League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1115: Hope you do it yourself

After the guy who nodded and bowed read the font on the fax word by word, his reaction was similar to Inoue Hirohito's, his face also changed drastically.

Because this guy knows all the things Inoue Hirohito did. After all, he is the person next to Inoue Hirohito, so he knows Inoue Hirohito best.

This fax sent from Huaxia Country directly warned Inoue Hirohito, and what he wanted to express was self-evident, which meant that Su Ming had already known that Inoue Hirohito arranged for someone to kill him.

"President, is that the person from Huaxia Kingdom already knows our plan? What...what can we do?" This nodding and bowing guy is good at flattering. When it comes to such an urgent matter, he immediately did not. Got an idea.

Hirohito Inoue was the most horrified in his heart. He thought that this time Luo Yingshan would kill Su Ming, but Su Ming directly sent a fax to the Qin Group early this morning.

What this means Inoue Hirohito is very clear in his heart, that is to say, his plan is exposed, and Su Ming is not dead at all. If Su Ming is dead now, how could he still send a fax to him.

Thinking of this, Inoue Hirohito suddenly couldn't sit still. A face looked like an eggplant that had just been beaten by Qiu Shuang, as ugly as it was.

The possibility of the failure of Su Ming’s assassination was not unconcerned by Inoue Hirohito, but he was still too confident in the strength of Luo Yingshan, so he did not think about it carefully. Now Su Ming discovered all this, it can be imagined in Inoue Hirohito’s heart. The degree of panic.


Hirohito Inoue immediately climbed up from the swimming pool. The splashing pool was full of water splashes. Today, Hirohito Inoue only soaked in the pool for 20 minutes. Compared with his usual soak for an hour, it was a lot worse.

However, Hirohito Inoue was still in the mood at this moment, and said to the guy who nodded and bowed behind him: "Hurry up and prepare the car, bring my clothes, and go to Luoying Mountain immediately!"

The guy who nodded and bowed immediately ran behind Inoue Hirohito, picked up a huge white bath towel, and helped Inoue Hirohito to put it on his back. At the same time, the guy who nodded and bowed said: "President, you haven't had breakfast yet, or maybe a little bit Eat some breakfast before you go. Breakfast is already ready, so I don’t want to be in a hurry!"

"Eat breakfast!"

Hirohito Inoue was still in fear at this time, and the whole person was about to be in bad shape. How could he still be in the mood for breakfast, he said directly: "Hurry up and prepare a car to Luoying Mountain. You can't delay it!"


Inoue Hirohito’s luxury private training car was racing fast on the highway. Inoue Hirohito was sitting in the back row. Since getting on the car, he has kept his eyes closed, and he doesn’t know what he is thinking about. Anyway, you can see his mood. It was very bad at this time, even the air pressure in the whole car was much lower.

"The president is here!"

Inoue Hirohito kept his eyes closed, and he had no idea about time. After some time, the guy who nodded and bowed softly said a word. Then Inoue Hirohito opened his eyes, and Luo Yingshan finally arrived.

As usual, the car was still parked under the mountain. After Hirohito Inoue got off the car, with the support of the two bodyguards, he walked towards Luoying Mountain.

Although a little panting, climbing the mountain is really a physical job for a person of Inoue Hirohito's age, but Inoue Hirohito is still fast, walking fast with his teeth, which shows how anxious Inoue Hirohito is at this time.

"Mr. Iga————"

After seeing the old man with white eyebrows, Inoue Hirohito said hello, and then began to gasp. It was indeed a waste of his physical strength just now, so Inoue Hirohito had to take a moment to relax.

When the old man Baimei saw Hirohito Inoue coming, he immediately understood what he was doing. It seems that Hirohito Inoue received the news very quickly, so the old man Baimei said, "Don't worry, Mr. Inoue, sit down and drink some water first. "

"This time Luo Yingshan sent to Huaxia's senior Shangnin, and the assassination failed!" The old man with white eyebrows told Inoue Hirohito straightforwardly. He knew that Inoue Hirohito came for this, and he is not the kind of nonsense. People.


The most worrying thing happened. Although Inoue Hirohito had already had such a guess before he came, when he heard it from the old man with white eyebrows, Inoue Hirohito's little heart trembled.

After finally taking a few deep breaths, Inoue Hirohito immediately asked: "Mr. Iga, the ninja of Rakurayama is so powerful, why...how did it fail?"

Inoue Hirohito's question is not at all level, similar to nonsense, how could he fail? It must have never been beaten, otherwise, wouldn't it be successful?

The old man with white eyebrows glanced at Inoue Hirohito, and then said: "This matter is our carelessness. The Chinese young man in your mouth is not simple, and even very terrifying. So this time, Luo Yingshan's high-ranking Shinobu missed it. ."

"Of course, there is another possibility. There is an expert around the target who is sheltering him. No matter which possibility, we can't kill this person." The old man with white eyebrows thought for a long time, only these two possibilities Sex.

Either Su Ming's strength is very powerful, or Su Ming has a very powerful helper, very simple reason.

When Hirohito Inoue heard this, he was shocked, and then he said: "Mr. Iga~www.wuxiaspot.com~What do you mean by this? Isn't Rakurayama going to continue to make a move?"

"You promised me that you would kill this person and then help me get the antidote. You can't suddenly regret it." Hirohito Inoue was a little worried.

"Sorry Mr. Inoue."

The old man Baimei continued: "Luoyingshan can't pick up this list, so please find someone else. As for the commission this time, you won't be charged. It depends on the previous exchanges between us. That's it."

The meaning of the old man Baimei is very clear, this time they lost Luo Yingshan to eat, after all, he is also responsible, so I will not pursue Inoue Hirohito, but they will definitely not kill this person again.

And Inoue Hirohito couldn't help but get even more anxious. Now Rakurayama is his only life-saving straw, so Inoue Hirohito continued: "Mr. Iga, we can discuss the price. You can continue to raise it. You have to help me."

"Hugh want to say more, this time our senior Shangren of Luoyingshan has been asleep in Huaxia, and will no longer make unnecessary sacrifices, and I hope Mr. Inoue can do it for yourself." The old man with white eyebrows directly cleared up Hirohito Inoue. relationship.

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