League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1186: Bold foreign beauty

Picking up the phone that fell to the ground, Thompson was shocked in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the call was not made just now. If it had already been made, then something really happened.

Who could want that Chinese boy to have a relationship with the Benjamin family? As a famous superstar, Thompson's social status is not low, so he understands the terrible aspects of the Benjamin family better than ordinary people.

I really want to offend this behemoth, no matter who you are, I'm afraid you will die miserably in the end.

Thompson was in a cold sweat, and he had no idea of ​​trouble with Su Ming, even if he was beaten, he didn't dare to be angry at all.

Not only did he not have any anger or thoughts of revenge, on the contrary, after Thompson was beaten today, he did not intend to be known by anyone. The fewer people who know this kind of thing, the better.

Immediately, Thompson called his assistant directly, asking the assistant to quickly find his personal doctor and send him home.

It is worth mentioning that for some time in the future, Thompson disappeared from the public's sight, did not attend any events, and even the originally prepared concerts were postponed, which surprised fans.

Of course, this matter is an afterthought, I am afraid that no one would have thought that this matter has something to do with a Chinese person!


Su Ming was still at the reception, but he didn't know that so many things happened quietly afterwards, and Benjamin didn't tell Su Ming about this little thing.

After the guy Thompson left in disgrace, the atmosphere of the reception immediately returned to normal. At the same time, Su Ming, because of the song just now, made him the most eye-catching presence in the whole reception.

No one has any opinions on Su Ming because he is a Chinese native. Instead, many people feel Su Ming’s strength and think that Su Ming is very powerful and his attitude is naturally better. Many people even come over. Su Ming took the initiative to say hello to drink.

It seems that Su Ming's popularity is even higher than Lin Yingzhu's popularity tonight.

"Hey, gentleman, your song just now is so wonderful, I don't know how to call you yet." At this moment, a beautiful voice rang.

Su Ming was startled when he heard that it was a woman's voice. The voice was very good, but Su Ming still couldn't understand it when he spoke in English.

Turning around and looking at it, she was a very tall foreign woman who looked very hot. Seeing her walking towards her with a wine glass, Su Ming was sure that she was talking to herself.

Fortunately, Benjamin and Lin Yingzhu were both next to Su Ming at this time, so Su Ming didn't have to worry about being incomprehensible. Benjamin directly translated the woman's words to Su Ming.

At the same time Benjamin whispered: "Master, this woman is named Janice. She is also a famous singer in Country M. She has a lot of fans and is the goddess of many otaku."

"So powerful?" Su Ming looked at it again, this woman is indeed good-looking, and her face looks quite attractive.

What is even more eye-catching is her figure, which is too hot. The long, thin white legs alone are enough to make people crazy, as well as the slender waist and high chest.

The scale of this pair of peaks is really huge, and it really is because of ethnicity. The average Chinese woman really can't match it. At the same time, this Janice is still wearing an open-necked evening dress.

Some of the snow-white chest was exposed, which made people overwhelmed, and Su Ming just looked at it and seemed to realize that this woman seemed to be playing in a vacuum.

I didn't dare to look at Su Ming. I always felt it was impolite to listen.

Lin Yingzhu on the side also said: "Even in China, she is very popular. At the Grammys last year, she won five awards alone and was the biggest winner."

Su Ming finally understood when he heard this, this Janice is not simple, and the beauty and strength coexist. This kind of woman's charm is much stronger than just a long and beautiful woman.

This kind of awesome goddess-level figure was able to come to Su Ming to chat. Su Ming felt very fortunate, so Su Ming smiled and quickly responded: "Hello, Ms. Janice, you passed the prize, my name is Su Ming."

"Oh, dear Su, I'm not rewarding you. I'm telling the truth. Your performance just now is really incredible." Janice looked at Su Ming's eyes, and there seemed to be a strange look in it.

I don't know why, maybe this is a common problem of all men. When being praised by a woman, it always feels better to be praised by a man, especially when a beautiful woman praises you.


Su Ming was secretly refreshed. He didn't know what to say for a while, coughed twice, and then said: "Ms. Janice, you are so kind, let's have a drink."

The two touched the glasses lightly. After Janice had a glass of wine, that charming face suddenly became more red, giving people a feeling that they couldn't help but want to take a bite.

I saw Janice bit her ruddy lips, and then said: "Sue, what are you going to do after the party is over?"

"After the reception?"

Su Ming was a little confused when he was asked. He didn't quite understand what it meant for a while, so he said directly: "After the reception is over, it's not early, right? Of course I went back to sleep."

Su Ming said it honestly, he did plan to go back to sleep in his heart.


Janice seemed to be amused by Su Ming's honest answer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For a while, she covered her mouth and smirked, and then continued: "Su, you are so funny."

"After the reception is over, the beautiful night has just begun. If you are fine, you can go to my place. I want to spend a wonderful night with you." Janice was very bold and said these direct words.


Su Ming was stunned. He was not stupid. He had already talked about it. How could he still not understand what was going on? He was stunned for a while, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this foreign beauty So bold.

I have always heard that foreigners are open. Today Su Ming understands it. The co-authoring is really like this. There are even beautiful women who come to ask him on the initiative. This is really unexpected.

Looking at Janice again, Su Ming couldn't help taking a sip of water. Such a big beauty, and also so active, can have a good night at night, and just pat the **** and leave the next morning. For a man, this It is indeed a very big temptation.

Su Ming was stunned for a while. The first time he encountered this kind of thing, he was a little nervous.

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