League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1249: Ancient warriors walk everywhere

Su Ming was completely stunned. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, even if he was really killed, this Lin Wufu was not an ordinary person at all.

"Plop, plop--"

In the next few minutes, these ten people with the middle-aged man wearing a black coat experienced nightmarish minutes for a few minutes. They didn’t understand what was going on at all, and found out that they even fought back. The ability is gone.

The sound of someone being knocked down on the ground can be heard continuously, burst after burst, very rhythmic.

Lin Wufu used his powerful combat power, only a few minutes of effort, to get rid of all these people, looking at these people screaming all over the floor, Lin Wufu's face, even at this time there was no expression.

Because in Lin Wufu's opinion, these people are all mobs, even if they win, it is not worth mentioning.

Little did he know that he stunned Su Ming. This made Su Ming aware for the first time. It turned out that in addition to himself, there are people who can fight in such a perverted state, which can instantly make a dozen people almost without the ability to fight back.

"No, this guy can't be an ordinary person!"

After Su Ming's shock slowly disappeared, immediately the whole person began to regain consciousness. After thinking about it carefully, he found that this seemed impossible.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have this kind of combat power. This is not for making movies. Even if you know Kung Fu and know some martial arts, ordinary people are actually better than ordinary people.

One person can beat several people, but one person beats a dozen people, and there is no suspense. Su Ming doesn't believe that ordinary people can do it.

Although this guy didn't use any vitality to make Su Ming feel, Su Ming still thought about the convenience of the ancient warrior, and then Su Ming turned on Quinn's W skill, and silently checked the strength of the guy in front of him.


Under Quinn's W skill, these ancient warriors were all in a glance. Basically, he saw his strength all at once. He turned out to be an ancient warrior in the middle of the micro-level. This realm was even higher than Su Ming's.

Su Ming is only now in the early stage of the Micro Realm. Of course, Su Ming's real combat power is different from his realm.

But Su Ming is still quite shocked now, he is yet another ancient warrior, who is this? Su Ming even has a bit of memory, because there have been too many ancient warriors in these two days.

It took a long time to meet an ancient martial artist, but I don't know what happened recently. It seems that there are many ancient martial artists in Ningcheng.

It turned out that in Su Ming's eyes, it seemed more strange to see an ancient warrior in Ningcheng than to see a giant panda, but now this ancient warrior has already started to run all over the ground, making Su Ming particularly surprised.

Of course, Su Ming's surprised eyes only flashed past, and he did not express his emotions on his face.

Lin Wufu didn't even know that Su Ming had found out his realm. At this time, Lin Wufu went up and gave the trafficker in the black coat a kick.

It seemed that he was very upset, and he said, "I accidentally let you run away not long ago, so you dare to bring someone over to make trouble for me."

"At that time, if it wasn't for the little girl crying too fiercely, I would have to go up and catch you and have a fight. Lao Tzu is the most uncomfortable scum like you." Lin Wufu slapped again after finishing talking Past.

Xia Qingchan had already walked aside with Huahua, and covered Huahua's eyes, and kept talking in Huahua's ear to distract her.

This kind of violent scene is obviously not suitable for a child who is only a few years old to see.

However, after seeing the scene where Lin Wufu was picking up the traffickers, Su Ming was slightly relieved, although he didn't know where another ancient warrior appeared.

But fortunately, this guy looks pretty good, fits Su Ming's appetite, and is not hostile to Su Ming.

In the past, most ancient warriors encountered Su Ming, and they would not end well, and would become the sacrifice of the troll's ultimate move.

However, Su Ming did not have any bad impression of this Lin Wufu. On the contrary, this person helped Su Ming so much. Su Ming had already regarded him as his friend, and he could not take revenge against his friends.

"Xiongtai, you can contact those policemen and arrest these scumbags!" Lin Wufu came over and said to Su Ming, he didn't notice Su Ming's abnormality at all.

Su Ming reacted after being reminded by Lin Wufu, and almost forgot about it. These conscientious guys can't just let it go, they have to be handled by the police.

So Su Ming directly took out his mobile phone. In this case, it seemed that Luo Xiaoxiao would have to trouble Luo Xiaoxiao again.

As for the group of people on the ground who were knocked down by Lin Wufu, they were shocked when they heard that Su Ming was going to call the police. Although they were arrogant, they knew that they would be scared if they really called the police.

So the trafficker struggled twice, the first instinctive reaction was to get up quickly and want to run.

"Be honest!"

Lin Wufu kicked it directly, this time he didn't have that good luck. Lin Wufu was watching by the side, and he wanted to run, it didn't exist.

In a short while, Luo Xiaoxiao rushed to the scene with someone. Luo Xiaoxiao was surprised to see the scene, but he didn't expect people to be caught so quickly.

Su Ming probably talked about the situation. Luo Xiaoxiao understood it after hearing it, and took them all one by one. The police station was not far from here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was too troublesome to get back.

Just looking at Luo Xiaoxiao's cheerful look, Su Ming knew that she must work overtime today.

"This Xiongtai, you are quite skilled, I don't know what your name is?" Su Ming didn't directly say that Lin Wufu is an ancient warrior. It would be too abrupt to say directly. .

"My name is Lin Wufu, and when I hear this name, I know I must be a brash man." Lin Wufu said with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Su Ming, Su Dongpo's Su, Mingyue's Ming." Su Ming also introduced himself.

Immediately after finding a taxi, Su Ming took Lin Wufu to the city, a very distinctive restaurant, and the grade was not low.

When Lin Wufu came to the door, he suddenly became scared. It was the opposite of when he was fighting just now. He looked at it and said, "Su Ming, this...is this place too expensive?"

"Don't worry, this place is very cheap. I'll treat you, you can eat with confidence." Su Ming patted Lin Wufu on the shoulder and took him in with him.

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