A few street hooligans are indeed a gang, but it is not just a few of them, they are just a part of them.

According to Lao Zhou’s previous introduction, these people belong to a gang. This gang is not only stealing things, but also collecting protection fees. It is similar to an underground gang. In the vicinity of Chinatown, the influence is not ordinary. .

So after these people were deflated in Su Ming’s hands, although they dared not to be presumptuous in front of Su Ming, this did not mean that they gave up. On the contrary, it aroused the anger in their hearts. Su Ming must be given a profound The lesson will do.

Repaying grievances, this is the instinct that all human beings have, and it is also the inferior nature of human beings. No matter which country you are from, you are basically like this.

"How did you guys make it like this?"

The boss of the gang where these gangsters belonged was slightly surprised that he turned out to be a yellow man, and he seemed to be also a Chinese. No wonder he chose to hang out near Chinatown.


Moreover, these hooligans of different races can be obedient and respectful, which shows that this person still has two tricks.

His name is Huang Zhong, and he is indeed of Chinese descent, but he has never been in China. His parents fled to country M and gave birth to him in country M, so he has the blood of China country in his bones. Besides, it has nothing to do with Huaxia Kingdom.

Huang Zhong has been walking around Chinatown for many years. He has learned some abilities from his father since he was a child. Therefore, relying on his own skills, he has also gathered a group of people and formed a gang, which is quite moist.

People like him didn't blatantly do anything bad, at most they were stealing things, walking on the edge of the law, plus they have found a lot of relationships over the years, so nobody touched them.

"Why don't you talk, you are so embarrassed, what is going on?" Huang Zhong hesitated when he saw that his men were being cleaned up, and he was a little angry.

The leading white thief said: "Boss, I stole a Huaxia wallet today and was beaten. Later, I asked them to help, but the Huaxia guy cleaned it up."

"We can't beat him, so we can only come back. Please help the boss." The guy said at this time.


Huang Zhong, who was sitting there, was stunned when he heard this, and then said in amazement: "You guys didn't joking with me, are you sure it's a Chinese. How many of you can't beat a Chinese?"


The white thieves and the others suddenly felt a fiery feeling on their faces. They really hadn't beaten anyone. This was really shameful, but they didn't want to be like this. In the final analysis, Su Ming's strength was too terrifying.

So the white thief explained: "Boss, that Huaxia guy is very powerful, and he should know Chinese Kungfu. Together, we can't even touch his shadow, and there is no way to fight back."


Upon hearing this, Huang Zhong suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and even involuntarily took a breath of air. He still knew about his subordinates.

Although I was talking about them just now, Huang Zhong knows very well that they are not that weak, especially the **** man. The strength of the whole body is very terrible, even Huang Zhong, at the same time, he is not much to his subordinates. Odds.

As a result, the Huaxia people in their mouths were able to beat them all at once. What does this show, it shows that the Huaxia people are terrifyingly powerful.

So Huang Zhong calmed down the expression on his face a bit, and continued to say: "How long did it take him to defeat you?"

At this time, the **** man couldn't help but said, "It should be...it should be a minute."

"Nonsense, there is no one minute, I feel at most half a minute, probably not even half a minute." At this time, a straight boy said.


Huang Zhong couldn't help but finally set off a stormy sea at this time. He thought it was quite fierce. Who knows that it didn't even take a minute. This... is it too exaggerated?

In other words, these few of his subordinates do not even have the slightest ability to resist. How terrifying is the strength of that Huaxia?

"Boss, that guy is really good, but we can't take this loss for nothing. It is estimated that only the boss can take care of him. Let's bring more people over." The white thief said.

"No way--"

Huang Zhong simply shook his head and refused. This is definitely not working. According to the descriptions of these men, I am afraid that he can't beat Su Ming at all, and bring a little more people over, which is a similar ending.

Because Huang Zhong knows very well, but after a person's skill reaches a certain level, the crowd tactics are actually meaningless, and their gang has a total of dozens of people.

So Huang Zhong said: "You can't bring people to trouble him directly, we are definitely not his opponent."

"What should I do, is it possible to directly suffer from this dumb loss?" The white thief was a little anxious for a while, and his vengeance was still very strong, and he was unwilling to suffer a loss, so he had to pay it back.

Huang Zhong continued: "Don't worry, let me think about it."

Time passed by like this one minute and one second~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These few people did not dare to speak, it can be seen that Huang Zhong's prestige is still quite high, and even the broken arm of the black man was only dealt with. Plastering and so on, all resisted abruptly.

Huang Zhong doesn’t want to care about this. After all, Su Ming and him have no grievances and no enmity, but he doesn’t care, he is the boss of these people. If the boss doesn’t have a gesture, then how can he convince the people under his hands? It.

"It's definitely not enough to take the initiative to trouble him. You can see if you guys were beaten so badly."

Huang Zhong said directly and mercilessly: "But it's not a chance. Didn't he beat you up, you can act as a victim."

"Boss, what do you mean?" Several people were stunned for a moment, and thought with their not-so-developed minds, but they didn't figure out what it meant.

A sinister smile appeared on Huang Zhong's face, and he immediately said, "It's not right to hit someone casually. We can call the police to catch him."

"good idea----"

The eyes of the gangsters finally lit up.

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