League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1251: What are you here for?



Su Ming's words made Lin Wufu stunned for a moment, and then Lin Wufu's eyes began to flicker. Whenever he came into contact with others and asked these questions, Lin Wufu would feel a little unnatural.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Wufu said directly to Su Ming: "I am...I came to Ningcheng to see if I could find a job and earn some money from a part-time job, but I haven't found it in a few days."

Lin Wufu's remarks sounded nothing wrong, nor suspicious, but they weren't the same in Su Ming's ears. Su Ming would not believe him.

Because Lin Wufu’s first reaction just now had already sold the listener, when Su Ming asked him a question, he deliberately paid attention to the expression on Lin Wufu’s face. The twinkling of this guy’s eyes hesitated a little. It is abnormal.

Basically, if you notice it a little bit, you will know that something is wrong, indicating that he must have made it up temporarily.

The corner of Su Ming's mouth turned up slightly, but he still didn't pierce Lin Wufu. Instead, he continued to follow Lin Wufu's words and said, "I didn't find a job. How about that?"

"It just happens that there is a company under my name. I will arrange it for you. My company is currently hiring people and can give you a job, just as I will pay you back today." Su Ming said deliberately.


Lin Wufu was stunned again. It was obvious that the development of the situation was different from what he thought. He thought that Su Ming was just asking him. Who knew that Su Ming went further and even arranged for him to work. This... …

This made Lin Wufu feel a little confused for a while. He didn't even know how to pick up Su Ming's words. You must know that he came to Ningcheng this time because he didn't come for a part-time job.

Lin Wufu was stunned for a few seconds before he said directly: "It doesn't seem to be very good. It would be too troublesome for you, Brother Su. I'm very embarrassed, and I don’t have much culture and don’t know how. What kind of work, I'm afraid it really won't work!"

"Okay, don't pretend, tell me what you are doing in Ningcheng." After talking for a long time, Su Ming feels that the heat is almost over, and he is not interested in going around with this person. Su Ming plans Just pick out the words clearly.

"Brother Su, you...what do you mean?"

Su Ming's words made Lin Wufu stunned again, and immediately Lin Wufu continued to pretend to say: "I just came to Ningcheng to work, and I don't have much money."

"It will be boring if you pretend to be forceful with me like this. You are an ancient warrior who came to work for someone. Do you think I would believe it? And if you really want to work for ordinary people, with your strength, it is estimated that countless rich people The big family is rushing for you." Su Ming glanced at this Lin Wufu, and then continued.

Lin Wufu's eyes shrank abruptly, his face finally became serious, and at the same time the eyes looking at Su Ming couldn't help being more vigilant. He took two steps back and said, "What are you? People, how do you know my identity?"

Lin Wufu searched his own memory. Since he came to Ningcheng, he hasn't shown anything, nor has he used the unique vitality of ancient martial artists. It's impossible to be discovered.

Not to mention that Lin Wufu didn't know Su Ming at all. It was the first time he saw him today, how could he expose his identity.


Just when Lin Wufu became vigilant, Su Ming suddenly raised a fist, and unexpectedly hit Lin Wufu's face with a punch, making Lin Wufu surprised.

But fortunately, Lin Wufu's vigilance at this time had reached a very high level, so he was not sneaked by Su Ming's punch. He reacted very quickly and directly raised his punch and hit Su Ming.


After the two iron fists hit together, there was a dull sound. The two sides seemed to be evenly matched. At the same time, the vitality was constantly colliding, and the dust on the ground nearby was blown up and floating in the air. in.

Obviously the vitality used by both sides of this punch is tentative, and there is no exaggerated effect produced by the punch.

Lin Wufu's eyes have gradually risen with a ruthlessness. His personality is good, but it doesn't mean he is bullied. Su Ming's sudden attack on him made Lin Wufu extremely angry, and he was ready to raise his anger to Su again. Ming rushed over here.


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Su Ming suddenly raised his hand, pointed his palm at Lin Wufu, and said: "You should have seen it too, we are the same."

Lin Wufu immediately calmed down, and at the same time, the ruthlessness in his eyes gradually disappeared. He then understood ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It turns out that Su Ming's punch just now didn't mean to attack him suddenly. .

But through this method, he has shown his identity and explained that he himself is also an ancient warrior.

So Lin Wufu said in surprise: "You...are you also an ancient warrior?"

"Nonsense, if I wasn't for the ancient martial artist, how did the punch just come out?" Su Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes at Lin Wufu.


Lin Wufu couldn't help being speechless. After thinking about it, it seemed that what Su Ming said was quite reasonable, because there was vitality in Su Ming's punch just now.

And this thing of vitality is unique to the ancient warriors. If ordinary people also have this thing, it will not be different from the ancient warriors.

So Lin Wufu continued to ask: "Are you...are you a native of Ningcheng?"

"That's right, a native of Ningcheng," Su Ming admitted.

Now it was Lin Wufu's turn to be surprised. He couldn't help but glanced at Su Ming again. The surprise in his heart was conceivable, but he did not expect that such a young ancient warrior is still hidden in this place in Ningcheng. This was something Lin Wufu had never expected.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Wufu asked, "You...how did you see that I am an ancient martial artist? I haven't used my vitality at all?"

Su Ming couldn't always say that I saw it with skills, so he analyzed it with a serious look: "When you hit those traffickers, you didn't use your vitality."

"But that kind of physical strength and skill is impossible for ordinary people, so you didn't hide yourself." Su Ming said.

Lin Wufu didn't speak anymore, it seemed that Su Ming had some truth, but he didn't expect Su Ming to see it this way.

"Next, can you answer my question, why are you here?" Su Ming asked. Just read a refreshing novel

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