League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1253: More and more nonsense

();Of course, Lin Wufu would never have imagined that he would have killed him. Su Ming was able to cultivate such a sky-defying speed because of the bug-like existence of the troll's ultimate move.

This thing is definitely Su Ming's huge secret. If it is known to those in the ancient martial arts world, there will be this kind of good method in the world, which can absorb all the power of others without any side effects.

This is definitely something that can make all the ancient warriors jealous and crazy about it. If it is really revealed, Su Ming will be torn to pieces by those masters immediately. Su Ming understands this truth well.

But the words Lin Wufu said tonight have had too much impact on Su Ming. Su Ming had never thought about it before. It turns out that in this world, there are still Guwu clan, and even bigger Guwu. The world overturned Su Ming's previous impression of ancient warriors.

It's not that the ancient martial artist appreciates it, but Su Ming hasn't touched it. What he has come into contact with is just the tip of the iceberg in the ancient martial world, which is really nothing.

In front of the real Guwu family or the huge Guwu world, Su Ming is too small, like an ant.

Lin Wufu continued: "This time not only I have people from the Ouyang family, but there are actually other people from the Guwu family. I don't even know how many people have come."

"You must be wondering why everyone came to Ningcheng." Lin Wufu said, "In principle, we ancient warriors cannot enter the dunya. In order to avoid an impact on the dunya, few ancient warriors will come. In the dunya."

"Even the ancient martial artists who exist in the duny world are not particularly powerful, otherwise, the ancient martial arts world will definitely come out and directly sanction him." Lin Wufu said.

This sentence made Su Ming very injured in an instant, as if saying that Su Ming's strength was not very good.

Lin Wufu continued, "However, this time is an exception, because during this time, an ancient relic appeared in Ningcheng."

"Some time ago, there was a huge vision of heaven and earth, which was observed by several of our Guwu families at the same time. Through the calculation of the opposite position, we measured that there were ancient relics near Ningcheng, and we will arrive in two months. Opening time." Lin Wufu said.

"Ancient ruins?"

Su Ming’s full-faced question mark, a black question mark face, the more I hear it, the more mysterious it feels. Those who don’t know thought I was talking about fantasy novels here, and even such nonsense things as ancient relics came out. Su Ming suddenly I feel that my brain is not enough.


Lin Wufu nodded, and said: "I haven't seen this ancient ruin, but I heard from the elders in the family that this ancient ruin is a relic left over during the ancient war."

"It will appear every once in a while, maybe once every ten years, or maybe once every decades or hundreds of years. The time will not be fixed, but every time it appears, it represents a great opportunity."

"There are many secrets, magic weapons, elixir and other treasures in this ancient ruins. They are very tempting. As long as you step into them, you have the possibility of getting great opportunities. So every time the ancient ruins appear, those ancient weapons The family will fight in the battle and break the blood." Lin Wufu said.

Su Ming felt more mysterious the more I heard it, but Su Ming noticed a detail and said directly: "No, this thing will not start until two months later. What are you doing here so early? Two months in advance. Are you in a hurry?"

"I forgot to tell you, this ancient ruins is not something you can enter if you just want to enter, you need the key to enter."

Lin Wufu said: "Every time the ancient ruins appear in a place, it means that this place has a key to enter the ancient ruins, so we were all sent in advance to find the keys, and it was an experience given to us by the family. "

"What kind of key?" Su Ming, like the curious baby, has almost become a hundred thousand why.

Lin Wufu said: "Brother Su, I have already told you enough today, and I can't continue to say it. If I say anything more, I'm afraid some secrets of the family will also be revealed."

"I also hope that what I said today, Brother Su, don't disclose it casually."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not going to say it." Su Ming nodded directly at this time. Lin Wufu was able to reveal so much information to him, which was very interesting, and also let Su Ming know about the Ouyang family. I have a little bit of my personal history.

Su Ming would definitely not say things like what I said today, and no one believed it when he said it mainly.

So Su Ming said, "Brother Lin, if you want to find something in Ningcheng, you can find me if you need help. I can still find me in Ningcheng."

Su Ming didn't have any arrogance in what he said~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he said that he was a bad messenger in Ningcheng, then it is estimated that Ningcheng has no good messengers.

Lin Wufu nodded, he also felt that Su Ming was quite reliable, and he did not have much experience in the dunya for the first time, he only figured out the general rules of the dunya.

During this period of time, I was busy keeping myself alive. Finding a key was a matter of no progress. It was really painful.

It would be more convenient if you could have the help of a local like Su Ming. After all, in the duny world, the style of the ancient martial arts is not feasible.

Lin Wufu stopped being polite with Su Mingduo, and simply nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, the car is coming!"

There were few taxis on this section, and I kept talking with Lin Wufu. Su Ming also forgot to use taxi software. After waiting for a while, a taxi finally came.

I got in the car and took Lin Wufu to Changmao. Su Ming didn't call Changmao and told Changmao that he knew that Changmao was at work, so I found a place to sit here and waited for a while, and I waited for Changmao back. .

"Brother, why did you come to me at this point?" Long hair, who was still wearing a uniform, couldn't help but say a little excitedly after seeing Su Ming.

Su Ming pointed to Lin Wufu next to him and said, "This is my friend, who just came to Ningcheng and has no place to live. Let me settle down with you. You can take care of him. Otherwise, I will be careful of you."

The last sentence was jokingly told to Changmao, but Changmao didn't dare to neglect. Once he heard that he was Su Ming's friend, his identity was extraordinary, and he was definitely a distinguished guest here.

So Long Mao directly patted his chest and packed the ticket and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will definitely serve you as a friend."

As soon as he heard the words "Serve well", Su Ming felt a chill in his heart for some reason.

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