League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1135: So blame this guy

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When Su Ming stood up just now, Luo Xiaoxiao also got up, but because his mind was still a little groggy, Luo Xiaoxiao sat on the bed.

Just sitting behind Su Ming, because of the angle, Liang Xu and Zhao Gaoyong and the group of people came in and only saw a woman behind Su Ming. As for what they looked like, no one could tell the truth.

After Luo Xiaoxiao stood up, he looked at Zhao Gaoyong with a face full of anger. This Zhao Gaoyong and Luo Xiaoxiao knew him. After all, he was the deputy director of a branch. He must have been in contact with him. It is strange that Luo Xiaoxiao didn't know him.

This guy didn't know how courage he had grown, and he even dared to frame her, saying that she had made improper transactions with Su Ming. The average person might be afraid of being ashamed.

But with Luo Xiaoxiao's temperament, she would not care about these things. Who irritated her, then she made it difficult for her, this is a very simple truth.

After Luo Xiaoxiao stood up, Zhao Gaoyong could see clearly now, and for a moment, the whole person was stupid, and he stood there blankly, as if his soul had gone out of his body.

Zhao Gaoyong was stupid. He was scared to death. He didn't expect to be killed. That woman turned out to be Luo Xiaoxiao. This is her boss.

Even though they are both deputy directors, Luo Xiaoxiao belongs to the Ningcheng City General Administration, and he is only the deputy director of a branch. The difference is too big.

The sub-bureaus in various districts and localities were actually led by the General Bureau and obeyed the commands of the City General Bureau. Luo Xiaoxiao was the second in command of the entire City Bureau and said that he was his immediate chief.

As a result, he actually brought people over to arrest his immediate boss today, and he also directly said that the deputy director of the Ningcheng General Administration was making an improper transaction.

Zhao Gaoyong didn't dare to think anymore, he saw that his legs were a little swinging, and sweat was dripping from his forehead, which showed the degree of panic in his heart at this time.

Zhao Gaoyong's mood at this time is like all the pugs within a hundred miles of the sun. He didn't expect to be so unlucky at all. After encountering this kind of cheating, he offended Luo Xiaoxiao, then his life will be difficult in the future.

Luo Xiaoxiao's style is very tough, and he is very famous in the entire Ningcheng police system. If something like this happened today, can Luo Xiaoxiao easily let him go?

Su Ming's face also showed a very interesting look at this time. Just now, he was thinking about Liang Xu's conspiracy. Su Ming really didn't think of this problem.

Yes, Luo Xiaoxiao is the deputy director. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the second in command. These policemen dare to catch Luo Xiaoxiao. It's not a lantern in the toilet. Look for some of them. Su Ming has done it himself, let's see how Luo Xiaoxiao solves these people, Su Ming can be a quiet person watching good shows.

"Director, can this person still be caught?"

The two policemen who are still holding handcuffs, do you know people like Luo Xiaoxiao? It's not that Luo Xiaoxiao is low-key, but they are too low-level, and the policemen are not even official members of the police station.

The two of them were already ready to do it, but Zhao Gaoyong was stunned. He seemed to know the woman. For a while, they didn't know if they should do it, so they asked for instructions.

As a result, this request was equivalent to adding fuel to the fire. Which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted. Zhao Gaoyong was angry, and he immediately slapped it over and shouted: "What catch? One or two are blind, right? , Even Chief Luo dare to offend?"

The assistant policeman was beaten and stunned, and the other one who hadn't been beaten was also frightened. The two of them shivered and dared not speak. At the same time, they felt aggrieved.

Xin said that you didn't let us catch you just now, how do you turn your face? This is the sadness of the subordinates. When facing the level, even if you are right, you can't speak.

Luo Xiaoxiao coldly watched this guy performing on his own. Not only did he not let Luo Xiaoxiao calm down by taking his subordinates out, but Luo Xiaoxiao didn't eat him at all, and he couldn't understand this behavior.

"Zhao Gaoyong, I will give you time now, you immediately explain it to me, otherwise you will be at your own risk." Luo Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Standing next to Su Ming, he could feel Luo Xiaoxiao's anger at this moment, an invisible pressure that immediately enveloped the entire room.

Of course, the person who feels the most obvious is Zhao Gaoyong. No one can understand Zhao Gaoyong's mood. Fortunately, when you are in the company class, you say loudly that you are always stupid, and happened to be heard by the boss, even more serious.

If this matter is not handled well today, maybe he, the deputy director, has done it all, and Luo Xiaoxiao wants to get him straightened, and it will be effortless.

"Misunderstanding, Director Luo, listen to me. This is a misunderstanding. We caught the wrong person. Who knows that the mistaken collision came to Director Luo's room." Zhao Gaoyong hurriedly explained.

It's a pity that this reason is really bad. It is impossible to fool Luo Xiaoxiao, a professional policeman.

And Luo Xiaoxiao also heard it. Among this group of people, there is a guy who knows Su Ming, and it seems that there is some holiday, so this matter is definitely not that simple, 80% of them have been planned.

So Luo Xiaoxiao continued to say coldly: "Zhao Gaoyong, if you talk nonsense to me again, you can go home and rest tomorrow."

As soon as he heard this, Zhao Gaoyong was scared to pee~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was most afraid of this, so Zhao Gaoyong quickly said: "I said, Director Luo, don't be angry, I will tell the truth!"

"I blame this guy!"

Now that Zhao Gaoyong can only sell his teammates in order to protect himself, he pointed directly at Liang Xu next to him, and then honestly said: "This guy has a holiday with him, and it happened that we two met. He asked me to help him. As a whole person, it is hard for me to refuse, and I directly agreed. Who knows that I met Director Luo."

"Director Luo, I have done a deep review. I really did something wrong this time. I need to review myself seriously. I shouldn't be fooled by others. I hope Director Luo can give me a chance." Zhao Gaoyong lowered his head and said tremblingly.

This guy was reviewing himself on the surface, but in fact, he showed that he was not the main responsible person. He was deceived and threw the pot all over Liang Xu. In this situation, Zhao Gaoyong can do anything to keep himself.

And Liang Xu stared at what he was wearing. Was this Zhao Gaoyong ill? He was too unsure, he was confessed to him all at once, and he explained clearly, Liang Xu suddenly felt very uneasy. a feeling of.

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