1234.Chapter 1234 Somehow some hope

Cheng Ruofeng's words are still quite pretentious. If most people hear this, I am afraid they will have to curse and pretend to be compelling. After all, these days, people who dare to directly say that they are not bad are still a minority.

But Cheng Ruofeng is indeed qualified to say this. Since mingling with Su Ming, Cheng Ruofeng seems to have become smooth sailing, and now he is a successful person anyway, so for Cheng Ruofeng, he is not short of a few money, nor is it Things that are not possible.

More importantly, after Cheng Ruofeng said it this time, no one really dared to stand up and sing the opposite. Even the look of Cheng Song who looked at Cheng Ruofeng at this time began to become complicated.

It can be said that his face was slapped and slapped, and today his face was almost swollen by Cheng Ruofeng.

Before he had ridiculed and despised Cheng Ruofeng, many people knew it, and it was also very obvious. Who knows that Cheng Ruofeng really didn't brag.

I contacted the dean of the doctor at the affiliated hospital of Ning Medical University, and arranged a ward to come out easily. How could Cheng Song dare to speak.

When the second uncle's expression was complicated and he wanted to say something, Miao Yushi on the side also stood up and said: "Second uncle, don't be polite to Ruofeng."

"If Feng has opened a company now, the business situation is still good. It's not bad for the money. You can live here with peace of mind, so that your second aunt can quickly take care of your body. This is the most important thing." Miao Yushi Said.

Originally I wanted to kindly persuade my second uncle and the others, but who knows what Miao Yushi's unintentional remarks directly caused the second uncle and their hearts to set off waves of stormy waves.

Starting a company, they couldn't even think of it. Cheng Ruofeng now has a company. This... it feels impossible to look at it.

Everyone knew exactly what Cheng Ruofeng looked like when he left their home. He was just a poor boy who had nothing. Who would have thought that he would be the boss today.

It’s no wonder that Cheng Ruofeng’s dress is different now, and people look very energetic. He also asked such a beautiful wife. More importantly, people can now contact the deans of such big hospitals. Character.

The eyes of the second uncle's family looking at Cheng Ruofeng were more or less complicated at this time, especially for Cheng Song, which was even more entangled.

You must know that he is about the same age as Cheng Ruofeng, and even Cheng Ruofeng is a bit older, but now the gap between the two is too big. You don’t have much work and do nothing in the village all day long. Cheng Ruofeng has been mixed up so well. In the eyes of rural people, if you can get Cheng Ruofeng like this, then you are already out there.

But the second uncle and the others finally didn't say anything, Cheng Ruofeng had already said so clearly, they definitely couldn't refuse.

Besides, they are living in such a ward with such superior conditions. It is indeed more effective for the rehabilitation of the patient. Moreover, the operation will be arranged as soon as possible. The waiting indefinitely before them is really true. I don't know how much stronger it is.

"You live here first, you haven't eaten yet, I'll go buy you some food." Cheng Ruofeng said at this time.

Originally I wanted to invite them out to eat. When we met for the first time, Cheng Ruofeng had to express it, but considering that her second aunt's leg was injured, it was not very convenient at this time. Cheng Ruofeng wanted to buy food for them.

Cheng Ruofeng took Miao Yushi with him, and did not leave Miao Yushi alone. He was afraid that he would be unaccustomed to getting along with his relatives during Miao Yushi.

After Cheng Ruofeng left, in this luxurious VIP ward, naturally the second uncle and his family were left with three people. These three people still have a dreamlike feeling. When they speak, the topic must be inseparable from Cheng Ruofeng.

"I didn't expect it, Ruofeng's child, now he's so prosperous, hey————" the second aunt said.

It was originally a boast, but the second aunt sighed while talking, which made other people sound a little strange.

However, the second uncle on the side suddenly heard why this was happening, and said in an annoyed way: "You are still embarrassed to sigh. If you hadn't forced Ruofeng away back then, I saw him today, it wouldn't be so. awkward."

"Why do you blame me, don't you know what is going on in our family?"

The second aunt also said unwillingly: "Back then, we almost couldn't afford to eat, and there was one more population, and he wanted to learn, and always beat us Komatsu, what can I do, just complaining~ www.wuxiaspot.com~Who knew that he just left like this."

At first, the second aunt was plausible, but as she spoke, her second aunt's tone began to weaken. It seemed that Cheng Ruofeng's help today made her very ashamed.

He said directly: "But today I really have to thank Ruofeng. This kid is really good. He can endure hardship and he should be promising."

Cheng Song may be the person who feels the most complicated, but he no longer has any thoughts of taunting Cheng Ruofeng, because he knows in his heart that he is not worthy at all.

This guy didn't know what he was thinking, and he said directly: "Parents, look at his cousin Ruofeng, who is so prosperous now. If we ask him for help, can we solve the problem in our family?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle and aunt's complexion all changed, and then the second uncle directly reprimanded: "What are you thinking about all day long in your mind?"

"Today, this matter is already enough to bother Ruo Feng., It's both money and effort, and the mess in our family is still troublesome to others, where's the face?" The second uncle directly reprimanded.

It can be seen that this second uncle is still very decent, and his three views are also right. It is a pity that he hasn't done much in his life. He has planted crops for a whole life. He is tortured by life, and sometimes he can't help himself.

But the second aunt on the side said: "What are you fierce? Knowing to be fierce to your son, I have never seen you like this to other people!"

"I think Komatsu is right. We really can't do anything about the family. If we ask Ruofeng for help, maybe he can do it."

The second aunt continued: "It's not that we have to ask him to help. Let's ask him if he can do anything. If he doesn't know what to do, then naturally forget it. In this case, there is still some hope."

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