League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1162: Made it clear to cheat

In the morning of the next day, Su Ming and the others got up quite early. After a night of adjustments, they were able to adapt to the time in Country M and reversed the jet lag.

After having breakfast in the hotel, I have to do business today. The so-called business is to discuss the purchase of machine tools with the company in Manoran.

"Su Ming, let's go quickly. The agreed time is nine o'clock in the morning. Don't be late." Su Ming quickly said to Su Ming.

In fact, no matter in any country, the time point of view is very important, especially in the market. If you do not observe the time point of view, it will leave you a very bad impression.

The company that Su Qishan has contacted is called "Ainosun Precision Machine Tool and Equipment Manufacturing Company" in full. Don’t underestimate this company. It is the largest precision equipment company in M ​​country. Even their technology is in the whole world. The range is very top-notch.

It is worth mentioning that when this company was founded in the last century, it produced tractors. At that time, it even became the largest tractor manufacturer in the entire M country.

Later, I gradually expanded my business and began to produce some agricultural machinery, such as hoes, blades for plowing, and the like, and gradually technology developed.

Later, it was an active transformation and began to use the patented technology accumulated by itself to actively develop its own precision machine tool business, and it has developed to the point it is today.

From a tractor giant to today, it can be said that there are indeed some legends among them.

The company’s boss is called Enosen, and this company is named after him. This product is currently on the Forbes ranking and may be among the top 100 powerful figures in the entire M country.

We must know that there are too many wealthy people in country M, and the overall level of wealth is higher than that of China. Those rich people who can make the top ten in China, if they are in country M, may be ranked relatively low.

This Enoxen can be ranked in the top 100, which is enough to prove that this company is awesome. He is also the only one among the top 100 rich people who is related to the machinery industry, and most of them are in the economic or technological fields.

With Benjamin there, Su Ming and the others are much more convenient. Benjamin's special car directly sent Su Ming and the others. Although Benjamin also followed, he couldn't scream this negotiation.

The reason is simple. Benjamin’s identity is special. He is neither from Ningcheng Machinery Factory nor from Enosen. Moreover, he has his own company and belongs to a third party. Based on the principle of third party avoidance, Benjamin cannot Participated.

But Benjamin didn't do nothing. He still used his influence to contact the company's boss, Mr. Enosen, and asked him to take the negotiation seriously.

Originally, Enosen was not interested in this level of business at all. After all, he is the boss of the company, so he can't let him come to this kind of negotiation, let alone this is just a factory in China, how could he mention it? Since I became interested, I didn’t even know about it.

However, after receiving Benjamin's call, he still had to pay more attention to it, so he decided to participate in the negotiation in person, but to see what this small factory had the ability to move out the heir of the Benjamin family.

There is only so much that Benjamin can do. Use his influence to help a little bit, but it doesn’t have any influence on the outcome of the negotiation, and what the final talks are. It depends on Su Qishan and Liu Shu for the two of them. .


"Boss, why did you come to participate in this negotiation in person? This is not a big business for our company!" Seeing that Enosen came to the conference room in person to participate in the negotiation, the company executives were a little depressed for a while. Too much like Enosen's usual style.

Since getting older, Enosen has not been as concerned about the company's affairs as before, just taking control of some big things.

Enosen sat down and said, "You think I want to come. The heir of the Benjamin family called me just now and said that the boss of this factory is his friend. Save face."

"The Benjamin family?"

After hearing this, an elite executive was a little surprised, and then quickly said: "Oh, why does the Benjamin family have a relationship with a small factory, and it belongs to China."

"The ghost knows what's going on." Enosen said directly. It was obvious that the moment he received the call, he was stunned, and even almost mistakenly thought it was a fraudulent call.

"Then boss, do we have to revise our previous negotiation plan?" The executive asked tentatively, and they didn't care about this negotiation.

And for the businessmen of China, these companies in Country M are inherently unfavorable, and even in their cognition, there is already a fixed thinking, that is, the businessmen of China are better pits, and most of them seem to be taken advantage of.

Therefore, Enosen had already thought about it this time, and had to make a fortune from Ningcheng Machinery Factory. In any case, it had to get huge profits.

But now I heard that this small Huaxia factory has something to do with the Benjamin family. For a while, I feel a little uneasy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who has never heard of the name of the Benjamin family.

The negotiation plan they made before was not very friendly. It could even be said to be completely lack of sincerity. It was clear that they were going to cheat people. After hearing the name of the Benjamin family, they were a little panicked for a while. .

However, Enosen looked very calm, and said directly: "Talk about whatever you want. There is no need to be polite with them. Those Chinese people are all taken advantage of."

"Moreover, our company has no connection with the Benjamin family. They can't do anything to us because of this. Even if it causes their dissatisfaction, they will not take measures. That would be even more unfavorable to them." Look like.

In fact, he has already calculated it in his heart. The Benjamin family is strong, but it won't do anything to his Enoxen Company, because Enoxen Company is already the boss in this professional field, and they don't need to be controlled by others.

If the Benjamin family were to force their hands, they would inevitably suffer losses. He did not believe that the Benjamin family would be so stupid.

So Enoxen said: "Have those Chinese people come, if they come, bring them over."

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