League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1208: Moment to witness the miracle

In the next few days, Song Zhe didn't go to school, and even took Li Dalei with him to ask for leave. He brought Ouyang Shuo, a newcomer, everywhere.

Su Ming hadn't noticed this subtle point. Song Zhe had been unable to get into Su Ming's eyes long ago.

Not to mention that he didn't come to class, he just died halfway. This has nothing to do with Su Ming. How could Su Ming put his energy on this person? That would be too trivial.

In a blink of an eye, it was Friday, and in the evening, Su Ming went to Qin Shiyin's house to cook as usual.

Qin Shiyin seemed to be in a good mood while eating, and suddenly said, "Su Ming, I want to ask you for help!"

"Just tell me what's the matter."

Su Ming said this very decisively. At this time, he was also a little interested. I don't know what Qin Shiyin has to do to ask for help.

I rarely heard Qin Shiyin take the initiative to ask for help before, after all, a woman like Qin Shiyin has a different personality from ordinary women.

"There is a jewelry brand under the Qin Group, which I personally designed. It focuses on high-end routes. There is already a certain market in China, but the market share needs to be improved."

Qin Shiyin entered the mode of serious work and said: "We just thought about it. We may need to hire an image spokesperson for this jewelry brand, so that we can use the influence of the image spokesperson to better marketing."

Su Ming is not stupid. He seemed to understand this, and said directly, "You are not aiming at Lin Yingzhu, are you?"

If it is other celebrity endorsements, Qin Shiyin does not need to take the initiative to talk to Su Ming, there is only one possibility, that is, the Qin Group actually wants to find Lin Yingzhu's contemporary spokesperson.


Sure enough, Qin Shiyin nodded directly: "Lin Yingzhu is currently one of the most popular artists in China, especially after winning the Grammy Music Award, her reputation in China has been further improved."

"In addition, Lin Yingzhu is very good in both image and temperament. He is a high-quality star idol. We think it is the most suitable for her contemporary speakers." Qin Shiyin said slowly.

The spokesperson for any product is actually very particular. Consider the positioning and characteristics of the product, as well as the style of the celebrity. For example, for this high-end jewelry brand, if you go to a comedian like Xiaoyueyue to speak, it’s nothing. When the effect is over, it will appear that the donkey's head is not right.

"Cough cough——————"

Su Ming couldn't help but coughed twice, and then said, "What? If you find someone to speak for, you can contact her agent. Why do you tell me?"

Can’t help but cast a blank look at Su Ming, and then Qin Shiyin deliberately said: “I heard that you, some people have a very good relationship with Lin Yingzhu. She abruptly let her enter Xingyao Media Company and have been Give money and work!"


Su Ming couldn't speak for a while, and Qin Shiyin knew about these things, but it didn't feel strange to think about it. After all, in the circle of Ningcheng business circles.

Moreover, Xingyao Media Company is a local company in Ningcheng. It is normal for Qin Shiyin to hear some news.

Qin Shiyin continued: "We have also contacted Lin Yingzhu's agent and company, but she has been too busy recently and has no interest in this endorsement."

"Otherwise, I won't have to look for you, but Lin Yingzhu is the most suitable candidate, and we don't want to give up easily, so I will ask you to see if I can help."

"The price of the endorsement is not a problem. It is based on the market price, as long as she agrees." Qin Shiyin said in a rich tone.

Su Ming understands this way. Co-authoring turned out to be like this. Lin Yingzhu has been very busy recently. The Grammy Awards have made her a popular singer. Various activities and endorsements are flying everywhere.

Big-name celebrities are actually like this. For third-rate little celebrities, if they have an endorsement or advertisement, they can be thrilled to death.

But for popular celebrities, there are many endorsements, and they can't all endorsements. They can only choose some of them, which is more appropriate. Among them, most of them must choose international big names.

But if Su Ming came out, it would be different, just say hello to Lin Yingzhu.

"Okay, then I will look back for an opportunity to tell her that the specific price or something will still be discussed by your company." Su Ming said.

He also knows that Qin Shiyin and the entire Qin Group are not bad at all. At present, with the development momentum of the Qin Group, it can be said that it is very wealthy and will not frown after spending thousands of dollars.

Therefore, Su Ming does not need to lose Lin Yingzhu's interest for the benefit of the Qin Group ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. The endorsement fee should be as much as possible.


Qin Shiyin nodded directly. With her temperament, if Lin Yingzhu wanted to give a preferential price to Su Ming's face, Qin Shiyin would not agree.

It's true that businessmen are chasing profits, but Qin Shiyin is also a woman. To a certain extent, women can save more face than men.

"Does the Qin Group still have jewelry business?" Su Ming then chatted while eating.

"The Qin Group has a very large number of businesses, and there are many subsidiaries at the bottom. Now there is no major company that will develop a single business. This is called diversified development." Qin Shiyin said.


After returning in the evening, Su Ming called Lin Yingzhu directly and said, "Hey, where are you?"

"I'm in Ningcheng, why did you call me at this point?" Lin Yingzhu gave a clear tone after receiving Su Ming's call.

"Are you in Ningcheng?"

Su Ming also froze for a moment. During this time, Su Ming also watched some entertainment news a little bit just to pay attention to Lin Yingzhu. He knew that Lin Yingzhu had been flying around during this time, but she didn't expect that she would be in Ningcheng.

"Yeah, there was an event in Ningcheng today, so I went back to Ningcheng, and I am still in the hotel now. You called when I was about to rest," Lin Yingzhu said.

When I heard that Lin Yingzhu was staying in a hotel, Su Ming couldn't help but felt hot, and then asked maliciously: "Which hotel are you in, I'll come to find you!"

Lin Yingzhu couldn't hear what Su Ming was going to do, and suddenly said mischievously: "You gangster, I won't tell you!"

"Do you think I can't find you if you don't tell me?" Su Ming smiled, and then said: "Close your eyes, three seconds later, it is the moment to witness the miracle!"

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