It may be that he saw that Su Ming was ready to do it, so Luo Xiaoxiao specifically turned around and said to Su Ming, telling him not to intervene, otherwise, with Su Ming's combat effectiveness, wouldn't she have no fun at all.

In fact, Luo Xiaoxiao didn’t need to solve this problem herself. She called directly. If those people in the police station heard that their deputy chief was bullied by a group of gangsters, what? reaction? I'm afraid there is no need to say more.

However, Luo Xiaoxiao didn't choose to do that, and instead adopted violent methods cleanly, intending to forcefully eliminate these people.

I don't know what exactly Luo Xiaoxiao was irritated, anyway, Su Ming could see that she should be irritated and didn't dare to provoke her, so Su Ming nodded and agreed to Luo Xiaoxiao's words.

This group of small gangsters are not influential, and it is estimated that their combat effectiveness will not be very good. It shouldn't be a big problem for Luo Xiaoxiao to beat several of them alone.

And Su Ming was watching by the side. If Luo Xiaoxiao was in danger, Su Ming could take action instantly, so the possibility of danger was almost zero, so she just let Luo Xiaoxiao play, and she would be happy.

Many people at the barbecue stall heard the conversation between them, and they couldn’t help being surprised. They said that the young couple’s mentality was really good, and the two of them looked improper in the face of these fierce gangsters. .


Those little gangsters were also offended, especially what Luo Xiaoxiao said just now, what does it mean? Means that she is a woman who wants to kill all of them so many men?

It's too much. At any rate, they are all men, and with so many people together, how can they not even beat a female class.

If they can't beat them, I'm afraid they don't have to come out to mix, just embroider cross stitch at home with peace of mind.

Before the injured Hua Ge ordered, these people rushed up directly, one or two like wolves and tigers. Luo Xiaoxiao's small body was not enough to look at them at all. It seemed that Luo Xiaoxiao might be given to him at any time. Tore the same.

But Luo Xiaoxiao looked calm. She didn't know how many wanted criminals and murderers had seen. Although she hadn't played against all of them, at least the aura of those people was far beyond those of these little gangsters.

Luo Xiaoxiao stretched out her right foot first, and then leaned forward abruptly. In a standard grasping position, he caught the first **** and twisted his right arm directly. He yelled instantly.


Luo Xiaoxiao drank a lot of alcohol tonight. Although she was not drunk, she seemed to be a bit on the top. He didn't consider himself a policeman anyway.

These five or six gangsters were frightened by Luo Xiaoxiao's aura, they were really helpless with Luo Xiaoxiao, in fact, as long as a few of them came together from different directions, it was possible to defeat Luo Xiaoxiao.

It’s just that Luo Xiaoxiao acted too fiercely as soon as he went up, and they were so flustered, and a little lost for a while, so they didn’t meet Luo Xiaoxiao at all, so Luo Xiaoxiao used him and gave him one. One fell down, it looked particularly miserable.

"Oh, it hurts me so much--"

There was a burst of screams that sounded like this. Before it looked fierce and vicious, these little gangsters that no one dared to provoke at the barbecue stall were sorted out in an instant.

What's more dramatic is that being beaten like this by a woman is simply a shame in life.

"What are you looking at? Don't let me go!"

Luo Xiaoxiao drank directly, and immediately shuddered these little gangsters. There was no need for Luo Xiaoxiao to say anything anymore. A group of people crawled around.

Especially the non-mainstream woman and Hua Ge, the two are the fastest runners. After all, it is the matter of the two of them, for fear that Luo Xiaoxiao will catch them again.

Luo Xiaoxiao obviously no longer intends to pursue these people anymore. Some punks are of little use if they are caught. It is estimated that they will be released within a few days. It has no practical significance. Instead, they have taken care of their food for a few days. There is no great educational significance.

"Okay, don't watch everyone, do whatever you need to do now!"

Su Ming saw that the gangster had run away, which meant that the matter was almost over. It was just a trivial matter, so he spoke aloud to the many diners at the barbecue stall.

Although everyone returned to their seats and started to continue eating and drinking, it can still be seen that everyone is still talking about the incident just now:

"Oh my God, the woman just now was too aggressive, she knocked down all those gangsters alone."

"It's really amazing. She's beautiful and will make everyone. That woman is really the best of the best."

"Similar to what I It's the little white face next to Cheap, so I can get such a beautiful woman."

"Isn't it just that the man is a little handsome, and what's left is better than me, grass!"


Su Ming didn't know what these people were saying, so he said embarrassedly to the boss, making the scene a bit messy.

However, the boss and the proprietress knew that Su Ming could not be blamed for this matter, so they didn't say anything, instead they were more concerned about whether Su Ming was wrong.

Both of them were not in the mood to go shopping anymore, and the drinking and drinking minds were a little tranced, so Su Ming sent Luo Xiaoxiao home first.

Luo Xiaoxiao drove the car over, but because he was drinking, he couldn't continue to drive. Drunk driving is a very serious matter. As a policeman, Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't understand this.

"Brother, it's so late? Or don't you go back, come up and have fun." When he got downstairs, Su Ming hadn't spoken yet, but Luo Xiaoxiao suddenly came to Su Ming. Winking.

The whole Su Ming's heart beats wildly, and the heart said that Luo Xiaoxiao was hinting at himself, no, I can't say hints, it should be said that it is expressing, and everything is said to be for this purpose, it is not a hint.

After thinking about it for a while with Luo Xiaoxiao, if there were no **** things before, it is estimated that he had already taken Luo Xiaoxiao, and he could not break through that step.

Could it be that Luo Xiaoxiao couldn't help it anymore, and then planned to tonight...

Su Ming felt that his breathing was rushing, but he was embarrassed and nodded, so he said politely: "This is not so good, I'm sorry."

"Forget it, you go back early, remember to be safe on the way, bye!" Who knows Luo Xiaoxiao's conversation suddenly changed.

Su Ming: "..."

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