League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 581 Hextech Standard Firearms (Rechargeable)

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The magic lights flickered, and two wobbly shadows were reflected on the smooth corridor walls.

On the throne, Modrian leaned on the back of the steel chair with his arms resting on his cheeks, quietly watching the departing figures of Ergost and Petrick, his calm face rippling slightly.

Turning his eyes slightly, he stared at the traces left by Petrick, Lord of Purgatory Flames.

Although this abyss red dragon seems to have no bottom line, greedy for life and fear of death, and eager for strength, it is this kind of guy that is worth noting.

As for Ogst, he is an extremely smart old fellow, an undead dracolich, but he will be a good partner, at least he will put himself in the shoes of Valoran and consider something.

"A total war between the Abyss and the Prime Material Plane."

"The gods are coming, and the evil gods are coming."

Modrian pondered the information revealed by Ogst, and frowned.

He remembered the fate prophecy unintentionally revealed by the Mokawi family, [Astral world collapses, abyss shakes], it seems that an invisible shadow is surrounding the edge of the main material plane, pulling it into the boundless darkness.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much about the bottomless abyss. With enough time, we can make a full layout." Swain turned to look at the Trifali Legionnaire, and raised his chin imperceptibly.

The Trifali Legionnaires who were guarding the palace immediately knocked on their breastplates with their armored fists and gave a military salute.

"What the Valoran leader needs to consider now is the enemy hidden in the dark." Swain straightened his body, and his rigid face showed a cold color.

"Red Lotus Abyss, dark abyss, divine power, the combination of these information tells that the enemy who hides in the dark must not be underestimated." After a slight pause, Swain's eyes were deep and flickering with an elusive divine light.

"Even... the abyss of original sin can't relax its vigilance."

The sudden abyss invasion event plunged the Valoran Territory into an inexplicable quagmire of war. It seemed that it was just a simple abyss monster attack, but the 'thing' hidden in the darkness was quietly approaching the territory.

Modrian turned to look at Swain, the Noxian commander exuding a calm and forced aura, his expression full of confidence, as if he had regained the feeling of ruling the Noxian Empire.

"Need to inform other people guarding everywhere?"

Swain raised his crimson left hand gently, as if he could see a dim shadow. "No, they know what to do. What we need to do is to fully integrate all the forces in the territory during this time."

"The abyss invasion, the beginning of disaster, is also the end of power."

"Those weak nobles should have realized that they cannot resist the Valoran Land."

"Now, it's time for us to reap the fruits."

"The Valoran Territory only needs one voice, and that is your honor." After speaking, Swain got up and respectfully saluted Modrian.

Hearing Swain's words, Modrian couldn't deny it, and looked up at the night outside the dome, the bleak white moonlight filled with a trace of blood.

The reform measures he once proposed, after being adjusted and modified by Swain, slowly penetrated into every part of the Valoran Territory, like boiling frogs in warm water, depriving the ancient nobles of the territory little by little. .

Of course, with the force of Valoran, no one can refuse to surrender their interests. But the subsequent impact is something Modrian doesn't want to see.

Regardless of social affiliation, background, homeland, and personal wealth, anyone can gain power, status, and respect in Valoran, so long as they can demonstrate the necessary competence.

This is Swain's political ambition, and it is also the political starting point that Modrian strongly agrees with.

What the Valoran Territory needs are people who are truly loyal to the Valoran Territory, not subject to force and coercion.

"Then let's get started."

Modrian turned to look at Swain, looked at Zed in the shadow, and spoke in a condensed voice.



Following Modrian's order, the Valoran Territory quickly activated like a mechanical beast.

The silent undercurrent wave started from the Lakstark Fortress and spread outward, slowly submerging the cities of Ervindale, Lafargue, Edalas, Limontanlu, Castle Lanvasul, Southern Province and other territories. area.

Not long ago, the bloody slaughter carried out by Katarina had already wiped out the stubborn elements in the territory. The remaining nobles and big businessmen were basically all inclined to the Valoran Territory, but they were still reluctant to surrender what they had in their hands. citizens and interests.

In this sudden abyss invasion, almost all the nobles and big businessmen suffered trauma and lost most of their benefits.

Even if there is a small factor due to the permanent town, the loss is small.

But under the wave of silence, everyone who had witnessed the terror of Valoran gave up their resistance silently and surrendered their rights.

Especially after the Dale family and the Arnold family took the lead in handing over the Flame Knights and the Violet Guards they controlled, this wave ended quickly.

The Valoran Territory has completely integrated all the forces, leaving only one center of power.

Rakstark Fortress!

In the time that followed, a law, decree, ordinance, rules and regulations from the Noxian Empire and the Kingdom of Demacia from the Valoran Continent were revised and improved by Modrian, Swain and others. Posted in Valoranland

All towns.

The most attention-grabbing is the permanent promotion of the nobility decree.

The nobles in the Valoran Territory are divided into two categories: meritorious nobles and duty nobles, and the so-called court nobles and blood nobles are abolished.

This is in line with Swain's political ideal that only those who demonstrate ability in the fields of politics, military, manufacturing, trade and magic will make Valoran stronger.

Meritorious nobles, relying on military achievements to obtain noble titles, and even territorial awards.

The Dal family and the Arnold family, who had long supported the Valoran Territory, were the first to be awarded the title of meritorious nobles by virtue of their performance in the Shatar Great Plains war and the abyss invasion.

The title of meritorious noble can last for three generations. If no one can obtain enough military merit in Valoran within three generations, then the title of noble is cancelled.

The nobles of duty, relying on their outstanding ability to seek positions in many towns in Valoran territory.

Talents in this area are also urgently needed by the Valoran Territory, because placing many heroes in the town will waste their ability too much, and they need a more exciting stage to show themselves.

Cooper Adolph, Horace Lindbergh Dale, Sigrid Cecil Mokawi, Benny Izzy and others quickly acquired titles of nobles.

These earliest followers of Mordrian, faintly became the core of the new nobles in Valoran.

As for the many heroes and elite legions in the Valoran Territory, Modrian thought again and again and decided to give up the title and establishment. They are the real core of the Valoran Territory, and it is related to the League of Legends system. It is better to be careful, at least they can Reduce the snooping and coveting of some conscientious people.

Time moved forward quietly.

The chaos stirred by the abyss invasion gradually subsided, but the endless abyss monster attacks are still eroding the vitality of the territory, like a slow poison, trying to destroy the Valoran Territory.

This was not the situation Modrian wanted to see. After asking Ogster to no avail, he arranged for Professor Heimerdinger to start one of the pre-selection filings for the Valoran Territory.

Make Hextech machinery products.

Long before the abyss invasion, Valoran had equipped many towns and legionnaires with Hextech mechanical products, but most of them were experimental models for data collection.

And now the situation in the abyss where Valoran Territory is located.

It was impossible for Modrian to arrange for his legionnaires to clean the abyss monsters around the clock, so he arranged for Professor Heimerdinger and alchemy technology researchers to start making Hextech mechanical products and use them in Valoran territory.

[Hextech Standard Firearms (Rechargeable)] and [Hextech Turret (Type 1)], these two Hextech products made in Iron Glass City were quickly transported to the Lax Stark Fortress. Many towns in Valoran.

Once circulated and used, it was welcomed by countless legionnaires and town soldiers, including many old nobles and great merchants.

Comparing the two, the [Hextech Turret (Type 1)] used for town defense is far less popular than the sophisticated [Hextech Standard Firearm (Rechargeable)].

As mentioned in the remarks of [Blueprint: Hextech Standard Firearms].

The birth of standard firearms allows more and more ordinary people to use Hextech firearms, and is no longer specially provided to those few people with arcane talents.

The power it possesses, through the experiments of Iron Glass City, can effectively traumatize professionals.

Once you meet a professional on a team scale, it can completely suppress and even complete a kill.

When Modrian first saw the Hextech standard firearms, he recalled the scientific and technological civilization of the previous life, and also clearly understood what the birth of the Hextech standard firearms would do to the existing civilization system of the Caladimus Continent. Horrible shock.

Although the extraordinary power is still extraordinary, it will definitely not be as high as before.

In the end, after discussing with Swain, Heimerdinger, and others, he launched the [Rechargeable], a simplified version of the Hextech standard firearm.

From the name alone, it can be understood that this is a Hextech firearm that needs to be recharged after shooting, like a rifle in the previous life, but the impact it brings still caused inexplicable waves inside the Valoran Territory.

This shoe can be seen from the reaction of the old nobles and big businessmen, the extraordinary boundaries completely collapsed in front of Hextech firearms.

It is also the appearance of [Hextech Standard Firearms (Rechargeable)], which gradually restored a little trade between the different towns of Valoran, which led to an increase in economic consumption.

In the wild environment in the territory, every noble servant or caravan escort escorting the caravan wears purchased Hextech firearms. When encountering a small number of abyssal monsters, they will defeat or kill the abyss monsters with the advantage of the number of people.

Occasionally encounter more abyss monsters, send a signal, there will be patrolling legionnaires to come to support.

In any case, the appearance of Hextech firearms has profoundly changed some things and caused a lot of fluctuations within the Valoran Territory, but with the strong force restraint, no one dared to offend the majesty of the Valoran Territory.

However, Modrian clearly knew in his heart that with the passage of time, the evolutionary buds produced by technology would spread among ordinary people at an unusually terrifying speed.

Even if the extraordinary cornerstone cannot be destroyed, it will cause irreparable effects.

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