League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1166: Stop him quickly

"I wipe——————"

Su Ming was taken aback, and the whole person hurriedly jumped aside two steps, for fear that he would be touched by the foreigner who fell suddenly. Everything came too suddenly, making people feel unprepared.

"What's going on?" Su Qishan was also very surprised, how could he fall down directly after getting off the elevator, and he would fall down if he said it, it was too sudden.

"Ding Dong——————"

Su Ming and the others were delayed for a while, and the elevator waited for no one. After the door was opened for a few seconds and no one was going up, the elevator door closed automatically. Su Ming and the others couldn't get down at all. I guess they have to wait. It takes several minutes.

Taking a look at the foreigner on the ground, Su Ming had some small doubts in his eyes, so he quickly grabbed Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei, and said, "Don’t move, maybe this company will touch porcelain. , Let's never touch him."

It's not that Su Ming is unwilling to help others. The main reason is that this scene does seem a bit too sudden, and Su Ming's previous actions left a bad impression on Su Ming.

Maybe this company is really capable of doing things like touching porcelain. If you touch it, it will kill you in one bite and make you lose millions of dollars. That's not very good.

With the fallen foreigner, it should be a few of his colleagues who came down from the elevator with the documents in their hands. Facing the sudden change, several people were also taken aback.

However, as colleagues, they did not stand by and watched. Instead, they squatted down quickly. One of them turned over the body of the foreigner wearing black-rimmed glasses. This guy had just fallen to the ground with his head in his arms. The documents were also scattered all over the place.

After turning his body over, everyone could see clearly that the foam was continuously spitting out of the mouth of this guy, which had already stayed from the corner of his mouth, and his body was twitching slightly.

"This is... a seizure?"

Su Ming glanced at this guy, and couldn't help but feel a bit painful, and finally realized that this was not an intentional touch with porcelain, but he really fell ill suddenly, so he fell directly.

And the body twitched with foam in his mouth. It was obviously epilepsy in Huaxia State, and I don’t know what M State said.

This shouldn’t be the case of Porcelain. If it’s Porcelain, with such superb acting skills, he would make more money to act in a movie than this.

"Oh, my God, what the **** is going on Jerry, didn't he still laugh a while ago?"

"What's the matter, is he suddenly poisoned?"

"Hurry up and call for an ambulance, Jerry looks so scary!"

A few foreign colleagues were also frightened. They were at a loss for a while, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

None of these people are professional. They don't know what's going on. They don't even know that this is epilepsy. Don't even ask them to rush for emergency rescue. The only way is to call an ambulance.

"What's the matter, what are you all doing together?"

At this moment, the company’s boss Enosen also came over. He just came out of the meeting room and was about to go down from the elevator. When he came over, he saw that there were some people around here, and they kept shouting. sound.

It can be heard that Enosen’s voice has some dissatisfaction. He attaches great importance to the internal discipline of the company. He has strict requirements on employees during work. Everyone does his own thing well and don't make use of those useless.

"Boss, Jerry, he suddenly fainted, we don't know what's going on?" Several employees saw that the boss was coming, and immediately replied.

Then Enosen lowered his head and glanced at the foreigner who was lying on the ground, foaming at his mouth. He was also taken aback immediately. He couldn't worry about getting angry, and quickly asked, "This...what's going on? "

"Boss, we don't know what's going on. After getting off the elevator just now, he fell down all of a sudden, and then just like this." Someone said quickly.

There was also a trace of uneasiness in Enoxen's eyes, because it really seemed a bit scary, and it wouldn't be so good if he was killed.

Country M is different from Huaxia Country. Maybe Huaxia Country has a life, and it would be nice to pay you hundreds of thousands. You have to ask your father to sue your grandmother.

If it is on the side of country M and the employee died inexplicably in the company, it would be terrible, at least tens of millions of compensation, and it would have a certain impact on the company’s reputation, and Enosen could not ignore it. this matter.

So Enosen hurriedly said: "What are you still doing, call an ambulance and send him to the hospital."

"The call has already been made, and the ambulance should be here in a while!" said the employee who had called before.

After Su Ming learned what it meant from the translator, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. He said that no matter how fast the ambulance was, it would take ten or twenty minutes. This was the most basic.

When the ambulance comes up to save someone, it is estimated that the daylily will be cold, and this person cannot be saved.

However, all the people in this company are laymen, and there is no one who knows medical skills and first aid. The first aid methods in ordinary pinching are simply useless.

"Okay, you lift him up first, go to the lounge and let him lie down, and wait for the ambulance to come over." Enosen continued to order.

When Su Ming saw that these employees were going to lift people away~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he immediately shouted: "What are you doing, stop!"

The reason why he is so anxious is because the person with epileptic seizures can't move around casually. This guy is foaming, which means it is very serious. If he moves around, maybe he can't support the ambulance.


Su Ming sighed and decided to take action. Although he doesn’t have a good impression of Enoxen’s company, these grassroots employees are innocent after all, and a lively life is placed in front of Su Ming, from the perspective of a doctor. For instance, Su Ming cannot pretend not to see it.

After all, it was a human life. No matter which nationality he was from, Su Ming could save him. Who would let Su Ming touch him? No way, who made Su Ming handsome and kind, it was the embodiment of positive energy.

Su Ming squatted down, stretched out his hand to press on that guy's chest, this sudden move scared all the people around him.

The old man Ainosen was the first to react. As soon as he saw that it was the Chinese man just now, Ainosen was stunned and raised his voice and said, "What are you going to do? Stop him. He wants to murder me. Employee!"

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