League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1173: Give you a proof

After the price has been negotiated, the next few details will be easier to talk about. With more than 20 million US dollars, Enosen said that if you lose money, you will lose money. Naturally, the next details will not be too concerned.

For example, sending professional personnel to Ningcheng Machinery Factory for guidance. This is also the service that Ainosen should provide originally, and naturally it will not deal with moths.

After the discussion, Enosen also understood Su Ming very well. He knew that this kid looked harmless and inexperienced in the world, but he was actually very good. If he didn't sign the contract to make him feel relieved, I guess He still won't make a move.

So Enosen didn't use Su Ming to speak this time, and took the initiative to ask the secretary to draw up the contract. The secretary is too familiar with the contract, and there are templates, and basically it will be done in a while.

After signing the contract, Enosen finally couldn't help it, and quickly said: "Mr. Su, now our contracts have been signed, do you think..."

How could Su Ming fail to understand the meaning of Enosen's words, and Su Ming would definitely not do anything inconsistent. If he saw that the contract was signed and changed hands, he would disagree. That would be too unsavory.

Moreover, Su Ming did not believe that Ainosen had not left a hand. If he repented, it is estimated that Ainosen would forcibly tear up the contract at the risk of the law.

So Su Ming said: "Okay, there is no problem, I will take care of you next, but please trouble Mr. Enosen to prepare a silver needle for acupuncture."

"I went out in a hurry this time, and didn't bring this thing out." Su Ming said.

Upon hearing this, Ainuosen quickly ordered his secretary to go out and buy this item, the faster the better.

This thing should not be easy to buy. The secretary spent more than half an hour before buying the silver needle.

Su Ming picked up the silver needle and saw that it was a very high-quality silver needle, and it had been sterilized, so Su Ming was spared.

"Untie the clothes and show your chest..." Su Ming said to this guy with the silver needle in his hand.

Ainosen is a lot of age, and all the elders are present, Ainosen is not ashamed, and he unbuttons his shirt directly, revealing his chest with age spots.

After Su Ming asked him to lie down on the spacious chair, he immediately started, and without wasting time, the silver needle was directly inserted into an acupuncture point on this guy's chest.

It was the first time Ainuosen received acupuncture and moxibustion. Before that, he could not accept the practice of arbitrarily inserting needles in the body of traditional Chinese medicine. He felt it was very evil.

Even if the silver needle touched the skin for an instant, there was no strong pain, this guy still shook his tight little heart a little.

The movement of Su Ming's hand continuously inserted several silver needles, which were similar to the old routine before. After the silver needles were inserted, they began to instill the power of stars into Enosen's body.

Although asthma is very difficult to treat, and there is even a risk of death, this thing is still special after all. It is not as tricky as cancer. Cancer cells need to be cleaned up.

So it’s much easier for Su Ming to treat this asthma. The power of the stars is continuously instilled into the chest of Enosen. After about ten minutes, it is almost done.

And this time Su Ming paid a little bit more attention. The white smoke did not appear before, although it seemed pretty compelling, but after all, Su Qishan and Liu Shuwei were here.

Su Mingsheng was afraid to scare them, and if Su Qishan asked, Su Ming didn't know how to explain it.

"All right----"

In less than half an hour, Su Ming actually took only ten minutes. After pulling out the silver needle from this guy's chest, Su Ming said something.

"Is that all right?"

After Ainuosen got up, his face seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect Su Ming's treatment to end so soon, which was really unexpected.

The secretary leaned in at this moment, not convinced that there would be no problem so soon, so he asked: "Boss, how are you feeling?"

Enosen took a breath and said, "Don't tell me, I feel very comfortable in my chest, it seems to be better."

But this thing is also uncertain. After all, it is asthma, which is different from other diseases. If there is no attack, it is really hard to tell whether it is good or not.

Although it did feel more comfortable, who knew if it was a psychological effect, so Enosen was a little surprised for a while.

Su Ming could naturally see what Enosen was thinking, so he said directly: "Secretary, can you help me find some animal hair, you can pet cats or dogs."

The secretary didn't know what Su Ming wanted to do, but Su Ming had a special status now, so he would naturally listen to what he said, so he nodded and went out.

Ainoson Company does not allow pets to be brought privately. The only living creatures other than people are goldfish, but where is the hair of goldfish.

Su Ming's small request stumped the secretary a bit. In the end, I don't know where this guy got a handful of yellow dog hair. Look at this color, it should have been caught from a golden retriever.

After receiving this pinch of dog hair, Su Ming handed it to Enoxen and said, "Mr. Enoxen, come and smell this dog fur."


Ainoxen's face suddenly changed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole person stepped back a few steps, seeming to be very afraid of the pinch of dog hair in Su Ming's hands.

Why is his reaction so big? Naturally, asthma patients can't touch animal hair. Ordinary people may smell it and nothing will happen, but after asthma patients smell it, they will immediately become uncomfortable and even get sick, which is very likely to be fatal.

Enosen has been very taboo over the years, and usually hides far away even when he sees animals outside.

Of course, Su Ming knew why he was scared, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your asthma is gone, there is absolutely no problem, I just want to prove it to you through this method."

After listening to Su Ming's words, Enosen was a little convinced, so he plucked up the courage to come over and sniffed the dog's hair, still very worried in his heart.

But after smelling it, Enosen was surprised that there was no reaction at all. The symptom of shortness of breath and coughing is not as good as death. Instead, it was very calm.

The unbelieving Enoxen sniffed it twice, and even took the dog's hair personally, but nothing happened. After Enoxen froze for a while, the whole person became ecstatic. His years of stubborn illness seemed to be true. All right.

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