League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1110: Demon Marsh Frog


After Su Ming dodged this shuriken flying over in a thrilling manner, he felt like a dog. It was so insidious. He kept doing things secretly, but couldn't come out.

And this guy is really powerful. The shuriken thrown is indeed very fast and accurate enough. It’s hard to believe that throwing this kind of thing is as precise and fast as the bullet of a sniper rifle, as if the shuriken has a targeting system, directly Su Ming is locked.

"This time it is definitely a master."

Su Ming was already certain in his heart that the thrown shuriken could break the "Eye of the Storm" shield at once, which would be strange if it is not a master.

However, realizing that the guy was still targeting him, Su Ming was a little relieved. Su Ming was also worried that the killer would trick Hu Lishan and deceive himself and then target Su Qishan. It seems that their target is still himself.

The only thing that made Su Ming more troublesome was that this guy had been hiding in the dark, and he didn't know what kind of weird body technique he had used, as if he had merged with the night.


At this moment, another shuriken flew towards Su Ming at a very fast speed, which made Su Ming's egg painful. It rolled over on the ground dexterously, and escaped in an embarrassing thrill. .


No matter how good the temper is, it might be a little bit unbearable to be secretly done like this. Su Ming was so utterly angry that he shouted: "Do you have any interest in this person? Can you get out of me? It's interesting to keep throwing hidden weapons in secret. , Do you treat me as a living target?"

But the person in the dark didn't mean to pay attention to Su Ming at all. Su Ming was particularly embarrassed. Another shuriken flew out, and this time it was close to Su Ming's forehead, and Su Ming finally couldn't stand it.

He immediately summoned the blade of the ruined king's blade, and simply didn't hide it at all. It takes too much energy to hide, and I don't know if it can be avoided. If the action is slow, it will be a little bit bad.

So Su Ming directly raised the blade of the ruined king and blocked this shuriken so hard, but the power of the shuriken was so great that basically every shot was aimed at Su Ming's life.

Su Ming has a feeling that even if he uses the Q skill of Jie, the darts thrown out are not as powerful as this guy's shuriken. Rather, he uses it to destroy the King's Blade. Su Ming still feels the tiger's mouth in his arm and even his palm. It's all numb.

"Bang, bang--"

Su Ming again blocked two shurikens in succession. Su Ming already felt a little strenuous. The main reason was that the enemy was in the dark. Su Ming could only defend passively, which was too unfavorable.

More importantly, that guy's shurikens are like throwing them away without money. This is what hurts Su Ming the most. If this continues, even if Su Ming is so powerful, I'm afraid he can't stand it.

So while Su Ming watched this guy's shuriken, he carefully observed the neighborhood, wondering if he could find a favorable terrain to hide, and at least block the guy's shuriken.

But what makes Su Ming more painful is that there is a little space around here, and there is no good terrain at all. If you want to hide, Su Ming can only hide in the residential building.

But this guy's lethality is a bit terrifying. Any shuriken can kill ordinary people. Su Ming can't joke about the lives of the residents. Many of them are neighbors that Su Ming knows very well.

At this moment, Su Ming suddenly thought of the Demon Marsh Frog drawn out two days ago. He said that the skin of the Demon Marsh Frog is thick and thick, and it is so difficult to fight in the game. Presumably, Shuriken will not give it directly. If it is killed, the Demon Marsh Frog can be summoned as a meat shield.

And when the system was introduced at the beginning, it was said that this magic marsh frog skin is thick and durable, and it must be used after it is taken out. Otherwise, is it a waste, so Su Ming thought about it and gave the magic marsh frog Summoned out.

"Crack, croak, croak——————"

After the Demon Marsh Frog came out, he immediately screamed with two big cheek gangs. The voice sounded quite crisp, but after seeing the Demon Marsh Frog, Su Ming was still stunned.

It is almost the same shape as the magic marsh frog in the game, with a fat body like a balloon, two insignificant legs, and it seems that the body proportions are abnormally uncoordinated.

But in reality, it's more than a little bit bigger. It's almost like Su Ming's waist when lying on the ground. Looking at its size, Su Ming feels that this thing is at least one or two hundred catties.

Fortunately, there is no one around, and Su Ming is rejoicing again. If there are ordinary people, you can't summon this thing. I won't say it for scary people. I think they will be regarded as aliens.


The man in the dark was still throwing the shuriken, and he didn’t mean to let Su Ming at all. The demon marsh frog that was suddenly summoned made the ninja in the dark never expected, so this shuriken was in front of Su Ming. The huge magic marsh frog was blocked.


Just when Su Ming wanted to see if the skin of the Demon Marsh Frog was thick enough, who knew that after the Demon Marsh Frog screamed in its mouth, it jumped directly and landed on the side, holding the shuriken lightly. So he hid.


Su Ming hadn't expected it to be killed. This magic marsh frog is so flexible, it is simply a flexible fat man. From its body, this is not scientific at all.

What's more cheating is that it hid it, but its behavior is equivalent to directly selling Su Ming behind it, and the shuriken came at Su Ming again.

In Su Ming's heart, countless pure white alpacas rushed past, but fortunately, Su Ming's reaction was fast enough, raising the ruined king's blade in his hand and blocking it.

At this time, Su Ming had the urge to slap the Demon Marsh Frog to death. It was originally ugly, but in the end, you pitted the owner and almost killed Su Ming. Originally wanted to use it as a meat shield, As a result, this guy hid directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That jump looks more flexible than Su Ming, unscientific or unscientific.


The Demon Marsh Frog screamed again, and it sounded louder than before. It seemed that someone was about to attack it. This guy was a little angry.

"Oh, are you angry?"

Su Ming looked at the demon marsh frog's reaction, and couldn't help being a little puzzled. His heart said that he didn't touch you again, why he was angry.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Demon Marsh Frog suddenly moved forward and quickly jumped over, without knowing what it was doing.

"I wipe——————"

Su Ming was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly realized that this magic marsh frog is angry, it should be frightened, it seems to be running away.

Seeing the Demon Marsh Frog abandoning itself and about to run away, Su Ming almost spit out a mouthful of blood, cheating, this Demon Marsh Frog is too cheating.

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