League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1127: My old lady is dying

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   Liang Xu almost vomited blood by Su Ming. Fortunately, he was young and had no physical problems, so he abruptly resisted the urge to vomit blood.


   Only a little bit of hope has arisen in his heart just now, but Su Ming poured cold water from head to toe in a sentence, which is really cruel.


  What do you mean by "she's just my girlfriend", this sentence is so irritating, it's so special if you have a girlfriend, but what else do you want?


  Su Ming also said this deliberately. He didn't plan to fight Liang Xu, because it was unnecessary, he didn't provoke himself naked, and beat and kill at every turn. That was not Su Ming's style.


   It's more necessary to get angry about this guy, and Su Ming seems to be a bit psychopathic. When he sees this guy get angry, Su Ming is quite happy.


   It took a long time for Liang Xu to come back, continue to look at Su Ming with fierce eyes, and immediately said: "I don't care what you have to do with Shen Mu, but you can listen to what I said today."


   "You are not good enough for Shen Muke at all, leave her for me, have you heard it?" Liang Xu stared at his eyes and matched his figure, it seemed quite scary.


   But in the eyes of Su Ming, this guy is no different from Silly. It's a fighter in Silly. If you let me go, I will leave? It's really interesting.


   When Liang Xu said that, Su Ming was not angry. The little kid who could walk without the hair straight came to an adult and said, "You are rubbish." That adult couldn't be really angry with him.


   So Su Ming said with interest: "Oh, what if I don't want to leave her?"




   Upon hearing this, Liang Xu snorted and then said: "If you don't leave, I will make you pay. If you don't believe me, wait!"


  'S words are full of threats. Liang Xu currently dare not directly fight with Su Ming. The strength that Su Ming showed just now is a bit weird. It is estimated that this kid is a bit strong and difficult to deal with.


   But this does not mean that Liang Xu is afraid of Su Ming. He is very clear about Su Ming's identity. Shen Muke's parents have said that there can be fakes. This kid is just an ordinary senior high school student.


   There are too many ways to deal with a high school student. Liang Xu can find someone to clean him up, or use some more damaging methods. It's not that he has never done such a thing.




   Su Ming couldn't help but laughed twice. Suddenly the laughter stopped abruptly, and then Su Ming's voice became louder, and he said to this guy: "You let me leave and I will leave. Are you a yarn?"


   "I also told you directly, Shen Mu is my girlfriend, now it is the future, so don't waste your energy, if you want to trouble me, then just come and stay with me!"


   Su Ming didn't bother to follow this guy too much. After leaving a few words, he left directly. There is no point in talking nonsense with such a person.


   Even his level is too low, he can't be regarded as Su Ming's opponent at all, it will not cause any pressure on Su Ming, just a jumping clown.


Liang Xu's face was even more ugly. He kept staring at Su Ming's back, wishing to kill Su Ming right away. From the sullen eyes of this guy, he would definitely find a way to deal with Su Ming. Su Mingjin The late behavior completely angered him.


   The degree of hatred between rivals is very high, and the misfortunes that happen to women are countless.


   And Liang Xu's eyes have been staring at Su Ming, especially after seeing Su Ming walk to the gate of the community and stop a taxi in a short while, Liang Xu's heart has no more scruples.


   Xin said that you have to take a taxi when you go out. It must be an ordinary person. Isn't it easy to deal with such ordinary goods?




   In the next two days, Liang Xu was quite tolerable. There was some hypocrisy in this guy, which made him be cautious in doing things under any circumstances, and the same was true when dealing with Su Ming.


   He didn't do anything in the past two days. Just let someone take him to follow Su Ming. First, he stayed outside of Ningcheng Middle School, and then even Su Ming's home inquired clearly.


   The information that she and Shen Mu were classmates made Liang Xushun feel like they could find some information about Su Ming after spending some money. Of course, what he checked was only basic information. As for Su Ming's personal connections and the like, at Liang Xu's level, he simply couldn't find out.


It is worth mentioning that the information shows that Su Ming’s father, Su Qishan, is an ordinary cook in Ningcheng Machinery Factory. This makes Liang Xu even more despise Su Ming. He is just an ordinary hanging silk, and he dared to **** Shen Muke from him. , I really don't know what it is, I am looking for death!


   Liang Xu has not done anything, because he is looking for an opportunity, it is not enough to just take Su Ming, he is going to find an opportunity to rectify Su Ming severely!


  Su Ming hadn't noticed this at all. Liang Xu's guy had been following Su Ming with someone for two days. Su Ming didn't notice it at all. I have to say that Su Ming was a little careless.


   Another part of the reason is that Liang Xu’s disguise is better, and he was driven by a private investigator, and instead of following along, he drove at a certain place, such as the downstairs of Su Ming's house or outside Ningcheng Middle School.


   There are cars everywhere that usually come and go, how can Su Ming notice these.


   Liang Xu is also a persevering person. After all classes at Ningcheng Middle School this afternoon, Liang Xu was not far from the school gate, staring at the school gate, and noticed that Shen Mu Ke was coming out with Su Ming.


This picture made Liang Xu's eyes fire ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he still patiently waited for Su Ming and Shen Muke to separate, then said to the private detective on the driver's seat next to him: "Keep up! "


  Su Ming still didn't notice, Liang Xu was more cautious, and there was some distance between Su Ming, so Su Ming couldn't detect it.


But Su Ming didn’t go anywhere. He planned to go to Qin Shiyin’s house to cook as usual. Last night, Su Ming went to Qin Shiyin’s house and Liang Xu didn’t keep up. The previous two days were staying outside the school and under Su Ming’s community. Today I am bolder and ready to follow along.


  While Su Ming was waiting for the bus, Su Ming's cell phone began to shake.


   As soon as he took out his mobile phone, he found that it was Luo Xiaoxiao's phone. Su Ming answered the phone and said, "Xiao Xiao, why did you call me at this time, do you want to invite me to dinner?"


   "Eat a fart meal, come to my house quickly, my old lady is dying, come and save me!" Luo Xiaoxiao's as always upbeat voice came over!


   Just read a refreshing novel

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