Benjamin still had to use this resource. After all, if he went to Country M, he would encounter some troubles. It was so easy to solve when he was not in Ningcheng. It would be different if Benjamin was there.

Not to mention the relationship between Su Ming and Benjamin’s guy. The two people are very familiar now. When Benjamin saw Su Ming, he was behind his ass. The master yelled and joked about each other from time to time. Little busy Benjamin should not refuse.

So Su Ming wanted to ask Benjamin if he was free in the past two days. If he has time, he can let Benjamin go with him. This will make it much more convenient.

I checked the time on the phone. It was not eleven o'clock, and I don't know whether Benjamin was asleep or not, so let's call and ask.

"Hey, sir, why did you think of calling me?" After the phone rang twice, it was connected, and Benjamin's slightly excited voice rang.

Basically every time he received a call from Su Ming, Benjamin gave Su Ming a very flattered feeling. Su Ming couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He said that he didn't seem to have left him in the cold for long.


Su Ming coughed a little, and then said, "Then what, Benjamin, you haven't slept yet. My phone call didn't interrupt your sleep, right?"

"go to bed?"

Benjamin on the other end of the phone was stunned, as if he didn't understand what Su Ming meant. The reflection arc of this guy was a bit long, and he subconsciously said, "Now in broad daylight, what sleep should I sleep?"


Su Ming was so stunned by this, he subconsciously raised his head and looked outside the window. It was nonsense. It was obvious that when it was daylight at night, would it be that he was stupid?

Benjamin on the other end of the phone seemed to react, and then said: "By the way, Master, I am in Country M now, so it is daytime. I didn't respond just now. It should be night in China."

"Are you back to Country M?"

Su Ming was stunned again, and then said: "When did I go back, why haven't I heard you tell me."

"It hasn't been two days since I came back. There is something wrong with the company here. I'll come over to deal with it. It's not a big deal. I didn't say anything."

Benjamin seemed to get more and more excited over the phone, and then said: "Master, you don't miss me anymore, don't worry, I'll be back in a few days."

Su Ming suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and asked when Benjamin became **** in gay. The two elders said that it was too disgusting to think about it.

So Su Ming said calmly: "You think too much, I mean, if you tell me you are no longer in Ningcheng, I won't call you anymore. You know how much international long distance calls are. Is it expensive?"


Benjamin couldn't help being speechless for a while. He said to his heart that you are not a person short of money, so pretend you are not tired?

Su Ming regained his seriousness after joking a little bit, and said, "Okay, I won't be joking with you. I'll be serious with you. I have to go to Country M in two days."

"Maybe you have to ask for your help, so don't rush back, wait for me in Country M!" Su Ming said.

Benjamin is already in Country M, so it's quite easy for Su Ming.

"Master, you are also coming to Country M? When is it?" Benjamin suddenly said with some surprise.

Su Ming said: "I don't know too much, just two days. I will tell you when the ticket is bought, don't rush back."

After talking to Benjamin a few more words, Su Ming hung up the phone and went to sleep. In his dream, Su Ming did what he hadn't done with Luo Xiaoxiao in the hotel.


Two days later, Su Qishan made arrangements for the machinery factory. At the same time, he also got visas and all these things, and set off for Country M directly.

Both Su Ming and Su Qishan hope that the sooner the better. After all, the delivery of the equipment will take some time. The sooner the new production equipment can be used, the sooner the transformation of Ningcheng Machinery Plant can begin.

I did not bring some irrelevant personnel to the past. After all, this is not for traveling. You only need to negotiate to purchase things. There is no need to bring so many people there. There are only three people. In addition to Su Ming and his son, there are also the original factory. Long Liu Shuwei.

This Liu Shuwei's professional knowledge is much more professional than Su Qishan and Su Ming. He knows the models of various equipment better. Su Ming has to follow him if he doesn't go, otherwise there will be no one who knows how to do it.

After several hours of long-distance travel, the three people finally arrived in Country M. This time everyone's destination was Manoran City in Country M, which is where the large production equipment factory contacted by Su Qishan is located.

After getting off the plane, even if Su Ming officially set foot on the land of Country M, to be honest, apart from the different races around him, Su Ming didn't notice anything great.

I remember that Su Ming also watched a news some time There was an overseas student from China. In her graduation speech, she knelt and licked country M and said that she would wear a mask all day in China. There are five of them.

When she came to Country M for the first time, the air she breathed was sweet. This kind of statement was particularly disgusting. Su Ming felt that someone who could say this kind of thing was definitely stupid.

Country M is indeed very famous, but it is not as good as that. After Su Ming took a taxi from the airport and came to the city, he felt the difference in customs, of course... The city is much more expensive.

"Let's find a place to eat first." Su Qishan said at this time.

The three of them simply ate a little on the plane. During the long-distance flight, they didn’t have much appetite. The three elders were indeed hungry. So Liu Shuwei said, "Su Ming, you have a high education. I leave it to you. When we two came here, we were blind."


Su Ming said this in a bit embarrassing, because Su Ming's English is not very good, he can barely understand some words, and it is impossible to communicate with foreigners. Su Ming can only say awkwardly: "My English is not too good. Let’s go to Manoran’s Chinatown, which is full of Chinese restaurants."

The three people found Chinatown, but at this moment, Liu Shuwei suddenly yelled: "It's not good, I lost my wallet!"


Su Ming and Su Qishan were stunned at the same time, how could they lose their wallet after getting off the plane? This is not a joke.

Liu Shuwei's complexion also changed several times, he looked particularly anxious, and he touched his whole body, but he didn't find his wallet at all.

"Uncle Liu, don't worry, look in the bag to see if it's in the bag." Su Ming said at this time.

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