League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1229: Cheng Ruofeng's relatives

Of course, other people looked at Cheng Ruofeng with weird eyes, but no one of them dared to say anything. There are too many weird things in society these days, and you can't just provoke them.

No one understands Cheng Ruofeng's excitement at this time. It is the first time in life that Cheng Ruofeng is a father. It is conceivable how excited Cheng Ruofeng is. After all, people at this age are actually looking for children.

Su Ming can still understand Cheng Ruofeng, so he said, "Then I have to congratulate you, but don't get too excited, or other people will treat you as crazy."

"Okay, boss, I won't tell you anymore, I will thank you in person when I turn around!" Cheng Ruofeng said happily.

When Su Ming heard Cheng Ruofeng want to thank himself, he always had a very weird feeling, so Su Ming said directly: "Come on, without me, you will know it after a while, so why not thank you? Yes, be nice to your wife. Look for two books about caring for pregnant women."

Immediately after hanging up the phone, Cheng Ruofeng still muttered and said, "You said this is really amazing. Yesterday I was drinking with my boss, and he just looked at me like that."

"I thought it was because I had flowers on my face. Who knows that the boss directly saw that I was going to be a father. It was too accurate. If he went to set up a stall on the flyover, he might be able to make a fortune." Cheng Ruofeng said with a smile.

Miao Yushi couldn't help but smile, and smiled briefly, covering his mouth, then said, "Are you complimenting Su Ming or hurting him?"

"Don't talk about him, what do you want to eat finally, daughter-in-law, let's hurry up and eat." Cheng Ruofeng said, "Next, you have to pay attention to your body. Everything is for the sake of your children. Don't do things at home when you return. Come and hire a nanny directly."

Miao Yushi couldn't help but cast a blank look at Cheng Ruofeng, and then said, "What are you worrying about? I've only been a month, no different from normal people, I'm not so squeamish!"

Cheng Ruofeng did not argue with Miao Yushi, but smirked twice, as if listening to Miao Yushi's words.

"Doctor, please arrange a ward. As you can see, my wife already looks like this. It's really impossible to be outside!" At this moment, there was a loud noise.

Places like hospitals are inherently noisy. Reasonable hospitals need to be quiet, but the big hospitals in China rarely can be quiet because there are too many people, basically people everywhere.

It is a mixture of fish and dragons, and it is inevitable that various sounds will be made. Originally, this noisy sound was nothing, but this sound attracted Cheng Ruofeng's attention because... the accent of this person's speech was not very standard.

There are some dialects in it, and this dialect sounds like the dialect of Cheng Ruofeng's hometown in the countryside. Although I haven't heard it for many years, it is difficult to change the local accent, and Cheng Ruofeng can hear it all at once.

Immediately, Cheng Ruofeng looked back, but it didn't matter whether he looked at it or not. After two glances, Cheng Ruofeng was stunned.

Cheng Ruofeng's performance naturally caught Miao Yushi's attention, so Miao Yushi said strangely, "Brother Feng, what's wrong?"

"I saw my second uncle." Cheng Ruofeng was taken aback for a moment, and then said.

It turned out that the middle-aged man who was talking to the doctor seemed to be quite old, almost in his fifties. He turned out to be Cheng Ruofeng's relative and Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle.

"Then you shouldn't go over and take a look?" Miao Yushi said when he heard that he was Cheng Ruofeng's relative.

Speaking of Miao Yushi was also a little nervous, because after marrying Cheng Ruofeng, Miao Yushi had never seen Cheng Ruofeng's family or relatives, and it seemed that he was alone.

Cheng Ruofeng's parents are no longer there. This Miao Yushi knew about it, but about other relatives, Miao Yushi didn't know very well, and he didn't ask Cheng Ruofeng.

Unexpectedly, in the hospital today, I happened to meet Cheng Ruofeng's relatives. Since they were all relatives, I should say hello at least.

The expression in Ruofeng's eyes still looked a little complicated. After a little silence, Cheng Ruofeng nodded: "Okay, go and take a look."

Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle was wearing a blue shirt and looked plain. He was still talking to the doctor, but the doctor was obviously busy and didn't have the time to deal with him. After a few perfunctory words, he left directly.

"Second Uncle, what are you doing here?"

Cheng Ruofeng walked up at this time and said to his second uncle. He didn't use the native dialect for too long. Cheng Ruofeng didn't know how to speak anymore.

Second Uncle Cheng Ruofeng was obviously taken aback, but after turning around, he found that it was Cheng Ruofeng. The expression on his face was startled at first, but only a surprise, and said, "Ruofeng, it's you, why are you here? ?"

"I'll accompany my wife to do the checkup." Cheng Ruofeng pointed to Miao Yushi next to him, and said, "This is my wife, Yushi."

Miao Yushi was obviously also very sensible. Cheng Ruofeng didn't finish her words, and she immediately shouted "Second Uncle Hello" politely, looking very easy-going.

When Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle glanced at Miao Yu in amazement, he looked so beautiful when Miao Yu was still long, and the expression on his face suddenly looked a little complicated, then he smiled and said, "I didn't expect it. Ruo Feng, you are all married, and your wife is so pretty."

Miao Yushi's length is really not bad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A pair of exquisite facial features, coupled with a modern outfit after Cheng Ruofeng came to Ningcheng, makes Miao Yushi more fashionable and moving.

Cheng Ruofeng did not change his expression. It can be seen that Cheng Ruofeng did not seem to be particularly affectionate to this relative, but he still asked, "Second Uncle, why did you come to this hospital?"


When talking about this, Cheng Ruofeng’s second uncle couldn’t help but sighed, and then said: “It’s not your second aunt. She was injured, and the bone in her foot was directly broken. serious."

"The health clinic in our township doesn't work either. We can only come to the big hospital in Ningcheng, but to come to this big hospital without even a bed is really annoying." Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle said.

I thought that I would come to the big hospital in Ningcheng to get a lot of money, but now that I really came, I realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

Spending money is only the most basic item, and there are many difficult things, such as queuing up for registration and arranging wards, many people are not ranked.

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