looking at each other. They are different from those court nobles. Even if the throne changes, it will not affect the fundamental. , at most only the interests are damaged.

The blood nobles in the center of the banquet hall just glanced at His Royal Highness Sawyer without any extra gestures, unlike those low-level nobles and gentlemen.

For the blood nobles, the family behind them almost grew up with the Kingdom of Stoke, and perhaps only when Sawyer really sits on the throne can they get their attention.

In the crystal glass, the red wine was slightly rippling, as if it was Viscount Brook's mood at the moment. He was a little hesitant. The reason why the Perris family can stand in the Hudgens province is that they have enough support from the royal family. (Limontanlu is located in the province of Hudgens, serving as both the royal capital and the administrative center.)

According to the guesses of most nobles, after the nobles' parliament tonight, His Majesty Lloyd will most likely announce that His Royal Highness Sawyer has officially become the next master of the kingdom.

"Alas!" Viscount Brooke finally sighed, and his expression gradually became firm. Today's Peris family needs a certain buffer time, and the loss of the heir will hit the entire Peris territory. (Children, very important to aristocratic rule.)

As for revenge, it's a bit ridiculous, to whom? Modrian?

Viscount Brook put away his thoughts, held a red wine glass, and moved his footsteps lightly. He was about to put down his body. The Peris family needed him to do this.


The turbulent energy fluctuations came from not far away, and many extraordinary professionals in the banquet hall seemed to sense something, suddenly turned around and looked towards the direction of the Violet Mage Tower.

Through the golden colored glass, a deep purple brilliance tore through the rainstorm sky and was reflected in everyone's eyes.

The melodious melody stopped and the clamor was silent. The lively banquet before seemed as if time had stagnated. Almost all the nobles and gentlemen stood there, silently watching the shocking scene not far away,

No one is a fool, and what happened in the Violet Mage Tower made them understand what should happen, especially at the end of the battle for the throne.

In the circle of meritorious nobles, as well as the blood nobles, they all waved their hands in exchange for their servants and attendants. After whispering a few words, those servants and attendants quickly left the main banquet hall, preparing to leave here.

However, the large number of court nobles and gentlemen gathered at the gate made it difficult for them to walk. More than 30 servants and servants crowded with those nobles, causing some minor confusion, and there would be reprimands from time to time.

Compared with the identities of gentlemen and nobles, the identities of these servants and attendants are inherently shorter. Fortunately, their clothes or leather armor are engraved with the coat of arms of the nobles they belong to, so there is not much dispute.

The chaos is subsiding, and for some unknown reason, there are several servants and attendants heading in the direction of His Highness Sawyer. When some court nobles gathered around saw this situation, they wanted to reprimand these inferiors with their knowledge of etiquette.

Just before he could be reprimanded, the mutation suddenly started, and a biting chill filled the depths of his soul.


Under the bright magic light, dozens of shadows attacked, like the breath of a sinister snake, and like the petals floating, obscuring everyone's vision in an instant.


The thick brown brilliance burst out on Sawyer, dazzling and dazzling, but it was annihilated in an instant, silently, without even the slightest energy fluctuation.

The next moment, a bright head rose into the air, the gentle smile on his face had not yet disappeared, and the pride and fear in his eyes were mixed together.

The viscous and bright blood surged like a fountain, splashing on the surrounding nobles and gentlemen, pouring the hypocritical expression and the unconcealed horror, like the clown on the stage, ugly and funny.

The shadows dissipated, screams rang out, and the color of confusion became prominent. After seeing such a bloody scene, countless noble ladies and ladies ran in panic, panicking.

The color appeared on the face, regardless of the elegant and decent posture.

The orderly banquet was completely changed at this moment, and exclamations kept ringing. The blood-drenched gentlemen and court nobles at the front had seen such a scene there before, and all of them subconsciously retreated to the back, looking extremely frightened. .

Accompanied by the rich bloody smell, a large number of nobles and gentlemen crowded around the door of the banquet hall scattered towards the surroundings, leaving a headless body lying on the clean and tidy floor, not showing its former style.

At the back, most of the great nobles in the center of the banquet hall already had a bit of solemnity on their faces. The battle for the throne was much more cruel than expected.

If the guess is correct, the change of the banquet held by the noble council at this moment is related to the Violet Mage Tower, but they don't know what is the reason, so that the battle for the throne has completely torn apart the face.

Is it His Royal Highness Saroyan? Or His Royal Highness Guy?

The color of doubt spread in the circle. After the great nobles looked at each other for a few times, they all got nothing. The abnormal situation in Limontan Lune was out of their control.

"Duke Gold, it seems that the current situation has broken out of the prescribed order?" Marquis Gardner glanced at the icy corpse of His Highness Sawyer in the most central place in the circle of blood nobles and asked softly.

Shaking his head slightly, Duke Gold indicated that he didn't know, and said in a low voice: "Someone has crossed the order. I think you, as the Chancellor of the Exchequer, should have found out? After all, Limontanlu is your territory."

"Sorry, I really don't know." Marquis Gardner lowered his eyes and said, in the invisible perspective, there was a flash of fluctuations in his eyes.

"The strength of the Jeffrey family is obvious to all, and its strength in Limontanlu is not small. I think you should have more say."

Um? Hearing the words, Duke Gold glanced at Marquis Gardner, who was calm at the moment, and narrowed his eyes slightly. For some reason, at that moment, he seemed to feel his heart beating inexplicably, as if... It's like touching the god of death once.

Not from Marquis Gardner, but some kind of whim, or what you might call a gut feeling.

"Hehe, Marquis Gardner is joking, who dares to underestimate the strength of the Daler family?" Just as the words fell, Duke Gold did not wait for the compliment to continue, and coughed softly.

"I'm sorry, the weather has been raining lately, and I'm a little unwell. I'm old and I have to admit defeat!"

Immediately, Duke Gold turned and left without any hesitation. He wanted to rush back to Lanvasul Castle as soon as possible. The matter of Limontanlu was unexpected, and there were even sequelae left. baron.........

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