League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1237: Came out specially for him

From the perspective of Cheng Ruofeng and others, the door of the second uncle's house, for the sake of a circle of people, seemed to be villagers in the village.

The off-road vehicle that suddenly rushed over naturally attracted everyone's attention. Such vehicles were rarely seen in the countryside, so everyone looked over, wondering how this strange black Audi came to Chengjia Village.

Just when everyone was surprised, the second uncle and the others got out of the car. Cheng Ruofeng hadn't returned for many years, and everyone didn't know each other, but the second uncle and Cheng Song could see each other every day, and they all knew each other.

As a result, after seeing the second uncle and the others got off the car, everyone couldn't help being even more surprised. They said to their hearts what was going on. Everyone in the same village knew everything about it. I really didn't expect the second uncle Cheng Ruofeng and his family to be like this, and they could still sit there. When the car came back, this was indeed unexpected.

The second uncle and the others ran to their door in a hurry. Fortunately, they took a look and found that the house was still there, and it had not been demolished by the guy Pan Ye. It took more than an hour. Their efficiency is actually not good. so fast.

"Xiao Ming, you...what's wrong with you?"

But when the second uncle came closer to take a look, the second uncle’s face suddenly changed. His youngest son, Cheng Ming, was beaten by someone. There was blood on his face at this time, and it looked strange and scary. .


Cheng Ming directly spit out **** saliva on the ground. It seemed that the blood in his bones had already been stimulated, and he said directly: "Dad, I'm fine, just a little bit of skin, just now these people are going to do it. I was stopped by someone with me."

Seeing Cheng Ming’s appearance, Cheng Ruofeng’s eyes showed a look of appreciation. A man should be like this. A little blood is considered a hair. If you encounter trouble or unpleasant things, you have to do it. Persuaded.

The second uncle was a bit anxious at this time. No matter how honest people are, there are some places that they cannot touch. His wife was beaten and was hospitalized in the hospital, and his son was beaten again. It is conceivable that the second uncle was in his heart at this time. The mood is very explosive and unhappy.

So the second uncle, with red eyes, looked directly at the opposite Pan Ye, and shouted: "Pan Ye, don't bully too much. Cheng Dahu is not the kind of bully. Believe it or not, I will fight with you. Up."


Pan Ye, who was standing opposite, showed a very interesting expression on his face, and then said: "I am not the kind of bully. I did this according to the documents approved above. So there is no situation where I bully you, don’t spit people here."

"If you are really upset, you can come up, come to me and try desperately, I'll see if you have that ability." Pan Ye also said coldly.

To put it bluntly, this guy is right. Second Uncle Cheng Ruofeng is so bullying, otherwise he would not dare to be so arrogant, as can be seen from the disdainful expression on his face.

He had the final say in Chengjia Village, and no one was in his eyes.

Many villagers on the sidelines cursed Pan Ye for being shameless. How could it be possible for you to demolish other people’s houses casually with the documents and things approved on the woolen yarn? Heard of this truth.

It is obvious that this Pan Ye wants to save trouble, and does not want to spend so much energy and financial resources to rebuild a piece of land. If the house of Cheng Ruofeng's second uncle is used, a lot of money will be saved in it, and the money will naturally go to Pan Ye. In his pocket.

Of course, everyone knows these things well, but no one dared to say it directly. After all, Pan Ye's lewd might is too big, this is the standard dare to be angry and dare not speak.

When the second uncle saw that his son was beaten, he was already very angry, but when he was so directly stimulated by this Pan Ye, the second uncle suddenly couldn't bear it. No matter how honest people are, it will happen.

And the eternal truth is that the more honest people are, the more terrible they will actually burst out. Those who tend to kill are given to those who are more counseled in reality.

The second uncle was angry, so he immediately struck Pan Ye's face with a forceful punch, but he was held by Cheng Ruofeng on the side before he swiped the punch.

Cheng Ruofeng would definitely not let his second uncle take action, because Cheng Ruofeng could see that there were some sturdy people around Pan Ye. At first glance, the rogues and the like nearby had a certain fighting power.

I am afraid that the second uncle will not be able to touch the second uncle at all and will be knocked to the ground directly, so Cheng Ruofeng will definitely not let the second uncle take action.

After holding the second uncle, Cheng Ruofeng stood up directly and said, "Pan Ye, don't go too far. Bullying and not bullying others, everyone knows at a glance, you are just trying to benefit yourself. "

"Who is your kid special? You have the right to chirp with me?" Pan Ye glanced at this Cheng Ruofeng, but he didn't see who Cheng Ruofeng was.

After all, I haven't seen each other for so many years, Cheng Ruofeng's whole person has undergone a big change, and most people really can't see it.

"I'm Cheng Ruofeng. I haven't seen it in many years. It's normal if you can't recognize me." Cheng Ruofeng smiled and said.

I once thought about what the situation would be if I returned to Cheng's home village in the future. If Feng didn't expect it, it would be the scene like today.

"Ruo Feng, is he the Cheng Ruofeng from the Cheng family?"

"Oh my God, no, this person hasn't been seen in many years, it seems that I haven't seen it in more than ten years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ why suddenly came back."

"Didn't you hear that he went to serve as a soldier? Today he came back with his second uncle."

"I just said that I just looked at this kid's appearance and felt a little familiar, but now I remember, it turns out that it is Ruo Feng, the whole person is really changed, I didn't expect it!"


For a while, the villagers were a little boiled, and everyone looked at Cheng Ruofeng. You said one sentence at a time. When you suddenly saw someone you haven't seen for a long time appeared, you would still feel quite excited.

Pan Ye couldn't help but looked at Cheng Ruofeng again. He didn't expect that this kid turned out to be Cheng Ruofeng, but this Pan Ye was not a native of Chengjia Village, he came with his father later.

Therefore, I don't know Cheng Ruofeng too much. I only know that this kid is miserable. His parents were all gone in an accident, and even his second uncle kicked him out.

So Pan Ye smiled and said, "It turned out to be Ruofeng. Why, did you come back this time to come out for your second uncle?"

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