League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1206: I am the ancient warrior

"Song Zhe?"

Song Jiji, who was sitting in the study, frowned upon hearing this, and put down the documents in his hand.

Song Jiji's life during the recent period is not very good, it can even be said to be very bad. Jiang Zhuliu's death caused a very big touch to Song Jiji, making Song Jiji frightened.

Although he had saved his life in the end, the Song family also suffered a huge decline, at least it was incomparable with the Qin family.

Song Jiji also knew that their Song family is now the fish on the knife. If Su Ming is upset one day, he might be able to pinch the entire Song family to death.

But this is also nothing. Compared with the powerful Su Ming, their Song family looks too small, and they are not opponents at all.

Song Jiji knew about Song Zhe. Although he was not a core member of the Song family, the leg of Song Jiji's son Song Qingyun was interrupted by Su Ming last time. Song Zhe was the key figure among them.

If it weren’t for Song Zhe’s blood relationship with the Song family, Song Jiji would have abandoned him long ago, so Song Jiji’s impression of Song Zhe was not very good.

So Song Jiji frowned and said: "What is he here for, who asked him to come, tell him I am not free, let him go quickly!"

No wonder Song Jiji would be so impatient. After all, he is the head of the entire Song family. How can any cat or dog be qualified to see him?

At this moment, the steward said again: "Patriarch, Song Zhe specifically said that this time something important came, and he brought a peerless master over!"

"Peerless master?"

Song Jiji was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Is he talking nonsense, what peerless master can he know?"

"Patriarch, if this is the case, I will let him go back!"

"Don't worry, wait a minute!"

Song Jiji frowned and thought about it carefully, and then said: "Forget it, you can let him over, I want to see what master he brings!"

"The owner informed that you can go in."

The butler came out to spread the word in person, and when he was speaking, he looked at Ouyang Shuo next to Song Zhe. He didn't seem to believe Song Zhe's words very much.

Song Zhe heard that he was able to see Song Jiji in person, and the whole person was also excited. After arriving outside the study, Song Zhe said to Ouyang Shuo: "Brother, you wait for me here for a while, let me go in and tell!"


Ouyang Shuo had no doubts, he nodded directly, put his hands on his chest, and began to wait outside.

In fact, Song Zhe deliberately didn't want to bring him in directly, so he still had to talk to Song Jiji alone for some things, so that he could be prepared in advance.

"Hello Uncle Song!"

After seeing Song Jiji, Song Zhe directly yelled respectfully, this is currently the highest-ranking person in the Song family. In terms of seniority, Song Zhe should call him uncle.

Song Jiji looked like a facial expression, and his reaction was very plain. He just nodded his head a little, and then said faintly: "Song Zhe, what about the master you brought, why didn't I see it?"

"Uncle Song, that master is outside, let me tell you about this person first."

Seeing Song Jiji nodded again, Song Zhe directly said, "I knew this person by accident, but he is very skilled. I suspect that he is not an ordinary person, he should be someone like an ancient warrior!"

During this period of time, because of a series of events in the Song family, even Song Zhe knew about some ancient warriors, but he only knew a little about it. He only knew this name and knew that ancient warriors were very terrifying.

"What, ancient warrior?"

Song Jiji finally couldn't calm down when he heard this, it seemed to be a little excited, but Song Jiji soon returned to normal, and said quietly: "You can't talk nonsense, do you have any basis to say that he is an ancient warrior. "

"Uncle Song, I dare to say that. There must be a basis. Otherwise, how can I tell you like this."

Song Zhe was prepared in his heart, and said directly: "I ran into some trouble yesterday, dozens of hooligans came to surround me, but this person, the world within two minutes, was easily resolved."

"Dozens of hooligans were brought down in two minutes?"

Song Jiji's expression changed slightly. This did sound a bit shocking. It seemed that it was quite difficult for ordinary people to do, but Song Jiji still said: "That is not necessarily an ancient martial artist, it may be a practitioner with good skills. "

"But Uncle Song——"

Song Zhe said again: "Those gangsters still have guns, but he caught the bullet with his hand lightly."


Song Jiji finally couldn't calm down. The expression on his face froze for a moment. After reacting, the expression on his face stared at Song Zhe firmly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked very seriously: "Song Zhe, What you told me just now, is it true or not?"

"Of course it is true. I dare to swear to heaven that there is no lie, nor do I dare to lie to you." Song Zhe immediately raised his hand to swear to heaven.

"very good----"

The expression on Song Jiji's face was still a little excited, he believed Song Zhe's words, and immediately said directly: "Go, bring that friend of yours in, let me see."

"Brother Ouyang, let me introduce to you. This is the Patriarch of our Song family, Song Jiji."

Song Zhe introduced: "Bo Song, this is my expert friend, named Ouyang Shuo."

At first seeing Ouyang Shuo so young, Song Jiji couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, but when he thought that Su Ming was so young, but so terrifying, he no longer doubted it.

After Ouyang Shuo saw Song Jiji, the expression on his face was very normal, and he raised his hand and said politely: "Hello, Patriarch Song."

It can be seen that Ouyang Shuo doesn't feel much about Song Jiji. After all, he is not from the Song family. He is willing to say hello to Song Jiji. It is probably because of Song Zhe's face.

Song Jiji smiled, and then said: "Brother Ouyang, I told Song Zhe, you are so skilled."

"Thank you, I'm so good!" Ouyang Shuo said coldly, but there was an arrogant look on his face, which made it hard to see that he was humble.

Song Jiji didn't feel much about Ouyang Shuo's attitude. The master should always have some attitude, so Song Jiji asked: "I don't know the little brother Ouyang, but the legendary ancient warrior?"

"You actually know ancient martial artists?"

Ouyang Shuo was stunned for a moment, and seemed a little surprised, but after reacting, he nodded and said, "Yes, I am an ancient warrior!"

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