League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1178: Sequelae are coming

Su Ming didn’t know much about music. Even before today, he didn’t even know the world-famous Grammy Music Award, so he couldn’t understand the impact of this award on Lin Yingzhu personally and the entire Chinese music scene. Say how important it is.

But Su Ming was also very excited, especially when he watched Lin Yingzhu, who was wearing an exquisite dress, take the stage to accept the award, Su Ming's eyes were full of pride.

Maybe before, when Su Ming met Lin Yingzhu for the first time, he couldn't think of it. The girl who was forced to sing in the bar because of her life has grown to this height.

You should know that Lin Yingzhu has made such a high achievement in less than a year since his debut. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a miracle. Su Ming's help is indispensable. Without Su Ming's help, Lin Yingzhu's development It can't be so fast.

But the most important thing besides this is Lin Yingzhu's own strength and her efforts. God will only favor those who work hard. As long as you work hard, you will definitely be rewarded.

After Lin Yingzhu took the stage, it caused another round of applause and cheers, this time because of Lin Yingzhu's superb appearance.

Today, Lin Yingzhu’s style was specially designed by someone. Do you think that when the stars attend the event, the clothes are casually worn? It is naturally impossible. Especially for important occasions, the clothes must be carefully designed.

First of all, it must be distinctive, giving people an amazing feeling, and secondly, you must not tuck the shirt, it is not terrible, who is ugly and embarrassed.

Lin Yingzhu did not blindly wear that kind of international competition, but wore a dress that was designed with the characteristics of China, which gave people a sense of elegance and atmosphere.

Although people in different countries have different definitions of beauty, and everyone's aesthetic tastes are all weird, but they still have something in common. In the face of absolute beauty, everything is a cloud.

For example, Audrey Hepburn, a well-known female star of the country M in the last century, is basically a beauty recognized all over the world. I am afraid that there will only be some blind people who feel that she does not look good.

And Lin Yingzhu's exquisite facial features, combined with the elegant temperament, give people too much impact. When have foreigners seen such a beautiful beauty.

This is even more beautiful than the video data on the big screen just now. Lin Yingzhu is one of the few beautiful women who look better than the photos.

As a result, these foreigners in the audience were not calm, and began to applaud and cheer one after another. It is rare to see them so much after a Chinese.

After the cheers in the audience finally subsided, Lin Yingzhu took the trophy symbolizing the best rookie of the year from the hands of the award-presenting guests, which aroused cheers again.

According to international practice, the next step is for the winners to express their testimonials. Lin Yingzhu's English can only be so-so, he should have been prepared in advance. After a few simple words, he said that he is very excited. Thank you for your support. Keep working hard and so on.

However, there is another feature of this Grammy Music Awards. The winners not only have to express their acceptance speeches, but also have to sing their own personal repertoires, which can increase the degree of viewing of the entire award ceremony.

Lin Yingzhu sang her own masterpiece, Su Ming's Huaxia-style work "Pear Fried Snow" written for her. After a single song, these foreigners sang mesmerized.

Although they didn't understand a word, they were still attracted by Lin Yingzhu's ethereal sound of nature, as if the whole person was on the scene.

"The music of China can be so good?"

This is the first reaction of most people after listening to it. Almost no one said that it sounds good. Everyone feels the same when treating beautiful things.

With this singing, Lin Yingzhu once again added a lot of points and became the biggest winner of the Grammys tonight, even if she only won the "Best Newcomer" award which is not too important.

However, the sensation caused by Lin Yingzhu was greater than the sensation caused by the last "Best Singer".

It’s just that Su Ming was suffering from egg pain while sitting under the stage, because Su Ming seemed to feel that many of the men in the audience looked at Lin Yingzhu with bright eyes, which made Su Ming a little jealous. Up.

Xin said this is my woman, you foreigners are here to join in the fun.


The entire awards party lasted for about three hours, but it did not end completely after the awards show. After the awards, there will be a Grammy reception.

The reception of the Golden Olive Music Awards on Hong Kong Island is similar to the last time, except that it was held one night in advance, and this time the Grammy is a bit different. A reception will be held after the awards are over.

This can be regarded as an unwritten rule. Everyone has come all the way to participate in this festival, so it must be over without cheering.

At the same time, in a sense, this cocktail party is a place for everyone to make appointments in an open and honest manner... what.

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that most of them are more open. If you say it nicely, you are open, and if you say it badly, you have a problem with your style. There are very few clean people inside.

And foreigners are also very open. Everyone has a drink at the cocktail party, chats a few words, and if they feel good about each other, maybe they can go directly to the hotel in the evening, and spend a passionate night, and everyone in the morning I don't know anyone anymore.

This is basically something that everyone understands, but I won't tell it on the face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So everyone is looking forward to this reception.

Lin Yingzhu didn't know this, and it didn't matter to her. With Lin Yingzhu's temperament, he wouldn't be able to do that unless he killed her.

Moreover, Lin Yingzhu, as the winner of the award tonight, had to attend the reception because of his emotions and reasons, so Lin Yingzhu could not hide.

Su Ming is not qualified for reason. The review of this cocktail party is very strict. Basically, those who can come in are all decent people. Su Ming is not qualified for M country.

But fortunately, there was a big Buddha like Benjamin, and he made a direct call. After a while, the person in charge here was obedient to him, naturally no one dared to stop Su Ming.

After entering the center of the reception, Su Ming and Benjamin wandered around here, glanced at Lin Yingzhu's side, Su Ming found something was wrong, Lin Yingzhu seemed to be a lot of people around, basically many men went to Lin Yingzhu's side.

"I wipe--"

Su Ming understood immediately. It is estimated that Lin Yingzhu was very charming at the award ceremony just now, and now the sequelae are coming.

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