League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1298: Where are you confident?

How could Su Ming not be able to see things that the people who eat melons can see? In fact, Su Ming knew better than anyone else. These little gangsters were just looking for something and deliberately found a reason.

Su Ming didn't feel scared at all when being asked by these people. After all, these people were too low-level, and they were not worth mentioning in Su Ming's eyes. Dealing with them was just a matter of moving their fingers.

The only thing that makes Su Ming feel a little strange is why these gangsters come to trouble him. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no contact with them tonight, let alone offending them.

If it is said that he came for molesting Luo Xiaoxiao, it is hard to say about the past, because this group of gangsters did not show much attention to Luo Xiaoxiao from beginning to end, and it was clear that they were coming to Su Ming. of.

If they wanted to molest Luo Xiaoxiao, they wouldn't have worked hard to put together such a drama that framed Su Ming. There is no need at all.

Su Ming suddenly had a very bad idea in his heart. Is it possible... This group of **** noticed that they are so handsome, so they are jealous?

"Boy, molesting my girlfriend, you are really brave, I think you are going to die!"

Brother Hua and the others were originally here to teach Su Ming. After finding out the reason, what nonsense they had, they were ready to do it right away.

"Stop it all!"

Just when these people were about to do their own work, Luo Xiaoxiao behind Su Ming suddenly shouted. After all, he was a policeman. This voice was very powerful and frightened everyone.

When Su Ming heard that Luo Xiaoxiao was coming up, he resisted the idea of ​​doing it. He said first to see what Luo Xiaoxiao planned to do.

According to Su Ming's thoughts, it is estimated that Luo Xiaoxiao was going to directly reveal his identity as a police officer and then sanction these gangsters.

People like them don't look like they are usually frantic, but when they meet the police, they will be ashamed, just like a cat saw a mouse.

Unexpectedly, the facts are slightly different from what Su Ming thought. After Luo Xiaoxiao stood up, she was slightly drunk. After all, after drinking a lot of beer, Luo Xiaoxiao pointed to the non-mainstream woman and said: "You , Come over to me!"

"who are you?"

The non-mainstream woman felt that Luo Xiaoxiao's aura was a bit strong, and she was frightened for a while. After standing up, she still boldly said something.

Anyway, her boyfriend is Brother Hua, there are so many people here, and there are only two people on the opposite side.

"I am his friend, I will ask you two questions, and you will answer them honestly!" Luo Xiaoxiao said.


The non-mainstream woman deliberately showed a very disdainful expression, showing that she was very hungry, and then said: "You ask, I will depend on what you ask, anyway, this man is insulting me. This is a fact. It's useless to ask you anything."

Before Luo Xiaoxiao could ask, the woman directly said something, and first emphasized that Su Ming's indecent assault on her was a fact and wanted to create some psychological pressure on Luo Xiaoxiao.

As an excellent policeman, Luo Xiaoxiao is too familiar with this kind of small routine. When interrogating prisoners, he doesn't know how many such tricks are used, so Luo Xiaoxiao definitely doesn't like this kind of trick.

Just listen to Luo Xiaoxiao directly say: "The first question, you listen to me, which one of us do you think is more beautiful?"


When I asked this question, the non-mainstream woman was dumbfounded. She thought that Luo Xiaoxiao wanted to ask some details of the indecent moment, to help Su Ming clean up, saying that Su Ming was wronged.

So non-mainstream women have already thought about what to say in their hearts. How Su Ming dragged her over, and then how to touch her, have already thought about it. Some details are not missed, so I promise to leave Luo Xiaoxiao speechless. It can be said.

Who knows if this Luo Xiaoxiao wore Metersbonwe today, but he didn't take the usual path. This question asked non-mainstream women never thought.

Let alone her, even Su Ming didn’t expect that Luo Xiaoxiao would ask such vulgar questions. It seemed that Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t look like that vulgar woman, Su Ming thought she wouldn’t care about her appearance. Stuff.

"Answer my question, who of us looks good?" The expression on Luo Xiaoxiao's face was very serious, and she continued to repeat her question, while quietly creating pressure on non-mainstream women.

The non-mainstream woman who is Luo Xiaoxiao's opponent, who is the deputy chief of the police station, was shocked by Luo Xiaoxiao's tone, and then said with some difficulty: "You...you are beautiful!"

This is a very self-esteem question. Generally, no one asks the question in this way. How can we directly ask others which one of us looks good? How can others answer.

And a woman’s vanity is very strong. Under normal circumstances, she will not admit that she is inferior to other women~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Especially in this aspect, even if it is really inferior.

But the non-mainstream woman doesn't want to admit it. Luo Xiaoxiao's appearance is here, it is very high, compared to this non-mainstream woman, I don't know how much stronger, the two sides are indeed not above the same level.

The huge gap makes non-mainstream women feel powerless, and they can't even admit it. They can't say that they are almost the same, or she is more beautiful than Luo Xiaoxiao.

This is too fake, so many people looked at it, and she couldn't say it, so she admitted, but when she did, she didn't look good.

Luo Xiaoxiao didn't seem to want to give her a chance to breathe. After she answered the first question, the second question came immediately. Luo Xiaoxiao continued to ask: "Then, do you think we two are in good shape? ?"


Non-mainstream women are already going crazy, asking what Luo Xiaoxiao means, and asking some damaging questions, which is too much.

She wanted to ignore Luo Xiaoxiao, but Luo Xiaoxiao's aura was too strong. In the voice of a deputy judge, in desperation, the non-mainstream woman said, "You have a good body!"

The non-mainstream woman's figure is still good, and this is where she is more proud. The twisted waist has made Brother Hua alive, which is quite good.

However, compared with Luo Xiaoxiao, the gap has come again. There is no harm if there is no comparison. Luo Xiaoxiao's figure is extremely hot, after all, he is born with a good foundation, and he also exercises regularly.


Just when the non-mainstream woman's voice just fell, Luo Xiaoxiao slapped it directly, and the sound of this slap was very loud.

After beating people, Luo Xiaoxiao said coldly: "You are not as good as me, and not as good as me. He is not rude to me. Why do you not be rude to you, where are you confident?"

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