During that time, it seemed that the whole family was living in fear. Among them, Shen Muke, Liu Guilan, and their mother and daughter were the more frightened.

Because Shen Lijun had been busy paying off his debts outside, rushing around to raise money, and he was constantly chased by people. Even many people found their homes, scaring Shen Muke and their wives.

The conditions of Shen Muke's house in the past were actually quite good, and they were different from when Su Ming only met Shen Muke.

After all, Shen Lijun was a foreman at that time. He spent a lot of time on the construction site. It was hard work, but he made a lot of money, but after that incident, it was equivalent to a huge watershed.

After the house was sold, the family moved to a shanty town. The house in the shanty town was rented at first. Later, Liu Guilan saved a little bit of hard work before buying the house. It was not very expensive because Renting an apartment is not a problem.

The biggest blow to this family is not the economic level, but Shen Lijun!

Since this incident, Shen Lijun has been completely depressed. He can't figure out how Yin Wei could do such a thing. You must know that he could treat Yin Wei as his good brother at the time. This kind of betrayal by his brothers was a pitfall. I am afraid that anyone who has experienced it can understand it.

Coupled with the fact that people have been pursuing debts for that period of time, Shen Lijun's spirit has been tortured not lightly, and he is already a pauper with nothing.

In fact, what Shen Lijun was most afraid of at the time was not being chased by debt collectors, because he was used to it, and he would be repaid if he was able to repay, and he would die if he couldn't be repaid.

What he feared most was going back to his shantytown home every day to face his wife and daughter. Shen Lijun allowed them to live such a life, and his heart was naturally very painful.

In addition, Liu Guilan had a strong temper back then. There was nothing at home and no one felt good. It was impossible to treat it as if not caring. Naturally, it was inevitable to complain in Shen Lijun's ears, which made Shen Lijun even more painful.

In the end, Shen Lijun couldn't hold on. Under the multiple blows, he was completely depressed, and began to drink heavily, numbing and paralyzing himself through alcohol.

At that time, Shen Lijun felt that the most comfortable time was when he was drunk, because he was dizzy and didn't need to think about other things at all.

Over time, Shen Lijun could no longer control himself and became an alcoholic.

It can be said that the tragedy of Shen Muke and his family was caused by Yin Wei alone, but because he met Su Ming, he abruptly pulled the Shen Muke family up. Life is like this, you will never expect it. What will happen in the future, everything is full of unknowns and possibilities.

Su Ming understood it, no wonder, no wonder Shen Lijun, a person who felt pretty good, would become like that.

The first time I saw Shen Lijun, Su Ming really wanted to go up and slap him twice. This kind of person is too irritating. If he doesn't have anything to do, he only knows to drink, and he treats Shen Muke and the mother and daughter like that.

Now Su Ming finally understands that Shen Lijun is also a hard-working man, he was abruptly trapped like that, which made people feel a little sad. Fortunately, Su Ming directly made him sober.

"Didn't that Yin Wei have been missing for many years. I haven't heard from him for more than ten years. Why did he suddenly find you?" After Liu Guilan's memory was over, she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked. Tao.

Shen Lijun sighed, his eyes still seemed complicated, and he said: "I don't know when he came out. I happened to bump into him when I got off work today, and he stopped my car. ."

"Why is this guy hitting you? He did that kind of shameless thing back then, and he still has the face to see you?" Su Ming couldn't help but said.

From Su Ming's point of view, this is simply unimaginable. This Yin Wei did such a shameless thing and should have escaped and never see Shen Lijun. He actually took the initiative to see Shen Lijun.

What makes Su Ming feel even more strange is that he actually beat Shen Lijun, which is too funny, if he wants to fight, it should be Shen Lijun who beat him.

Shen Lijun actually smiled, as if thinking of something interesting, he said directly: "Do you know how funny it is?"

"After meeting me, Yin Wei explained to me what happened back then, saying that he was doing business with money, but he left too hastily, failed to notify me, and gave me my contact information. Lost." Shen Lijun said.

"He fart!"

Liu Guilan became excited again, and even couldn't help but burst into swearing, and said: "This kind of nonsense, he lied to the ghost, it's not his money why he took it out for business, and went too hastily. gab!"

Su Ming almost couldn't help but laugh. This guy is too funny. It's the first time I heard someone take the money and escape this kind of thing so fresh and uncommon.

Even Su Ming was a little curious about what Yin Wei looked like, and wanted to see him to see who he was. He was shameless to this point.

"Don't get excited, just listen to me, this is not the highlight."

Shen Lijun said directly: "Guess what he said next? He directly expressed his intentions and he wanted to borrow money from me."

"This kind of person would be good if I didn't beat him. How could it be possible to lend him money, so I just ignored him, who knows that this guy actually stopped me from letting me go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was angry at that time , Just let him let me go quickly."

"Then we two got into a quarrel. The guy picked up a big stone from nowhere and hit me on the head when he was doing his hands. As soon as he saw the bleeding, he ran away." Shen Lijun said .


Su Ming and the others finally understood what was going on. The expressions on everyone's faces were very indignant, and even Su Ming couldn't help but cursed directly. This is too shameless.

I thought that guy was shameless enough, but he didn't expect that he was shameless to this point, and even ran to ask Shen Lijun to borrow money. Su Ming didn't know how he spoke.

"Ding Dong————"

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and Liu Guilan ran over to open the door. After opening the door, it turned out that it was Yin Wei and recognized this guy at a glance.

When he had a good relationship with Shen Lijun back then, this guy didn't come to the house for dinner, so Liu Guilan would never forget the appearance of this guy. This is their biggest enemy.

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