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Chapter 1108: Still haven't forgotten her

Liang Wan's conditions are excellent in all aspects. People want good looks, good temperament, and academic qualifications. Even with a child, this kind of woman is chased by many people.

Over the years, there have been many people pursuing Liang Wan. Basically, they can line up in a long line. There are even some rich people with very good conditions, but none of them are rejected by Liang Wan.

On the one hand, it was for her daughter, and part of the reason was that she could not forget her dead husband at the time, and Liang Wan, as an accountant, would not worry about her own livelihood issues. There was no problem with supporting her and her daughter. .

After so many years, Liang Wan has become accustomed to a person's life, so she is even less interested in finding another partner, similar to Su Qishan's situation.

But after I came to Ningcheng Machinery Factory, I don’t know why. Liang Wan had a wickedly favorable impression of Su Qishan. It was not because of Su Qishan's identity. Maybe even Liang Wan didn’t know what it was because of her. He had a good impression of Su Qishan.

It may be because of the character of Su Qishan, a good old person, or it may be that she and Su Qishan have the same experience. In short, Liang Wan likes Su Qishan.

Speaking of this, Su Qishan smiled bitterly, and then said: "I'm not stupid, of course I can feel it. During this time, she always talked to me with everything and took the initiative to care about my clothing, food, housing and transportation, but I pretended not to I know it."

Su Qishan kept these words in his heart, so he told Su Ming today. It is impossible for others to take the initiative to say this.

Su Ming understood what was going on, but he didn't expect that his father was still a little charming. He was already middle-aged, and he was still admired by others.

But after hearing the back, Su Ming couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and said, "Dad, why do you pretend not to know? Aunt Liang is so caring."

"Dad, let me tell you that the man should take the initiative in things like this, and you see that Aunt Liang's conditions are so good. If you can see you as a blessing from your previous life, you should stop pretending." Su Ming Could not help but persuade.

Su Ming still agrees with Su Qishan and Liang Wan in his heart. After all, Su Qishan has been alone for so many years. Su Ming is destined to spend less and less time at home in the future. It is also very good to have one more person with Su Qishan as company. .

More importantly, Su Qishan is also a normal man, and there is always a need. Su Qishan has been single for so many years, and Su Ming doesn't know how he survived.

Listening to what Su Ming said before was like that, but the more I heard it, the more something went wrong, and Su Qishan's face suddenly turned black, and then he said: "Su Ming, what do you mean by this, I am not People want the same."


Su Ming glanced at Su Qishan, and said to his heart that you are just as honest as you, and you don't know how to chat with women. You really can't hook up with women these days.

However, after Su Ming murmured in his heart, he still spoke more seriously: "Dad, it's not that no woman likes you. Your present chairman is a person with a net worth of hundreds of millions. Even many young and beautiful women I want to pounce on you."

"But I don’t mind you contacting those women, Aunt Liang is really nice, and I can see that she is sincere to you, even when she prepares meals for me tonight, she is very attentive, for fear that I will be dissatisfied. , It all cares about your feelings."

After Su Ming said these few words, he didn't speak any more, and he needed to give Su Qishan some time to think about it. It is estimated that Su Qishan himself has not made up his mind.


Sure enough, Su Qishan sighed. It’s the hardest to lose weight. In fact, most men long for a woman to treat him well. But the difference between men and women is that when a man is not ready to develop with this woman When going down, the better a woman treats him, the stronger the guilt in his heart.

After being silent for a while, Su Qishan said at this time: "Aunt Liang is kind to me, I see it in my eyes. I don't know what to do to repay her, but I never thought about being with her. !"

Su Ming was slightly surprised when he heard Su Qishan's words, but when he saw Su Qishan's firm eyes, Su Ming suddenly realized it, and slowly said, "You still haven't forgotten her, right? "

The "she" in Su Ming's mouth naturally refers to Su Ming's mother. Su Ming has never even seen a mother who has no impression at all.

Su Qishan stopped talking, lowered his head and was silent, not knowing what he was thinking. Su Ming glanced at him and knew that he had been told by him, and then Su Ming said: "I don't know where my mother is now, nor do I know her. Whereabouts, let alone whether she will come back to look for our father and us."

"But to be conscientious, Dad, I really recommend that you consider contacting Aunt Liang and try to develop. Maybe Aunt Liang is a good choice."

It's not that Su Ming doesn't speak to his mother. It is true that Su Ming has no impression of his mother at all. It is false to say how many feelings he has.

From a rational point of view and from the perspective of considering Su Qishan, Su Ming still prefers to see Su Qishan and Liang Wan try to develop. After all, Liang Wan is in good condition in all aspects, and he can also have a companion with Su Qishan. After that, the two of them will take care of each other better together.

So Su Ming said again: "Dad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can understand your feelings for mom, but how many years have passed, has she ever appeared? Have you ever thought about it, maybe in your life I can't see her anymore!"

Su Ming's words were like a sharp sword hitting Su Qishan's heart. After Su Qishan heard these words, he could feel that he seemed to have difficulty breathing.

After a while, Su Qishan said with some difficulty, "No matter if I can see you and mom, I will never marry again in this life."

Su Qishan's persistence made Su Ming have nothing to say. On the contrary, Su Ming still admired his father, an absolute good man, and felt that it was really difficult to find another man with such an infatuation.

I thought it was a happy thing, but the result was a little different from what Su Ming thought. The atmosphere was even a little depressed at this time. Su Ming didn't like the atmosphere of the father and son.

So Su Ming said, "Dad, I won't persuade you anymore. You have your own decision. I won't interfere, but you have to worry about Aunt Liang and don't hurt others."

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