"Madam boss, give me a calculation!" Su Ming said to the boss.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening by this time, but the sound of the barbecue stall was still very good. This thing was very similar to a bar, anyway, business was good at night, and the stall usually closed in the middle of the night.

The lady boss had already calculated the bills, took a look at the bills, and said, "One hundred and eighty-six yuan, give it one hundred and eight!"

Just wipe out the odds for Su Ming all at once. Six yuan doesn't seem like a lot, but in fact, some stores may not let them out.

And this boss’s wife basically looks like this every time. The couple do business very grandly, and they don’t care about customers for a little money.

In many cases, if customers transfer money from their mobile phones, they only need to say a word. They don't even look at your mobile phone at all. In this way, the business will be better.

Su Ming had also been offered discounts many times before, and he felt embarrassed. It was not easy for people to do some business. So Su Ming directly gave two hundred yuan and said, "I'll give you the money."

"Okay, just put it in the box, you can take the twenty yuan!" The lady boss said.

Both of them were very busy. Without the time to find money, they asked Su Ming to find it in the cash box. Of course, I believed Su Ming very much.

Su Ming is not bad for this little money. Indeed, the boss and the proprietress both listened to them kindly, so they said: "No, I won't find the remaining money. Next time I come and give me a cheaper price."

It is equivalent to giving a little tip in disguise. Twenty yuan is not worth mentioning. When eating or consuming abroad, tipping is a relatively common phenomenon, but it is rare in China and the customs are different.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get the money quickly." The lady boss immediately stopped her movements and said, and took a piece of twenty yuan and stuffed it into Su Ming's hand.

Su Ming's words have already been said, so I am so embarrassed to ask for the twenty yuan, so he immediately walked away and said: "Okay, the boss, don't be so polite, just a little money!"

After speaking, Su Ming went straight back to Luo Xiaoxiao’s position. The lady boss still had something to cook, and she couldn’t leave for a while, so she had to give up and wait for Su Ming to come again next time. Just charge less.

Originally it was just a small matter, but because I was polite with the proprietress just now, many people who were eating at the barbecue stall noticed it.

Of course, most people didn't say anything. They looked at it and regarded it as nothing. They continued to eat and drink. Anyway, they have money and they can spend whatever they want!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a table of people who seemed to be bleed also noticed the incident. A red-haired guy said directly: "Nuppy, this kid can act so hard, is it too much money? Burning panic?"

"Brother Hua, people like to pretend to be forced. What we can say is only twenty yuan. Who knows that he has money but no money, maybe he is forced to pretend to be forced!" A guy with a cigarette in his mouth beside him, He said something.


This red hair, called Hua Ge, spit on the ground with a very unqualified sputum, and then directly cursed: "I usually can't get used to such a person who pretends to be coercive. It's okay to pretend to be coercive, honestly. Isn’t it good?"

This is a bit owed. First of all, if you take care of people's pretends or not pretend to be compelling, they will not interfere with you, let alone Su Ming, this is really not pretending to be forced.

But it was only twenty yuan. How could Su Ming take twenty yuan to pretend to be forced? This method of pretending to be too low-level.

A big guy with a tattoo on his body also burst out a **** when he opened his mouth: "Mapi, I'm the same as Hua Ge. I just look down on these people who like to pretend to be forceful. It looks really disgusting."

"Brother Hua, that kid jumps like this, how about we clean him up?" The man with a large tattoo on his body continued to speak.

"Pack him, do you mean to beat him?" The red-haired brother Hua was taken aback for a while, and then said something.

The tattooed man immediately said: "Yes, just give him a beat, so many of us rushed over directly, and we can't call him crying."

After this sentence was finished, all the people at the table suddenly laughed, as if they heard some good jokes. They did deal with a young man. There are so many of them, I am afraid that they can scare him to death before they start. Up.


Brother Hua still hesitated for a while, and then said: "Then we can't just go up and hit people, isn't it just a bit unreasonable?"

They are really not good people. They are all those on the street. They usually get together and do no good things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But hitting people is not random. You can scare people at ordinary times, but you can hit people casually. If they do, the police must come to arrest them.

The security situation in Ningcheng has always been very good, and it has become a national civilized city early, so there are no too arrogant gangsters, even the underground boss like Yang Buhuo has to be washed away.

There are still a lot of people who eat barbecues here. If they go straight up to do it and are photographed and sent out, maybe they will be in luck.

So Brother Hua hesitated a little bit, don't let yourself in just to teach this irrelevant person.

However, other people at this table drank a lot in the evening. It’s fine for these people to get together. Anyway, they drink. Although beer is not drunk, if you drink too much, it will still make people feel a little energetic. Article.

There are some kind of restless minds about things in my heart, so everyone's opinions are quite strong, anyway, there is nothing to do, it is fun to bully others.

There was another woman sitting there, who looked rather non-mainstream, with curly hair and a big earring. There was a weird tattoo on the neck, which was a proper non-mainstream.

This woman is of average length and good figure, but the smell of dust on her body is too strong. She is the girlfriend of this red-haired brother Hua.

This non-mainstream woman said directly: "Brother Hua, that kid is so pretending to be so compelling, let's clean up him, you see that brothers are all so strong!

"Yes, Brother Hua, it's boring anyway, let's go!"

"They are just two people, and there is a wife, afraid of what they do!"

"Maybe I can extort a little money!"

The non-mainstream woman continued: "He didn't mess with them casually, but we just need to find a reason not to."

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