League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1231: It doesn't matter at all

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Cheng Ruofeng actually said this out of good intentions, because he also knew in his heart that his second uncle's family actually had poor conditions at home.

Even though so many years have passed, it can be seen from their dressing and grooming that they are probably not much better than before.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't have the pleasure of revenge, nor did he ridicule or sarcasm. On the contrary, Cheng Ruofeng still sympathized with his second aunt, so he said something kindly.

Unexpectedly, when he said this, he was directly stunned by his cousin: "Yeah, it's a good mess now, even the tone of speech is different."

Everyone can hear it. There is a ridiculous meaning in his words. When he was a teenager, he had a bad temper and didn't deal with Cheng Ruofeng. The two people had conflicts before. Fights and other things were too common. It's not good, so when this guy saw Cheng Ruofeng, he didn't have any affection, but kept taunting him, looking very unsightly.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut for a while? I've been talking here forever!" The second uncle glared at his son Cheng Song.

The second uncle was really helpless when he let Cheng Ruofeng leave his home. At the same time, it made the second uncle feel guilty towards Cheng Ruofeng. When he heard that his son didn't speak well to Cheng Ruofeng, the second uncle directly reprimanded him.

Originally, Cheng Ruofeng did nothing wrong, and after seeing each other after many years, Cheng Ruofeng still has this kind of heart, and my uncle is still very moved.


This Cheng Song coldly snorted directly, his face looked unhappy. He usually didn't expect others to pretend to be in front of him, so when he saw Cheng Ruofeng's pretending to be "pretending", he was naturally very upset.

At this time, a doctor in a white coat came out of a ward. He should be visiting the inpatient department.

After seeing this doctor, Cheng Ruofeng went directly and said: "Hello doctor, I am the patient's family."

When the doctor heard Cheng Ruofeng's words, he stopped his steps, took a look at Cheng Ruofeng, and asked, "Hello, what's the matter?"

"That's it. My relative is seriously injured right now. It's no way to lie down here. Can you arrange a hospital bed? That's more convenient for rehabilitation." Cheng Ruofeng probably said.

When the doctor heard these words, he showed a helpless smile. He didn't know how many times a day he would hear such words. When many people found him, they basically said these words, and they were quite used to it.

So the doctor directly replied in an official tone: "I'm sorry, the bed is really tense now, as you can see, so many people are waiting in line."

"It's not that we don't want to make arrangements for you. Who doesn't want the patient to recover quickly? After we have the ward, we will definitely notify you immediately." The doctor said.

In fact, doctors really have nothing to do with this kind of thing. Maybe many people like to scold doctors, saying that they are irresponsible and don't care about the safety of patients.

But the actual situation is that these doctors are in the hospital every day, and there are too many patients to watch, so their hearts will not fluctuate too much.

There are so many patients in need of treatment, how can they be managed all of them, so these people are also step by step, almost completing their own work every day.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't give up immediately after hearing this, but continued to say without giving up: "Then can I add some money? Can I arrange a ward with some money?"

The doctor still smiled. There are many patients with this kind of thinking, but this kind of thing is not something that can be done with a little extra money. If everyone comes to add money, how can the poor treat their illness? There is nothing fair. .

So the doctor said: "I'm really sorry. According to the regulations, it is not possible to charge patients randomly. All patients are the same. The bed is a first-come, first-served thing, and the queue is in order.

This guy’s words are high-sounding, but the actual situation is not like this. The subtext is to tell you that it’s not good to have money. You are not the only people who don’t have money these days. You have a way to do it. Otherwise, who will Bird you.

After speaking, the doctor left directly, he still had a lot of things, and he didn't have time to waste more time with Cheng Ruofeng.

"Ruo Feng, forget it, we also have to follow the rules, don't be busy, he won't arrange hospital beds for us." The second aunt lying on the bed said directly.

In fact, they got such a rhetoric before, so they didn't hold any hope.

"Tsk tut————"

After Cheng Ruofeng failed to communicate with the doctor this time, Cheng Song on the side immediately showed a very interesting expression, and couldn't help but mockingly said: "What's the matter? I just said that I can arrange it. ?"

"I really think of myself as a character. We can't say it. Do you think you can say a few words?" Cheng Song continued to ridicule, as if watching Cheng Ruofeng make a fool of himself, he felt very happy.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't care either. He said that there was nothing to talk about with this kind of person. If it weren't for the face of the second uncle, Cheng Ruofeng would really not bother to stay here.

Immediately, Cheng Ruofeng took out his own phone and called Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Hey, boss, do you have any acquaintances here at the Affiliated Hospital of Ning Medical University?"

"What's wrong, didn't you have all the examinations, why are you still looking for an acquaintance in the hospital?" Su Ming on the other end of the phone was stunned, and didn't understand what Cheng Ruofeng meant for a while.

Cheng Ruofeng said briefly: "I happened to ran into one of my relatives in the hospital. She was hospitalized here without a ward. The injury was quite serious. I wanted to find someone to arrange it."

When he asked Su Ming about this kind of thing, he really asked the right person. Su Ming knew Yin Rengui, the dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Ning Medical University. He was a protégé of Professor Li and had a good relationship with Su Ming.

So Su Ming said directly: "I know their dean, send you the number, you can tell him by yourself, say you are my friend, you must arrange it for you!"

"Okay, I get it!" Cheng Ruofeng didn't say anything to Su Ming. It's nonsense to say more about it based on their relationship.

A phone call was made to Yin Rengui. Yin Rengui is currently outside for a meeting and is not in the hospital, but when he heard that it was Su Ming's friend, Yin Rengui immediately agreed to arrange a ward, which is nothing at all!

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