League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1204: The second piece of equipment

"You won't use this?"

Song Zhe and Li Dalei were both stunned. You look at each other and I look at you. They both saw some incredible feelings in each other's eyes.

If it weren’t for this Ouyang Shuo to be very powerful, it is estimated that Song Zhe would call him stupid, and said to his heart that what kind of attire do you wear, you can’t even use your mobile phone?

In this era when smart phones are very popular, basically elementary school students can turn on the glory of kings to give away their heads after they get their mobile phones, and the elderly can also turn on their phones to see **** female anchors.

Are you an adult who doesn’t want a cell phone? This is too much.

Ouyang Shuo touched his head and said, "I really don't use this thing. There is almost no such thing in my house, and no one uses it."

Song Zhe originally wanted to ask where Ouyang Shuo’s family was, but after thinking about it, Song Zhe still resisted asking. It’s not like seeing Ouyang Shuo like a lie. Maybe it’s from the mountains and forests, so I don’t have to ask Instead, hit him.

So Song Zhe said directly: "It doesn't matter if you don't use it, it's simple, I'll tell you that you will almost understand it."

"Press this power button, the screen will light up, and then enter a few numbers to unlock, I will teach you how to answer the phone." Song Zhe is still relatively patient, after all, this guy is a master, Song Zhe dare not show anything. Impatient emotions come.

Fortunately, Ouyang Shuo has a good understanding, and the mobile phone is really easy to use. It is something that everyone can play. After about ten minutes, Ouyang Shuo probably understands, holding Li Dalei's mobile phone and looks very interested. .

"Brother Ouyang, you should rest here first. If you have any needs, no matter you are thirsty or hungry, just press the service button. Someone will come up and give it to you." Five-star hotel, various services are very In place.

After saying a few words with Ouyang Shuo, Song Zhe left with Li Dalei. After the two of them left the hotel, Li Dalei said, "Song Shao, what is this guy's background? It feels a bit strange."

"I don't know the origin, but I can be sure that he is not a simple person." Song Zhe said slowly.

Li Dalei couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said to his heart that you are not talking nonsense. People who can catch bullets empty-handed, idiot knows that he is not easy, and ordinary people can do this.

"No matter what his background is, he still has a good relationship with me now, we must take care of this person."

Song Zhe said: "This person can even change the current situation in Ningcheng. If you want to deal with Su Ming, maybe this person can play a vital role."

Song Zhe's eyes flashed when he was speaking, and he was constantly thinking about how to report to Fuxing Ming. Su Ming has always been a thorn in his heart.

"No, tomorrow I have to bring this Ouyang Shuo back to the Song family. This is a good opportunity for me to establish a position in the Song family." Song Zhe secretly calculated.


Su Ming went to Qin Shiyin's house after making a string with Jiang Xiaojun, cooked her a meal, and then went home directly.

Don't look at Su Minglang flying up when he was playing on the court, but he was actually quite tired, and his muscles were a little sore. Su Ming took a shower and lay on the bed comfortably.

"Xiao Na, my points should be enough for the lottery right now?" Su Ming asked.

If I remember correctly, when Su Ming asked a few days ago, he had already scored 110 points. Now he has completed another basketball task. Needless to say, I know that the points should be enough.

Sure enough, Xiaona's voice rang: "The host currently has 160 points remaining, which is enough for one draw. This draw will consume 150 points from the host. Does the host confirm the draw?"

Su Ming hasn’t drawn a lottery for a long time since the Demon Marsh Frog was drawn last time, and finally he had enough points. So what else is there to hesitate? Su Ming directly clicked "Confirm Lottery".

The lottery interface is still the same as before. It looks cool. Every time I see this interface, there is always a very refreshing feeling.

"I don't know whose skill will it be this time?"

Su Ming was looking forward to it very much in his heart. Every time the system came out, it was beyond imagination.

After dozens of seconds, the interface of the system finally freezes, but Su Ming is a little surprised that this time there is still no heroic lines.

In other words, this time it is estimated that it is not a hero's skill. It is either equipment or summoner skill, or it may be wild monsters. I have not won the skill for several consecutive lotteries.

"Congratulations to the host, successfully drawn the equipment, chain mail!"

Sure enough, at this time, after the lottery interface was officially frozen, the system prompt sounded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to remind Su Ming that the draw was a piece of equipment, [Chain Armor].

Looking at the pattern of a small armor on the screen, Su Ming recognized this thing. It is a small piece of equipment in the League of Legends game. It costs 800 gold coins to increase armor. There are many equipment that can be synthesized.

"Bring out the attributes of the equipment and show me!" Su Ming said directly, and a line of fonts appeared on the screen.

Equipment Name: [Chain Armor]

Equipment attributes: After the host is equipped with chain mail, it can improve its own defense attributes. When the enemy attacks the host, it will block the host to offset part of the damage to protect the host's safety.

(Because in this book, there is no exact division of combat power like in the game, so I thought about it, the attributes of this equipment don’t say how much armor can be added, it looks strange, so it’s qualified. It depends on the situation and is more flexible to prevent damage.)

After taking a look, Su Ming understood that it was similar to what he had guessed before, so Su Ming said, "Is it the same as the effect of body armor?"

Xiaona immediately began to despise Su Ming: "Host, trouble you to be more promising. At any rate, it is the equipment produced by the system. Is it just comparable to body armor?"

"The damage this thing can block is much stronger than a body armor, and even the attacks of ancient warriors can block!" Xiaona said.

Su Ming was overjoyed after listening to it. According to what I said, this thing is still quite powerful. At the very least, after passing it up, I combined with some of Su Ming’s protective skills to kill Su Ming. It seems to be more difficult.

So Su Ming asked: "Then how do I use this stuff? Should I wear it directly on my body?"

"Yes, take it out of the system space, and the host can put it on the body directly." Xiaona continued.

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