League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1130: The excitement is coming

Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao, after leaving the house, Luo Xiaoxiao drove around at the door of the house, and didn’t go to any restaurants. Neither of them was the kind of particular kind of people, so they looked for them on the roadside. A barbecue stall began to skewer.

Now that the weather has become hotter, some skewers and beer, etc., are simply delicious.

The guy Liang Xu also followed and asked the private detective to stop the car across the road, Su Ming didn't notice anything.

And Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao's every move here was given a panoramic view of Liang Xu, this guy kept directing the private detective, holding a high-definition camera to shoot at various angles.

"Boss, how about taking a look at the photos I took?" After more than half an hour, the private detective handed the camera to Liang Xu and said.

Lifting the camera for such a long time can be considered a physical effort.

Liang Xu took the camera and glanced at it casually, frowned, and said, "Why doesn't this have a more intimate picture?"

Liang Xu had been following Su Ming before, and Liang Xu was looking for a good opportunity to clean up Su Ming ruthlessly and let his heart know that he was afraid.

But after seeing Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao going downstairs just now, Liang Xu immediately changed his mind and ran to the woman's house personally, and stayed there for so long.

Even when Su Ming came down, Liang Xu noticed that his and Luo Xiaoxiao's hair was still a little wet, indicating that the two of them had just bathed on it and washed their hair.

When the men and women stayed together before it was time to go to bed, they took a bath together. This meant it was self-evident, so the relationship between Su Ming and this woman was definitely not simple.

For Liang Xu, this was a major discovery, so Liang Xu immediately changed his mind. For such a good opportunity, what would be the answer to Su Ming's meal, he had to find some evidence to show Shen Muke.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Just imagine if he took a photo of Su Ming intimately with this woman, and then showed it to Shen Muke, what would Shen Muke feel?

I'm afraid that no woman can accept this kind of thing so easily. I'm afraid that when that happens, Shen Muke and Su Ming will blow it directly, and then he will have an opportunity without any effort.

Su Ming wanted to fight him, but he was still a little tender. Even Liang Xu himself didn't expect that this kid suddenly exposed such a big flaw.

However, what made Liang Xu a little dissatisfied was that the private detectives took hundreds of photos during the half-hour time, although quite a number of Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao were talking and drinking.

But there are no intimate photos. Two people are drinking together like friends. The closest contact is to raise their glasses and touch them. There is nothing abnormal.

These photos alone are not very convincing at all. Even if they are shown to Shen Mu, Shen Mu may feel uncomfortable in his heart, but if Su Ming explains, maybe Shen Mu will believe it, so These photos are definitely not acceptable.

The private detective also had a bitter face, and said, "I can't help it. I have tried my best to take pictures, but the two of them have been drinking normally. I can't take pictures if I want to be intimate."

Liang Xu kept his face calm and did not speak any more. Indeed, this cannot be blamed on the private detective. After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. He has been staring at it, and the two of them are indeed behaving normally.

However, Liang Xu did not give up or become discouraged. Instead, he said: "Don't worry, let's continue squatting. I don't believe that they can always be so normal. Based on my intuition, their relationship is absolutely abnormal."


"Xiao Xiao, you drink less—"

Su Ming didn't know that he had been secretly photographed in the dark. At this time, he looked at Luo Xiaoxiao with pain on his face and persuaded Luo Xiaoxiao to drink less.

Luo Xiaoxiao is good-looking, cheerful and informal. If there is something wrong, it is that the wine is too bad, and he can't hold it when he drinks. Obviously, he must drink.

As for what Luo Xiaoxiao looked like after drinking too much, Su Ming had also seen it, so Su Ming was particularly afraid that Luo Xiaoxiao would drink too much. Su Ming would be the unlucky one.

But Su Ming couldn't hold it at all. Seeing that Luo Xiaoxiao's face was getting redder and red, she kept calling Su Ming to drink. When Su Ming persuaded her, she also said: "Su Ming, I say you No matter how mother-in-law, this person drank a drink, he didn't let me drink it. I haven't had a drink for many days."

Su Ming is depressed. I said that I am afraid that you can't control it after drinking too much. You can drink a beer so hi, I am convinced by Luo Xiaoxiao and Su Ming.

But Su Ming didn't stop her, but said: "Okay, I won't talk about you, you can drink whatever you want."

After all, she was drinking beer. Even if she was drunk, she should find a place to sleep, and she should be fine. Su Ming would not stop her and drink with her.

After more than half an hour, Luo Xiaoxiao was already a little unsteady, although she could still talk to Su Ming, but she was probably groggy.

Su Ming was about to watch it, so he closed the bill, and took Luo Xiaoxiao into the car and left.

Luo Xiaoxiao naturally couldn't drive in this state. Although Su Ming drank alcohol, he still had the skills of a wine barrel. Su Ming had no problem. After running his vitality, he could no longer drive.

"Quickly, don't shoot, drive quickly and follow them—" Liang Xu patted the private detective who was still shooting Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao nearby ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and hurriedly urged.

"Jinjiang Inn, this hotel looks okay, let's go here!"

Su Ming drove the car around the neighborhood for a while, and found this nice-looking chain hotel, and was too lazy to run, so he planned to let Luo Xiaoxiao stay here for one night.

It just so happens that the location of this hotel is also good, whether Luo Xiaoxiao will go home first or go directly to work tomorrow morning, it is very convenient.

"Fuck, I went to the hotel, it looks good now!"

Liang Xu and the private detective also drove up and followed them, licking their lips, the expressions in their eyes were extremely excited, and it was really rewarding to keep following them.

I thought that Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao would go back to the previous community, but I didn’t expect to go directly to the hotel. It’s pretty good now. When a man and a woman go to the hotel to open a room, no one is a kid anymore, so I definitely won’t go to open a room to write. Homework or hit the king of glory.

So Liang Xu clearly realized that the excitement was coming right now. If you take this opportunity to take some more exciting photos, I am afraid that Su Ming will not be able to clean up after jumping into the Yellow River.

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