League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1292: Su Ming's guess

After asking this question, Luo Xiaoxiao felt it instantly. It seemed a little inappropriate to ask directly like this, at least it would make people sound a little uncomfortable.

In order to avoid Qin Shiyin’s misunderstanding, Luo Xiaoxiao added another sentence, saying: “Chairman Qin, don’t misunderstand, we just want to know the situation and help solve the case!”

It has been determined that this is an intentional arson, which means that the other party is either directed at Qin Shiyin or at the entire Qin family. It must be an enemy. Friends can never do this kind of thing.

Qin Shiyin nodded, indicating that he understood Luo Xiaoxiao's meaning. In fact, Qin Shiyin had been thinking about who did it just now, but after thinking about it, he found that there was no particularly significant target of suspicion.

After thinking about it, if you really want to talk about offending people, then the entire Qin Group or the Qin Family must have offended many people, but there is no need to take such extreme measures, right?

Seeing that Qin Shiyin's face finally changed, she smiled bitterly, and then said: "Director Luo, you should also know that business people like us will inevitably offend some people."

"But if you really want to say which one has great hatred with our Qin Group, I really can't think of it for a while!" Qin Shiyin was a little helpless, not trying to hide it, she really didn't know who to suspect.


Luo Xiaoxiao didn't say much, he just asked about it anyway, and it didn't matter if he couldn't say it. This kind of thing had to be left to the police in the end.

So Luo Xiaoxiao stood up and said, "Chairman Qin, I also said the general situation. Let's stop here today."

"Keep in touch at any time, and if there are new developments later, I will contact you as soon as possible. If you want to develop a conference or make a news announcement, you can consider how to write it!" Luo Xiaoxiao said again.

It is a big event that a large company like the Qin Group catches fire. At least it looks like this in Ningcheng. Many people in Ningcheng have been discussing this matter since yesterday. There are also many media outlets. the same.

In the face of this situation, it is necessary for the Qin Group to come out and give an explanation. As for how to say this explanation, you need to consider it. If you directly say that someone has set a fire maliciously, it is estimated that the impact will not be good.

But this has nothing to do with Luo Xiaoxiao, and what to do then depends on the Qin Group.

Qin Shiyin nodded. These are not important points, and it is enough to leave it to the people under his hands to deal with it. It is enough to consider the words to reduce the bad influence.

"Director Luo, thanks for your hard work today, we will continue to keep in touch!"

Qin Shiyin and Luo Xiaoxiao shook hands again, and then personally gave Luo Xiaoxiao out. He was quite polite to Luo Xiaoxiao. After all, Luo Xiaoxiao was really tired after a busy day today.


After the investigation was completed, Qin Shiyin convened a brief meeting to explain the situation and asked all employees of the company to remember whether they paid attention to the arson suspect yesterday. If there is one, hurry up. Cooperate with the police to facilitate their investigation.

After the meeting, Qin Shiyin returned home with a heavy heart. Even while driving, Qin Shiyin's nerves were tense, for fear of sudden danger.

This feeling of being stared at is really uncomfortable to put it bluntly. Qin Shiyin felt that the real purpose of the fire was actually to kill her.

If it weren't for Su Ming's sudden miraculous appearance, it is estimated that she was really dead yesterday, and only one thing is unpredictable.

"How is it, how did you get along with Director Luo today?"

After returning home, Su Ming had already prepared dinner, and quickly helped Qin Shiyin pick up the bag in his hand, and then asked.

Seeing that Qin Shiyin’s face was not so good, Su Ming couldn’t help feeling nervous. He said what was going on. It might not have been fighting with Luo Xiaoxiao. I guess. Qin Shiyin can't beat Luo Xiaoxiao,

So Su Ming came up and asked nervously, how did you get along with Director Luo today. He just wanted to see what Qin Shiyin would say. He didn't even directly ask what was the cause of the fire. If it is reasonable, this should be the focus. Yeah.

At this time, Qin Shiyin's heart was heavy, and he didn't notice this small loophole in Su Ming's topic, so he said, "Director Luo is still very good, and his work is very serious and responsible."

As soon as Qin Shiyin was still talking about praising Luo Xiaoxiao, Su Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Since this is the case, it means that the situation that he has not imagined has happened.

So Su Ming continued to ask: "Then how about the cause of the fire today~www.wuxiaspot.com~?"

Qin Shiyin originally planned to come back and talk to Su Ming about this. Su Ming asked Su Ming to help analyze it. As soon as Su Ming took the initiative to ask, Qin Shiyin hurriedly spoke about the results of Luo Xiaoxiao's investigation today in detail. , Basically, a detail is not omitted.

"You mean, this fire was caused by someone deliberately taking gasoline and going to your company to set it on fire, and almost killed you?" After Su Ming understood it, his entire face went black.

Su Ming originally thought that it was an accidental fire yesterday, so after successfully rescuing Qin Shiyin, Su Ming felt very grateful that there was no tragedy.

Unexpectedly, when I heard that someone did this deliberately, Su Ming couldn't tolerate it. In other words, someone deliberately wanted Qin Shiyin's life.

This is the thing that Su Ming can't tolerate the most. It can be called Su Ming's bottom line. Once he touches it, Su Ming's whole person's emotions will be directly excited, and some changes have taken place in his mood at this time.

A very simple truth, just like you play a game, if you play a good game yourself, and something goes wrong and you lose, then you won’t say anything.

But if you play well, and your teammates mistreated you, I guess you can't help being angry.

"Su Ming, who do you think it might be? Just now Director Luo asked me if I had offended anyone recently, but I really can't think of who it is!" Qin Shiyin asked.

Su Ming's mind recovered a bit at this time, and suddenly he had a guess in his heart, if it was said that someone who had an enemy with Qin Shiyin or the Qin family, those eight achievements belonged to the Song family.

PS: I have to apologize to everyone today, because I was too busy during the day, and sometimes the update was not on time. I did forget it. I am sorry, but today is the fifth shift. I will try my best to be on time tomorrow. Thank you for your support. .

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