"Where are you now?" Su Ming, who was also anxious, said directly after his brain was blank for a while.

Xia Qingchan on the phone may be more anxious than Su Ming, and said, "I'm at Huahua's kindergarten, Ningcheng Yucai Kindergarten, and Huayuan Road."

"Wait for me there for a while, don't worry, I'll go there right away, and talk about everything when I arrive." Su Ming hung up the phone after speaking.

It is useless to say so much on the phone. No matter how anxious, there is no one to find. Su Ming must hurry over and go to the scene in person to see what is going on.

"Su Ming, what's the strange smell?" Su Ming just hung up the phone, and Qin Shiyin came over directly.

It turned out that Su Ming was anxious in his heart and forgot to turn off the fire. The contents of this pot were still burning, causing a smell to spread quickly, but Su Ming himself did not notice.

Qin Shiyin outside smelled the smell and thought what was going on in the kitchen, so he walked in and took a look. Unexpectedly, when he came in, he saw Su Ming holding his cell phone in a daze. This seemed too abnormal. Up.

Qin Shiyin's words awakened Su Ming. When Su Ming saw that the pot had started to emit black smoke, Su Ming quickly turned off the fire.

Immediately Su Ming said: "Shiyin, I am in a hurry right now, so I have to go out quickly. This dish can't be cooked for you. You can just pour it out in a while."

"I have already cooked two dishes. You can eat those two dishes. Let me drive your car." Su Ming said again, this situation is so urgent, it would be too much to run out to take a taxi. Time wasted.

Qin Shiyin saw the anxious expression on Su Ming's face and said directly: "If you have something to do, go as soon as possible. The car key is on the coffee table outside."

Su Ming himself hadn't figured out this kind of thing yet, and couldn't explain it to Qin Shiyin for a while, so he went out directly to get the car key, and drove out Qin Shiyin's BMW.

Huahua’s kindergarten is rather ashamed to say. Su Ming has never been to Xia Qingchan's daily pick-up and drop-off.

But fortunately, Xia Qingchan reminded Su Ming on the phone just now, telling Su Ming that he was on the other side of Huayuan Road, so Su Ming had a general direction in his heart, and he drove directly in the car.

Now this time after get off work and school, the road is quite congested, and Su Ming was blocked. Even though it was already driving very fast, it still took dozens of minutes. Su Ming wanted to fly over.

Finally found this Yucai kindergarten, Su Ming stopped the car at the door and found Xia Qingchan, who was full of anxiety, and said, "How is it, did you find it?"

"Su Ming————"

Xia Qingchan still had an undried tear mark on her face. It seemed that she had cried by herself just now. He only heard Xia Qingchan say: "Not yet, I have searched the entire kindergarten and the neighborhood."

"Ms. Xia, don't worry. I have already contacted the parents of other classmates in the class to see if Huahua has gone with her classmates. When the result comes out, I will tell you." At this time a young man with short hair and glasses The woman said.

This short-haired young woman is the head teacher of Huahua's class. Although she persuaded Xia Qingchan not to worry, how could she not be anxious, even the head teacher herself was very anxious.

If something happens to the students in the school, the teacher will be the first to be unlucky, and it is the head teacher of their class who is unlucky. After all, he is the person in charge.

So this female teacher is also very anxious. It is good that a child is lost after school. Although the parents are responsible for this matter, their kindergarten also cannot get rid of the relationship.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the random task [Finding Flowers]"

Task name: [Find Huahua]

Task requirements: Huahua was lost when the kindergarten was over today. I don’t know where it is at present. Please be sure to find her and ensure Huahua’s safety!

Mission time: six hours

Mission difficulty: Seven and a half stars

Task reward: 70 points

Unexpectedly, the system issued a task to Su Ming, which happened to prove that Huahua was indeed lost. Even the system clearly stated that Huahua was lost when introducing the task requirements.

Su Ming had only an urge to scold his mother at this time. Su Ming didn't want to do this kind of task at all. The system was a fixed routine for the task. The first sentence of his mouth must be "Congratulations to the host".

It's just that under this situation, listening to Su Ming's ears is really weird, and Su Ming feels very painful.

It's useless to scold the system. Su Ming's first task is to find people as soon as possible. Even if the system doesn't issue this task to Su Ming, Su Ming will have to find people anyway.

But at this time there was no clue, even Su Ming wanted to give himself a slap, the only useful card trick was used by Su Ming.

A few days ago, in order to play with Lin Yingzhu, Su Ming casually used the card's big move. Su Ming did not expect to be able to use it so quickly. The cooldown time of this thing is relatively long, and it is not It can be cooled in a few days.

This incident taught Su Mingxue a lesson. In the future, this kind of long-term cooling skill must not be used casually. It is likely that a major event will happen.

Su Ming was also very helpless, and said directly: "Have you called the police? By the way, hurry up and call the school's monitoring system to see ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just look at the door."

"On the monitoring side, I am contacting the people in the kindergarten security department. They have gone home from get off work. I don't have the right to call now. Please wait a while." The attitude of the short-haired head teacher is quite good.

"Su Ming, we didn't call the police. We were looking for it just now. I wanted to call the police, but Teacher Wu said that it's only more than an hour now. If you call the police, they won't pay attention." Xia Qingchan said .

Su Ming nodded. There is nothing wrong with what the teacher said. If a person is lost, if it happens for a while, the police station will not accept it.

Because in a short while, you can't be sure if someone is lost. If everyone goes to the police like this, it won't be messy.

It’s just that Su Ming can’t help it and can’t continue to drag it down. The longer the time passes, the more dangerous it will be. Su Ming definitely understands this. So he must use the power of the police to find people. They are professional. .

Su Ming has a special relationship with Luo Xiaoxiao, which is definitely different from other people. So anxious Su Ming said: "Leave this to me."

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